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One Step at Time-Feburary 2016

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    Hi everybody. Pauly, I just to have the exact same reaction with hubs, but I think he had the same reaction from me when I was in a mood, lol. It will pass just get to a place in your head that is peaceful or see Louie.

    Ne, good to see you. I'm glad your shrink thinks you are getting close with your desire to AF.

    Rusty, sorry your uncle died but how wonderful you can represent your mom and have her be proud of you. A by-product of good sobriety.

    Lizz, tell us a little about making bath bombs, I would love to do that with my g/daughter next time I visit. The torn kidney was probably a result of the seat belt during impact. It was a very vicious impact and having full bed rest in the hospital I didn't notice it until I got home. Excruciating, I called 911 a crew arrived and convinced me I didn't need to go. Arrgh, had to call again again the next a.m. and in the E.R. and morphine and oxycodone didn't relieve the pain. They finally gave me a stronger needle 8 x stronger than morphine. However it was the follow up dr who didn't address the pain severity, apparently I should have bee on a Fentanyl patch.

    I miss you Miss Nora.

    Fen, did you see any condo's or have any in mind, but Neither hubs, nor myself can go on like this.I wish I were you, lol. We are lowering the price of our house again.

    Mama, how is your house hunting coming along. My only helpful hint is to use those bags where you suck the air out. They will turn a car load of clothes into compressed bags. Also, do what you can early, but I think you knew that.

    My cell phone packed up yesterday. It has no ringer and when I call people they can hear me, but I can't hear them. I don't like the contracts and the idea of buying a phone thru Verizon, etc. so I buy a phone outright and just pay for the cell service. A plan is very useful when there's more than 1 person on it.

    Shout out to Mr. G., techie and Glassy.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Ouch Skendall,just reading this made me hurt I had the weirdest dream last night, GSR but it was about food,I had an eating problem as a teen and 20's,lately I've been trying to watch what I eat but end up in the same cheating pattern day after day,bleh,last night I dreamt I was gorging myself on everything and feeling really yucky,so weird, where the hell is everyone?
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
        Hey all,Liz I wanted a good cry but it just wouldn't come he keeps accusing me of cheating too which is really pissing me off cuz I don't have the time or desire for that bullshit!! I think he's having a midlife crisis or something, he's talking about quitting his job too,just weird crap,Rusty,sorry about your uncle but sounds like he lived a good,long life,hope everyone has a great Sunday,I'll try but dealing with this bipolar bastard who knows
        Usually, people who are cheating accuse the other spouse of doing it. I hope that's not the case with hubs!


          Dang, Rusty...sorry about your uncle. Bummer to miss your vacation, but I'm sure your mom is grateful that you are representing her. Just hard stuff, I know. :heartbeat:


            Not the clearest photo (I used my phone cam, larged as big as I could get), but here is one of our backyard owls!


              SKendall, geez...what a nightmare you've been through! Criminal that your kidney went undiagnosed like that.

              I hope your house sells soon. Will that give you a bit of financial relief?

              I was disappointed yesterday. My realtor made it all the way into town yesterday, only to get an email stating that the condo we were going to view had an offer, so no viewing. The less expensive ones go quite quickly. My next day off is Friday, as I have to work the weekend. I have sent a bunch of links to my realtor so that she can set up other viewings. I know it will happen one of these days.

              Annoyingly, my attorney took a month of vacation and didn't notify any of us. We aren't divorced yet, so J sent her atty an email, asking how we should handle things if I want to make an offer on a place. J has been snarky about my atty, which made me bristle- but in this case, she's right. Who goes away for a month without contacting her clients?


                Sorry I haven't been around much. I'm trying to check in to read but don't have time to post.

                Fen - I loved the pic of the owl. Thank you for sharing that. Sorry about that whole condo fiasco. Drag. I seriously can't believe your atty went on vacation without telling you. I hope you can find something soon.

                Rusty - I'm sorry about your Uncle. So thoughtful of you to go in place of your mom. I'm sure it means so much to her. I hope that you can get a vacation in soon. You work so hard, you need it.

                Pauly - I'm sorry about hubby. Do you think that it could have something to do with how well you are taking care of yourself? You are not drinking. You are working on very positive changes in your life. He probably feels threatened and is lashing out. Or maybe he is going thru a midlife crisis. I'm just sorry you have to deal with it. I know exactly what you mean about needing a good cry and then you can't!

                SK - I just can't believe the pain you have been in. Unbelievable that this wasn't found sooner. What an absolute pain about your phone. I lost mine for several hours yesterday and was just lost. No way for anyone to get in touch with me until they finally would figure out to call hubby.

                Liz - you are sounding so good! Sounds like such a fun day with the girls. I had a fun day with the girls yesterday too.

                Ne - Hope that things are going well with the Nal. I remember being nauseous too. You all are talking about bitters and I don't even know what that is. I'll have to look it up. I obviously was never a connoisseur. :rotlf: Just give me a drink so I can get on to the next one.

                Mama - how you doing, sweetie? Did you have date night? Has hubs started packing yet? Sending you lots of hugs.

