Another 24 hours please & thank you.
“It's not always about what we talk about that matters, just being here for each other when we need it has to count for something....“
Cowboy, in my opinion, you’ve summed up what the Cafe is about. My Cafe friends were supportive when I last relapsed. I was grateful for that support and it’s played a huge part in me staying away from al. I hold myself accountable. And I know if I slip, I can return to the Cafe and not be ashamed to admit my mistake.
I look forward to my Cafe visits every morning. They usually occur after I’ve walked the dog. I sit in my favourite chair and enjoy the first cup of coffee of the day, reading what’s new with my Cafe friends.
I hope Slo finds what she’s looking for. If posting on Roll Call does it for her, great. I used to post there as well as here and Newbies Nest but I find the Cafe provides everything I look for - non-judgemental friendship, insight, the sharing of life experiences. The Nest was great but it was too much at times for me. I admire the long term abstainers there and here. They are proof beating alcohol can be done! I like to be reminded that I’m not alone dealing with everyday living and I appreciate the support I’ve received when I feel I’m walking on eggshells.
I look forward to hearing more from my Cafe friends on what’s going on in their daily lives. This is a stressful time we’re living in and more than ever, I think the Cafe is relevant as we work to keep the beast at bay.
Mr V, safe travels! The Dakotas are an amazing place. I’ve visited twice and look forward to returning one day.
Have a great af Sunday everyone. Stay safe & well.