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One Step at Time-Feburary 2016
Originally posted by Ne/Neva EvaGood luck, Nora! My fingers and toes are crossed for you.
I'm having quite a bit of trouble motivating enough to leave my house and go for a visit. I just don't feel like it. I just don't feel like doing anything these days. I keep trying, and I'm not going to give up on this trip just yet, but ugh. It doesn't feel worth it to have to shower and do my hair and pack a bag. As if that's a big deal! What the hell is wrong with me?
Sorry to be such a downer. Thanks for letting me air my stuff here.
So, I am getting out. But, I totally understand about it not being worth it. I don't want to leave home.
But, we have a nice, sunny day so I shouldn't be complaining. So, we are going to have a great day once I force myself to leave. LOL
Good luck and I hope you have a wonderful visit. :hug:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Pauly and Fen, you are very valued people on this forum. What this forum doesn't need is an angry bully to disparage you. This is a very caring thread and we won't tolerate unwelcome people there is no reason to bring up personal issues from the past, it is intentional and painful. Ne, I know you've had some experience, lol.
Pauly, can you pm me your facebook ID, I would love to see you and Louie together.
It's another dull, rainy day in the NW, but I have one of those daylight lamps, time to plug it in.
Having a bad day, but the pain medicine actually worked today and at the 3 month mark where I am heading will be here in 3 weeks, I am finally able to focus on it.Enlightened by MWO
Jeez oh pete......really Kuya? As I recall you have been very confrontational as long as you have been on MWO. Leave my family alone and go pick fights elsewhere.
Pauly and Fen are my dear friends. Fenny has always been there for more ways than any of you know. We all accept and care about each other. Red and Ne and Rusty......your words are perfect.
Nuff said.
Date night will be very cheap. We have a gift card to Longhorn. We are also going to a Super Bowl party tomorrow.
Good luck dress shopping Nora.
Lizz - I like your phrase.....well married. That's how hubs and I are. We certainly have our issues, but we are a team. Just like all of us here. We accept our differences and when the going gets tough we support each other.
I got my hair cut and colored today and no longer look like Hagatha!!
Yep, Rusty.....55. I have no idea when that happened!
Off to do some laundry and sharpen my fangs in case anyone else wants to bully us.
I love you all.I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Just got back from my adventure at the cabin...Mrs. Fen freaked out at the heat bill, so I was enlisted to go and "shut" the place down. I haven't had to do that for nearly two years, as we had heat installed and visited every weekend. The road to the cabin was treacherous- barely plowed. Huge snowdrift in front of the cow gate at the base of our drive, so I had to park on the road and grunt a gallon of RV antifreeze up the 1/2 mile drive- in the snow. Exhausting!
By the time I made it to the yard, I heard two distressing noises. First, the sound of water rushing in the septic tank. Second, the septic alarm in the house. I got up to the porch and realized that I'd left the key to the cabin in my car- a half mile back at the gate. Freaked out, I had to hike back and get the key, then back to the house. I immediately disabled the alarm and shut off the septic pump. To my dismay, our shutting down "cheat" sheet was nowhere to be found!
J's turkey hunting friend bollocksed things up enough that I was completely confused for a bit. He shut off the water, not at the circuit breaker, but at the well pump. He turned off the water heater, but it was still full. I opened all the house lines and drained them, along with the hot water tank. Emptied the toilet tank and put in R.V. antifreeze.
All of that stress was so unneeded- it just compounded the angst I had at visiting what used to be my happiest place. Now, it's only a place of grief.
I managed to make it out alive, lol. When I got back to town, I went to the Monona library for a special treat.
What a way to spend a day off. I did get in 55 flights on my fitbit from all the extreme hills I had to hike on my driveway, so I have that going for me!
Thanks for your support, all. I do think several topics aren't necessary on a forum like this one, and yes- I consider one of those topics to be religion. However, politics and nation bashing aren't necessary either...and I have no tolerance for bullies.
I love you, my peeps. :love:
Thanks, Mama. I love you. :love: I'm right behind you, birthday wise! This skwerl will be 55 in June.
