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One Step at Time-Feburary 2016

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    Hey Mama - certainly get the letting hubby do it. You are working so much - he should do it. :hug:
    Packing up that much is overwhelming. I understand. We have been at our house for over 30 years.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Thanks you to the moon and back....
      and I am not even thinking about drinking, btw....just mad
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Good job on not thinking about drinking.
        What happens if you just stop paying? You are moving anyway.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Hey guys. Mama, I'm so sorry about the extra money they want from you. I feel like that sometimes too, everyone wants my money, do you have to pay that, since they made the mistake? I can't image packing up my house. We have been living here 30 years as well. Totally overwhelming. I was overwhelmed moving out of out condo after 4 years. Can you just do a little every week? When do you have to be out by?
          Nora, I think it's kinda neat that the kids will be living with you for a while. I get the one bathroom thing is no fun, but enjoy them while you can. Is your son living with you right now? Where does his fiancé live?
          So yup it's official. My BIL branch will be closing may 2. Lay offs will begin 2/17. Not sure when he will be terminated. They will give him a severance pkg. he may possibly be offered a position with the main headquarters in Dallas. Not likely he would except it. If the company is in such dire straights why give up everything here to possibly being let go shortly in Texas. Sissy is upset but in better spirits than yesterday. Always something.,


            Liz - I'm so sorry to hear about your BIL. Did he have any idea before yesterday?
            You are right that it will be neat to have the kids living here. I love my son so much and I've grown to love my DIL (soon) too. They have plans in life so I can see them moving to another state very easily. So, I am enjoying them.

            Mama - how you doing tonight? I hope that hubby finds a place for you soon.

            Pauly - how you doing? I'm sure it is sad having Bobbi away for her birthday. :hug: I wonder sometimes about other people and they aren't close to their kids. I don't get it.
            I read your post on Newbies Nest and want to say great job. I think you are smart not to worry about dieting right now. I am trying to finally, finally back away from all the crap I've been eating. But, I still slip back into it. That's probably why I've been feeling down. :nutso: I should have thought of that.

            Going to post this and come back......timer on the oven is beeping at me............
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Ne - I laughed at your comment about finding a dress is discouraging enough. You are sure right about that one. :harhar:
              Sorry you & hubby are still on the outs. Hope things work out soon.
              I think that the majority of us are in the US. Probably because of the time difference in other countries. Where are you from? I'm from California.
              Hope you had a better day today.

              Well, off to take care of some stuff before bed. Hope everyone has a Fantastic Thursday.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Good Morning, Friends and Happy Thursday,

                Mama-awww....I am so sorry you have to deal with this B.S. and I would be royally pissed off at your attorneys as well!!! I know the thought of moving is overwhelming for hubs...I think he feels emasculated because of his underemployment, having to ask you for money, and with guys, it's a pride thing. BRAVA for not drinking!! So proud of you!

                NE-sorry you are feeling so blue and doubly sorry you and your husband are on the outs at the moment. You know drinking (at all) won't help that situation, right? I SEVERELY underestimated the depressive nature of alcohol when my moderate drinking spun out of control. It used to be when I was in my late 30s and I had just started my current career, and I was traveling EVERY week, that I could have a glass or two of wine at dinner and then go back to my hotel room and do paperwork and be productive. BUT, when I got into my 40s, I found that even drinking one glass of wine (yes, really, just one) at dinner knocked the motivation to do ANYTHING right out of me, and after dinner, I would zone out in front of the TV in my hotel room or at home. A total waste of time for sure.

                I was thinking about this several of us feel blah and I know's the post-holiday blues. I get that way in January and early February. The holidays are over, all the decorations are put away and my house looks so bare! Plus, it's like we have nothing to look forward to or something. Football will be over on Sunday with the Super Bowl, it's frickin' cold here, and we all feel like, "well, what do I do now???!! There is nobody to shop for, no reason to decorate. I want to remodel my guest bathroom so I have to decided to go look for fixtures and vanities this weekend. I wanted a marble bathroom but ah, too high maintenance. I will go with a ceramic floor and a granite countertop for the vanity...soaking tub and a chandelier fixture.

                Big hellos to all my other friends here. I need to do some work before I get to work. Happy Thursday!