                Well - the shower was a bust to be honest. But, there were some fun times so I'll take it. There were supposed to be 10 of us - 4 couldn't make it. So, there was bride, my mom, me, my niece, my great niece and the maid of honor. So, I was disappointed that more people didn't show up. But, we went ahead & played games and had a good time. We finished putting ribbons on the wedding favors. Her maid of honor stayed for a couple of hours but my niece & her daughter stayed until about 9:00 pm or so.
                I don't know if I have mentioned all the wine that they bought for the dinner. It has been bothering me tbh. So, I found out during the shower that Casey had drank almost 3 bottles of wine the night before. Then got off work yesterday evening and knowing that we were having the shower, ended up going out for a couple of drinks. Not drunk in the least. Wouldn't have been an issue except for the night before and doing it when he knows he should come home.
                So, I wasn't sure there was still going to be a wedding. I talked to her this morning and she said yes there was still a wedding. They are on their way home now.
                I know that he is the only one that can take care of this. She made it very clear to him that she won't put up with that shit.
                I hate that he has my problem. I hate it, hate it, hate it!
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Hey guys.
                  Skendall, I'll ask the girls for the recipe. The bath fizzies had Epsom salt, cream of tartar, coconut oil and other natural stuff. I was in the kitchen but I was doing other stuff and not totally paying attention. It was a fun project, not too messy or too long.

                  Fen, how odd that the atty would be gone for a month without any kind of notice. Maybe it's an illness that he/she doesn't want to share. Our atty, when we went to draw up our wills, told us he was taking two weeks in December and then another week in March. I don't know, but sounds fishy to me. Hope something else turns up condo wise for you. I'm sure it'll all fall into place when it's supposed to.

                  Nora, not sure why the shower would be bust, it sounds like you had a nice time. I'd be concerned about your son too. Your right he has to change, no one can do it for him. I'm sure his fiancé is a very good reason to stop drinking. Does he know you had a problem? It's such a freaking vicious cycle. I hope you can put this all aside and enjoy the wedding.

                  Pauly, I feel bad that your hubby is acting like he is. I certainly hope fen isn't right, but the thought occurred to me to. I don't know, hopefully he will snap out of it. Anything to make the quit more difficult, right? I'm struggling with the food thing too. The weights just not coming off.

                  We watched bridge of spies today. Apparently it's up for several awards next week. It was good. Managed to keep myself super occupied this weekend and kept the al at bay and for that I am grateful.


                    Hey Rusty,

                    Sorry to hear about your uncle. No matter about stupid tiffs here, losing people close to us is painful and should remind us all that life is way, way too short to waste.

                    Wishing you well.


                      Ugh. Nora, I wonder if the two kids should hold off on the wedding? Fiancee' has no reason to believe that this situation will improve once they're married, and then if she decides to bail, there will be the whole difficult mess of divorce. Trust me, legal dissolution is a huge pain!

                      I know it sucks to see that Casey has the same affliction that we do. :hug:


                        Good Morning Family....
                        Date night was a bit of a bust as the service at Bonefish was horrible......I read that over 200 of them are closing and I see why
                        Rusty - I am so sorry about your vacation, but as usual, you are doing the right thing. Can you re-schedule your trip?
                        SK - a "dented" liver??? WTF???
                        Fenny - you will find something. There is an area here in Jax called Murray Hill and it has all sorts of vintage cottages.....somehow I could see you in one of those.
                        Pauly - my thoughts shadowed Fenny's......sorry!!
                        Nora - I am sorry about Casey. I really am.....but don't blame yourself. Please?? You tend to do that and I worry.
                        Hi NE....glad to see you.
                        We celebrated Nana's 84th (or 85th) birthday last night. I cooked and we hauled it all over to her house.
                        OK..back to work
                        Love you all to bits
                        ps...Lizz - glad you had a good weekend
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Thanks folks.....

                          I was just feeling down. The shower wasn't a complete bust. We had fun. I was disappointed that the only gift she received was from me. And a card that my SIL had mailed. Her maid of honor hasn't really been stepping up and doing anything. And, she didn't bring her a gift. My niece has been working full time, running 2 teenagers around and packing to move - so, she didn't go shopping either.

                          I don't have the answer regarding Casey. He won't drink for a long time or he'll have one or two glasses of wine. Then he'll do what he did the other night. I'm very upset but it is out of my hands.

                          Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Oh Nora, that stinks about the gifts, Hugs!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Nora, what's up with maid of honor? That's totally lame. Plus, isn't the maid of honor supposed to be the one to plan the shower?


                                Nora,I'm glad the bride to be has you to take care of things. Really no gifts? What's up with the maid of honor? I don't want to minimize if your son has a problem or not, but I'd be soo grateful for those stretches without drinking.
                                Mama, the picture of nana and your son was so sweet. I was just reading about Bone fish grill. Was the food good at least. I would imagine a Saturday night is very busy.
                                Ran myself ragged today, but I got it all done. Hey, rusty, Pauly, fen Skendall. Ne and everyone else.

