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From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

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    From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

    Is it the lessened amount of alcohol? (i'm still drinking but not as much)
    Is it hormones? (I'm 42.)
    Is it withdrawal from drugs? (I quit my antidepressants cold turkey 9 days ago.)


    From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

    What antidepressents were you taking? If it is something like Prozac, you should never quit cold turkey. The withdrawl and side effects of it can be terrible. You should cut down slowly over a period of weeks. That may be your problem. You are too young for the hormone thing. Talk to your doctor who prescribed the anti-D's and find out the best way to get off them.
    I don't know if this is the answer, but hope it helps. You have to be very careful with some of these meds. They can have lots of hidden effects.
    Good luck and take good care of yourself.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

      LOL I have to laugh just because there have been so so many evenings when I am totally the high strung super bitch and I know my whole family enjoyed me better after one strong drink (double gin & tonic). Too bad I could never stop at one. Surprisingly, I have not felt that way since starting this program. I don't know if it is the Naltrexone or the two supps for stress (calms forte and gaba). I tend to think it is the supps for stress because when I've accidently taken one of them late, I notice that I feel stressed/on edge again. Or, maybe its all in my head! Its just crazy all the pills I am taking right now, but its working so I don't dare change anything right now.


        From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

        Mags, I was taking celexa, an SSRI as is prozac, but milder I think. Aside from this current bitch mode, and some weird tingling in my nervous system, the cold turkey experience is okay. I notice other changes too, like I am much more energetic and my appetite has been cut in half. No way I'm going to go back to the drug... I'll do the withdrawals as long as this is the extent of it. And I'm not going to my doc - 3 weeks ago when I went to her for topa she said no (fair enough) but told me to go into rehab and dump my boyfriend (because he drinks).
        - oh, and I think of the hormone factor because I have had on and off symptoms of perimenopause. Early I know, but undeniable... like changes in my cycle which used to be very regular, here and there hot flashes, etc.

        maybe the reason is.... LUSHY. Have you been giving me those bitch lessons via cyber space into my unconscious mind?? Hey, I"m not complaining... I kind of like this. Nobody is going to take advantage of me anymore! I'm just surprised - I've never experienced this in myself before.


          From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

          Iam, please re-read my pm of last week. I think you are experiencing withdrawl from celexa as another member has also pointed out.

          You don't have to go back to the drug permanently, just at a lesser dosage and wean yourself off - it does take a while, but it sounds as if you are strung out thru withdrawl from this.
          Enlightened by MWO


            From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

            Hey, if I have helped anyone here stand up for themselves and be a "bitch" in a good sense of the word, I will wear it! Hope you are okay Ima and not in a bad place. If in a good place and feeling empowered then enjoy it!!!

            First Class Bitch Extraordinaire
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

              I took Prozac for 7 years and know that you can't just stop taking it because you decide one day, hey I don't want to take this any more. You have to wean yourself off of it with a doctor's supervision. At least start taking some 5HTP right away but you have to take it with certain vitamins, I'm not sure what those are. The Calms forte may help, but you might need to go back to your GP.

              In RJ's book she talks about the effects of withdrawal (from alcohol), one being irritability. I have experienced some of that. I am trying to resist that tendency as my husband is the last person in the world who deserves for me to be cross with him after all I have put him through with my drinking and God bless him he hasn't said a word.

              Do what you have to do to take care of you but in the long run you will feel even better about your self if you make it as painless as possible for your loved ones.

              Just my thoughts.

              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

                Ima, It is not clear from your post why you went off the antidepressants or how long you had been on them. I do know that irritability can be a symptom of depression. You have a lot going on with withdrawal from alcohol, an antidepressant and starting topa. It could be any number of things.


                  From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

                  Oh, rottrod, you remind me to mention, that I have been vigilant about taking 5htp, L-glut, St. Johns Wort, to work on the seretonin issues since I've quit the celexa.
                  I also do have to stress the good stuff - I have not been lethargic all weekend, which is like, 'who the heck am i'? I like that. And using Lushy's word, I am feeling much more 'empowered'. What is so wrong with letting go of being apathetic? I realize that drug must have been doing that to me.
                  I appreciate all your recommendations and concerns about withdrawal. But hey, when someone needs to quit heroin or cocaine, even tobacco, aren't they told to just quit cold turkey and get it over with?

                  I think the bitchiness really may be a combo of many factors. I was just wondering if - even though I'm still drinking - cutting back was contributing more than I know.


                    From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch


                    Please read ALL of the msgs. carefully.

                    Hilary :l :h
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

                      I will Hilary, I promise.


                        From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

                        Ima, as a 45 year old woman with similar issues. I vote all of the above ! Hang in there baby!
                        Smiles & hugs


                          From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

                          BtW, I should have mentioned. I have stopped trying to give up my Xanax for this reason. I'm just slowly cutting back the dosage. I'll get there. I hope


                            From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

                            I'm with SK. I came off a SRRI too fast, after being on it for about 9 months and I felt very... all over the place... and this lasted around 2 weeks.

                            My opinion is that it's the sudden withdrawl of the SSRI.

                            Hang in there.
                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

                              I think it's the sudden withdrawal of the SSRI too. Getting off of them is much more complicated than it was once thought. Good luck to you, Ima. Just be prepared to be bitchy for a while longer. L-theanine is supposed to be calming, too, although I don't know that from personal experience.....


                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