                  Hey all,Mama,screw the bank,if you guys are losing the house anyways what are you paying for? It'd be another story if you were paying to keep the house,I hate to see you upset but I'd be pissed too,Rusty,I think you're right in that this is sort of a blah time of year ,I used to like it when the kids were small cuz we'd file early taxes and get a big fat refund, that always helps the mood,now we both owe so boo-hoo! Nora,its hard to eat healthy, all the girls were ordering from some place yesterday and I'm over there with my shitty healthy lunch,felt like stabbing someone I just want to focus on the AF life right now, I can't let myself get too caught up in trying to be perfect, Liz sorry about your BIL,that really sucks,hopefully he find something else,hello to Fen,Skendall,NE,off to fix my face and fro have a great Thursday
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Hey guys, it's my Thursday off. Lucy seems to be under the weather today. She won't eat and keeps running to the bathroom. Somehow we trained her to go in there when she has to vomit. She hasn't yet. So right now I'm just cuddling and scratching her.
                    Rusty, I have my valentines day decorations up! My kitchen looks so pretty. Cjs birthday is valentines day so we do it up big time. I do get the winter blah thing. Thankfully that changed for me after my kids were born. Erin's birthday is January and Cjs is February.
                    The bathroom project sounds like fun. We need to redo our bathrooms too. Not sure when that's going to happen
                    Pauly, how sad that Bobbi wasn't home for her birthday. I see my son moving away at some point. Sad, but as long as they're happy.
                    Nora, what makes you say the kids are moving away? Do they have a place in mind? As much as I would miss my twin sissy if she moved to Dallas, I would so visit all the time! I think with kids I wouldn't want to impose too much, sissy I don't care:happy2:
                    Mama, you still have to pay and you've lost the house? Is that still a definite? Could you pay and stay? Do you even want to? When do you have to be out?
                    Ne, do you know why hubby is upset with you? That would drive me crazy! How's the job search going? I work in a hospital too and we had a staff meeting. We now have "a plan" in the event of a "shooter". Sad what this world has come to.
                    Fen, how are you feeling?
                    Noisy at my house today. Construction continues on the liquor store property. They are moving very quickly now.
                    Pauly, I get the diet thing. I was so upset about sissy yesterday that I barely ate, but dieting needs to be on the back burner for now. I will run on the treadmill in a bit. We are going to my parents later to look at some old pictures to go with their biographies. The house where my parents met, where my sister was born and such.
                    Right now I need to make Lucy some chicken and rice. Happy Thursday guys:love:


                      Morning all

                      Rusty - sorry that you're feeling blue too. Whatever the issue is, I wish it would go away. LOL
                      Oh my gosh! A soaking tub?!? I might become a permanent fixture at your house. :rotlf:

                      SK - How are you feeling today?

                      Waving to everyone - I'll try to sneak back on later. Everyone is walking around here now. GGGRRRRRR
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Hi, I'm back. I am at work and taking a break. :-)

                        NE-Lucy is Liz's too cute little black dog. She has the sweetest little face and she's sick. Poor mama bear, her house is in foreclosure and she and hubs and their two boys have to move. NE, so glad you and your husband made up. That silent treatment is the worst. When you say you burned a lot of bridges in your drinking days, what do you mean? You will be a fantastic nurse!

                        Liz-I bet you have really cute V-D decs! I don't decorate for Valentine's Day, though. Oh well, time to think of some spring table decorations to create for my spring dinner party. Entertaining always gives me a lift! It IS sad that now we have to have "plans" in case of a shooter. It must make you a wee nervous thinking about it.

                        Pauly-What do you mean you have a fro? Haha.

                        Nora-did you find a dress?

                        Skendall:hug: I am thinking of you...maybe we can chat chat chat tomorrow?

                        My client's back so back to work now. I'll be back later, though.


                          Nora, you sweetheart....I am rising out of my blue mood, thank God!!! The only downfall with a soaking tub is that they are really deep and I have short, fat legs. Hahah and not Hahaha at the same time. LOL


                            Then your tub will be PERFECT for me.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Ne- glad that you & hubby made up. I know what you mean about not wanting to do anything. A few months ago, hubby kept pushing, pushing, pushing a yoga class. There was so much going on at the, physical issues, etc. I signed up for the class but until I had a crying fit in front of him, he didn't understand that I didn't want to do this. That I was depressed and couldn't force myself.

                              Liz - I hope that poor Lucy feels better. How old is she? I just realized that my oldest is 9!!!!!

                              Got to run again.....:hiya:
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Hi everyone. Feeling a little better pain wise, it's been 7 weeks. Still chasing down the lost luggage. The hospital supposedly handed it to state troopers, but they don't have it.

                                Lizz, thought I would chime in on BIL's company move - north of Dallas (Plano) where I used to live offered a very low corporate tax rate and that is why it now hosts JCPenney headquarters, Pepsi, Frito Lay, and a ton of other headquarters, so maybe that's why they are moving. I first moved there from Toronto and I thought I'd landed on the moon, with all the executives who live there it has become a very good and cosmopolitan city - also the safest city in all of the U.S.!

                                Nora and Rusty and everyone else who has wished me well, thank you. Rusty, I need a new phone, I just can't get reception here unless I'm outside and it's cold and rainy in the NW right now.

                                My daughter sent me 2 large chicken pot pies from Harry & David and they are very welcome and delicious.

                                Still can't get used to not having a car - I only had liability. I've signed up for ParaTransit and if approved will be able to get rides to Doctor, etc. Social services has visited me for physical therapy etc. and I have one word for them: USELESS. Came 1 time and signed off.

                                I am not motivated to do anything and I have a very long "to do" list. But recovery wise I am moving in the right direction. My clinic charges $100 cash up front for a MVA follow up - I think I mentioned it before, still ticks me off.

                                Have a good rest of the day.

                                Mama, what a mess with the bank.
                                Enlightened by MWO