SKendall, perhaps your extreme pain has faded to the point where your medication can actually help. I'm so sorry for what you have been going through. :hug:
Nora, it sucks to go out, but I know you'll find a nice dress. Stick to Dress Barn or Boston Store...maybe Kohl's. Once you get out there, you'll be okay. I love you, friend. :love:
Pauly, I think you're amazing. I love your posts!
Rusty, thanks for all your support and sticking up for us! You may be tiny, but you're a fighter, lol. :love:
NE, you're a welcome addition to our family. I'm glad you are here.
As an FYI, I had "smilies" for everybody, but I could only post for those of you who didn't receive one, consider yourself smilied!
Here are the books I picked up today..."Mr. Smith Goes To Prison", by former Missouri state senator Jeff Smith. The book documents his year and a day prison sentence in an FCI because he lied to the Feds about a minor campaign violation. "Deep South", by Paul Theroux. He's one of my fave authors. "Bead Bugs" by Amy Kopperude...a whimsical instruction guide for creating several insects from beads and wire. "100 Crochet Projects" by Jean Leinhauser and Rita Weiss. Self explanatory, that one.
Additionally, my fave radio show is on tonight, courtesy of WI public radio..."Old Time Radio". I think I'll take some ibuprofen (all that hiking, etc.) and settle in for the evening.
Thanks, NE.
I hear you about the fitbit! If I forget it, I feel like nothing I do counts, lol. I'm rewarding myself tonight with broccoli, tofu and rice with Thai peanut sauce, LOL. I'm a pretty healthy eater, so nothing too crazy.
I hope you have a nice visit with your folks.
Fen,I wear my fitbit 24/7 I'm such a dork haha,Mama,Longhorn actually sounds really good have funNora,I think Kohls would be agreat idea,Skendall,iI'll pm you when Lou's not crawling all over me haha,Liz,everytime I see Lucy I smile
NE,hope you have a good night, much love to all
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Forgot to give a shout out to Red and RustyI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good Early Evening, Friends!!
Fenny:hug:I cannot imagine WALKING all that way up and down hills, schlepping heavy crap with you all the way and back. What a painful task to accomplish! :-( Does J get to keep the cabin or are you going to sell it? I bet you logged thousands of flights. Good for you for treating yourself to the Monona Library. I used to love going there when I lived in Madison. Your books sound really interesting. Thank YOU for all your support here! You are such a joy and a truly kind always offer encouragement, support and offer solutions....we so love you here. I am not tiny, but yes, I am a fighter. Thanks!:happy2:
NE:love: I have NOT forgotten about your new forum and my promise to you...I've been spinning around my house, cleaning, straightening, etc. I think maybe you just needed today to kind of decompress from yesterday's meeting with your therapist. I know it was productive and I am so glad you have a gem of a doctor, but two hours is a pretty heavy session. I was in therapy for several months when I was 26 and the days I went to therapy were liberating, but exhausting at the same time. I echo what Fenny are a welcome addition to our happy home here. I liken us to the "Steel Magnolias," if you ever saw the movie...I loved it!
Mama-enjoy Longhorn tonight and I hope you get to play checkers again. ;-)
Nora-I hope you found the perfect dress and your Mom enjoyed getting out for a while. I admire your composure in addressing Kuya's tirade. You have soooo much class!
Liz-you asked me before if I cook gourmet meals for myself every night? The answer is NO! LOL. Simple cooking...chicken with veggies or salad. Please post a picture of Lucy where she's looking right at us and she's wearing her sweater. I never tire of her sweet face. So glad to hear hubs lost weight on Isagenix! Thanks!!
Pauly-I hope you had a good day at work and you have a relaxing day tomorrow.
Well, I should get to the gym but I am watching "Revenge of the Nerds." LOL I have seen it a million times but that won't stop me from watching it again.;-)
A cheery hello to Red67, Techie, Samstone, Glassie, Guitarista and other friendly lurkers. Happy Saturday Evening!