Damn, Dill. I'm so sorry about your sil. Why haven't we cured cancer yet? Hmmm makes me wonder.
QW, had to look that up. It's very rare. Sounds terrible. Such a sad thing.
ABC, thanks for breakfast and the picture. Love to see bear cubs. They are so goofy when they play.
Rava, good luck with your pup! I could never take Ginger to a no crate kennel. Even at her advanced age, she'd be fighting with anyone that sniffed her behind. She hates that and I can't say I blame her!
We have a neighborhood Tortoise (not indeginious to our area) that was set free here around eight years ago. He's estimated to be around 18 years old. He cruises through every May then disappears. Yesterday he showed up for a lunch of apples and strawberries. He stayed for about an hour. Pearl was quite confused by his visit but eventually got used to him.
Headed to brunch at my son's home. My granddaughter and hubby are visiting. She's pregnant and I want to see my first great grandson. Well, at least the bump. She's not due until October. ;-)
