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One Step at Time-Feburary 2016
I am here and plan on staying here. I have no interest in any other threads. This is my online family and if we talk about AL, that's fine and if we don't that's fine.
I had a great birthday and I even sang karoke!!
Yesterday I cleaned and suddenly out of nowhere, I had a HUGE panic attack. Tingling fingers, crying, unable to breathe......it scared the shit out of me and Bret. I took an anxiety pill and calmed down and just went to bed early.
I guess all the burdens we are shouldering reared their ugly head. Bret was very sweet and I have just been vegging this weekend.
I will back tomorrow when I am working from home.
Sorry....it sound like some of us are in bummed out places. Keep on talking....we are here for you.
I love you all and am headed to nana's soon......I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Mama - I am so sorry about the panic attack. Good on you for taking it easy this weekend. You really, really, really need to do that for yourself. :hug: :hug:
Glad you had a great birthday."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
you too Techie!
Thanks Nora.
I bite back when anyone bites one of us, but otherwise I stay out of the drama, too. Follow the joy.....I love that saying.
Cute pics on FB Lizz and Pauly.
Skwerly Butt - please don't cry...I know that;s easier said than done, but I am sad sor you.
Nursie's birthday is the same as mine!! We chatted on FB and she is doing last "infusion" this week.
NE - I don't mean to be ugly or sound ugly about a new thread and I think it's sweet your husband supports you.
We get to get you done with those benders......I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Happy ValentinGood Afternoon Friends,
I had every intention of posting early this morning, however, for some reason, I was not able to get on the internet (and still cannot) and I am posting from the free WI-FI at our local grocery story. I have not posted in the last couple of days because I have been celebrating my birthday with my friends and spending time with my Mom.
Cowboy-My personal opinion, if MWO survives and I think it will, it will basically shrink to 4 support threads, Newbies Nest, Roll Call, Steppers, and Loamers. The rest of the threads are just social media in my opinion.
Big hellos and waves of love to Nora, Mama, Fennel, Skendall, Liz, NE, Pauly, Techie, Mr. G., Glassy, Red67, and our friends across the pond: JackieClaire, Starty, Molly, Satz, Foxy, Sweetpea, et al.
I will address everyone tomorrow when I get the chance.
Mama, did you inhale some cleaning chemicals that might have caused your panic attack? Or accidentally mixed a couple of chemicals that caused a reaction? I'm really sorry, panic attacks suck.
I wish I could do a booty call, that way I could erase Mrs. Fen from me- or, at least she wouldn't have been the last person I was with.
NE, you're fine. Divorce is just hard. I can honestly say that it's the most painful thing that has happened to me to date. Unfortunately, it takes a couple of years to recover from one.
SK, I don't know the law in WA, but here, even if you receive a notice that says you have to move out pronto, legally the process can go on for months. Mama will know more about that than I do. Do you have a tenant resource center in your area? They can advise you for free.
Starty, it was nice of you to drop in!
Nora, Mrs. Fen didn't mean to stir things up for me. She's wired very differently when it comes to emotions. She was trying to be nice, but it's just too hard for me when she does crap like that. My thought was "Why the hell are we getting divorced if you're going to pop in on V- day with gifts?"
Hi, Rusty. Nice to see you!
I wish we had the saying like G'day that the Aussies have instead of good morning, good afternoon and good evening. Since we are all in different time zones G'day avoids that.
For those of you have asked about my landlord, it's purely personal and a result of my conversation with her bullying boyfriend who is known as the sheriff with no badge. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is and I am seeking legal help.
I am done with the subject, but since I brought it up, well.
Has anyone cut their cable with ROKU or other streaming devices? I'm about to try.Enlightened by MWO
Fen, I can totally see how ex is differently wired from you. She doesn't get your pain.
I am reaching out to support agencies Fen, thanks for the mention.
Mama, those panic attacks are so scary, I've had some and darned near called 911. WA state is so paranoid about controlled substances that's it's very difficult to get benzos or pain meds. Glad you had some and Brett was so sweet.Enlightened by MWO
Originally posted by SKendall View PostI wish we had the saying like G'day that the Aussies have instead of good morning, good afternoon and good evening. Since we are all in different time zones G'day avoids that.There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Originally posted by fennel View PostTo put things in perspective...I went antiquing after the hoarding debacle yesterday and bought this picture...it was in a cheap frame inside of a bird cage, but it "spoke" to me, LOL.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]2212[/ATTACH]"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15