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Pauly has 100 days
Aww thanks to everybody! Its taken me 4 years to finally string 100 days together, I had some so so stretches all of 2015 but still made excuses to give in and drink,I had my last drink in October cuz my mom was coming to visit and I just couldn't see surviving the weekend sober with her around,typical AV talking, after that weekend I told myself no matter what, no matter how I was feeling I would not drink no matter what,I've had to hold on tight some days,go to bed early,excuse myself from everyone and everything sometimes, eat like a PIG sometimes anything to avoid drinking! If my mom came to visit now I wouldn't drink,thinking it through with a clear head I realize yes,she's annoying like a stray chihuahua but she deserves more than a drunk daughter, Louie deserves more,my hubs,coworkers, kids,society and most importantly I deserve morereading Rational Recovery helped which basically says what Byrdie says,you have to WANT it,well I did but I guess I wanted to drink too,I'm glad I practiced last year,at least I knew what to expect in the process,100 days is small but I had to make it,I just had to,thanks for never giving up on me,even though I was being a crybaby,excuse making,whiner! I appreciate ALL of you here,the longtermers,shorttermers we all learn from each other bits here and there,ok on to the next 100
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Pauly that is AWESOME!!!
Very, very chuffed for you, it's a big milestone, the days will just start totting up!!I can not alter the direction of the wind,
But I can change the direction of my sail.
AF since 01/05/2014
100 days 07/08/2014