Late check in here. As far as the Olympics go, I never was one to watch them very much, but this year I have studiously avoided them.
Ginger, I feel for you having to negotiate the happy hours and especially having a spouse that drinks nightly. Well done to you!
Rava, I'm glad you are feeling you are firmly back on track.
Unbeknownst to us, our Tessa tangled with a skunk last night just before we opened the door to let her in for the night. Oh my!!! What a stench! The whole house was instantly filled with the odious smell! We had to put her back out immediately, but it was so cold last night that we didn't have the heart to put her outside. We let her stay in the garage and the smell made its way into both our vehicles. I should have thought that at her age she would have known better!! LOL

24 more please for all of us here.