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One Step at Time-Feburary 2016

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    About my "friend"...she lives in the boonies of southern Illinois. She is into horses, ghost hunting and conspiracy theories, in that order. I really can't see a romantic relationship springing from this meeting. She is a foodie, so we have some overlap there. Still, it's nice to have someone to chat with, sometimes commiserate with, and care about. She's 48, so I'd be borderline cradle robbing, LOL. I honestly don't think we have enough similarities to really make a good couple.


      SKendall, I think mama has a point...if you can approach your landlord and explain just what's going on with you, it might go a long way towards fixing things. :heartbeat:


        A least get a bootie call and share with all of us Fenny. (JK)
        Off to birthday dinner with some friends.
        I am so thankful and blessed to have you all in my life!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Happy birthday Mama! Enjoy your dinner! So glad you are here on this thread with us. Always upbeat and positive. Love you to pieces!


            Ne,please make sure the al is completely out of your system before taking AB I had a reaction from not waiting long enough before, luckily I haven't had to use AB in awhile, have fun at dinner Mama Fen,I'm intrigued with ghost hunting, could be real,could not be,I have a "ghost radar" on my phone and its fun for kicks,Liz,how's your day been? I spent 50 bucks at the 99 cent store,I need help I think! Bought some valentine stuff for the kids,hubs and Lou,just little things,chocolates,mugs,socks with hearts,gonna pay for hubs to get his tattoos colored in,he got a new one and now the old ones look like sun bleached prison tats haha
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Good evening loves.
              I love the idea of collecting valentines day cards, fen.
              Rusty, I agree decorating for valentines day does curb those winter blues. Shopping till you drop is my idea of a great day too.
              Nora, wedding is getting closer. Are you guys all excited? Is the bride wearing long or short? Are they going on a honeymoon?
              Skendall, thanks for sharing what the hug was for. I was a little worried. I agree with mama, chocolate goes a long way with me too
              Fen, do you think this person is interested romantically in you? I agree that sometimes it's just nice to have someone to commiserate with.
              Pauly, what did you guys go shopping for with Kelly? I thought of you, they opened a new dollar store not to far from our house. Not sure if I mentioned that already. Today was opening day and hubs was already there.
              Swamped at work today. I saw a patient pick something up off the floor today, I was right there. It was $80 dollars. She said it wasn't hers. I took it and gave it to security after trying to ascertain if it belonged to anyone else in the immediate area. It turned into a huge freaking deal, but I just honestly felt like it was the right thing to do. I felt like the patient really wanted to keep that money. She was annoyed with me, but what else could I have done?


                Cross post guys. Pauly, too funny, hubby bought me socks at the dollar store today too. Sadly he bought me men's size 9 to 11. I am a bit more petite than that! We had a good laugh and he will exchange them.
                Ne, sorry about the bender again. I know how you feel and reading others posts here I think they agree, you do just get sick of it! Sick and. Tired of hiding, sneaking, pretending. I'm with Pauly, be careful with the AB. I have never taken it as I here it can make you very sick. Do you get the shakes and such when you stop drinking. Just be careful. Please keep us posted on how you are doing? :hug:


                  Originally posted by Rusty View Post
                  Glassie (heretofore known as Classy Glassie),

                  You Hoo...Glassie!!!! Come back..
                  Thanks Rusty, you darling - and all you lovely Steppers – you’re the best!

                  To be honest, a lot of the stuff that has and is continuing to happen on MWO really brings me down, so I've found it better to be a bit less involved. I do always keep tabs on you though.

                  I’m going on hols for a week, but I promise to check in more often when I come back.

                  Fen – I never knew you collected vintage cards – what a wonderfully evocative thing to collect! You write so well, I'm pretty sure there's a book in you waiting to come out based on those!
                  Last edited by Glass Half Empty; February 13, 2016, 03:45 AM.
                  There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                  You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                  I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                    Hey all,Glassy it does seem like the forum has changed,sometimes I don't even feel like opening it up and reading anymore but I have too many peeps here that I care for to move on,plus its my main source of support so I just do like my Sig says and keep my head up and power through ignoring the b.s ugh,hafta work,I miss my Saturdays when I'd play hookey and we'd drive all over trying different donut shops,now I'm stuck working with some bitches I hate boo-hoo,Liz,glad you turned that money in, the other day I was at work and ran next door to the grocery store, as I was walking out I seen a guy reach down and pick up a $20 damn I wish I'd seen it first! Much love to all,hope we all have an easy Saturday
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Originally posted by mama bear View Post
                      A least get a bootie call and share with all of us Fenny. (JK)
                      Off to birthday dinner with some friends.
                      I am so thankful and blessed to have you all in my life!
                      Unfortunately, if I don't have a mental connection with somebody, I won't have a physical one, either. Just the way I'm made. No booty calls for this skwerl, at least with this particular girl.


                        You know, we could always start our own forum, invites only. I had one before, but people kept posting here instead.


                          I liked when Nursie had her forum up while MWO was down,shoot,most of us steppers just stayed there even when MWO came back but then she took it down,I never knew you had a forum Fen,must have been awhile ago,have a good one
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Sounds like you had a good day Ne. It's great that you felt giddy after taking the AB. Doesn't the AB stay in your system for a few days?
                            Pauly, sorry about the people at work. That does make for a long day. Tonight I watched undercover boss and it was the COO from the MGM in Las Vegas. I'm pretty sure I'll never not think of you when I hear Vegas.
                            Fen, I agree, connecting mentally is important before the physical, IMHO.
                            It's so cold here! Hubs and I went out tonight for a bit and the temp was 9 degrees! Had some errands to run earlier today and it was a balmy 19, but that wind was whipping. Went and got Mark a new down comforter. His room is over the garage in the front of the house and he complains it's cold. I think we just need to put carpet down in his room again. Poor thing,
                            Off to read a bit before bed. Sweet dreams!


                              Ne, day one is always the hardest! It does get easier. Weekends are usually quiet on this thread. I guess everyone is busy on the weekends.
                              Cowboy, good to see you. I'm glad that your are quitting the smoking. I know how hard that can be. Suffice it to say that I miss you and your support. I enjoy the friends that I have made here. I can overlook/avoid the drama. I, for one, am not ready to move on and would be sad if anyone of my steppers friends left too. I've come to love them. We have a common bond and for me moving to another social media site doesn't seem like it would be the same. I have tried other sites as well. It has taken a long time to find a comfortable forum to fit into. Ne I appreciate what you said about this thread, it means a lot that our compassion for one another comes through. Perhaps others will see that too and join us.
                              Well today is CJs birthday. Alas no engagement ring. Bf bought her a gorgeous gold bracelet! He took her out to a romantic resturant overlooking the Hudson River Friday.
                              Today we are taking her to a Polish resturant. I called to make reservations the other day. I gave them our last name which a very long polish one and I didn't have to spell it! Now that's a first. :applouse: We have to spell it for everyone! It's taken me years to learn myself.
                              Well off to wake up the birthday girl and give her her gifts.
                              Happy Valentines Day everyone! I really do love you all:heartbeat:


                                Hi Steppers. Just wanted to pop in and say that I love reading your thread. I think it is a wonderful place of support and I certainly do not think you have lost your purpose. Keep up the good work!

