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From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

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    From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

    The first week I quit I was a bear due to phyical withdrawal from alcohol. The following 2 weeks I was a joy. Loved everything. Then once things fell into place-the bitchiness came out again. Things needed to sort out-physically & emotionally. Now my bitchiness hits a high once a month. Things sorted themselves out. All that alcohol effects everything. I had to relearn situations where alcohol was always present. I had to handle things AF. It wasn't pretty at first-LOL. And I didn't need Lushy's lessons. Being AF most things were magnified & I had to learn to handle them. My first instinct was to (unfortunately) lash out.

    Good luck, I'm sure things will work out.

    Can't hurt to give your doctor a call & see what he/she has to say about the quick cease of meds.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

      If you don't want to call/visit your doc, maybe your pharmacist can help with your questions. Although after 9 days, withdrawal from Celexa should be mostly over. There is a strange thing that happens to most women mid-life. A sort of filter that controls our our tongue and interactions with others (supressing the inner bitch) is lifted due to flucuationg hormone levels. We do become more empowered, and more willing to speak our mind, and less willing to put up with the crap we have let slide before. I wish I coud remembeer where I heard that, I'd refer you on, but it was from a doctor explaining mid life changes for women. Good luck!
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

        Ima, I agree with others that it's probably a combo of all the changes: hormones, no alcohol, no anti-depressants.... I was very irritable dealing with all three of these at different now, though, you're probably over the withdrawal from the Celexa but it can definitely be more difficult than "they" let you know...and the physical challenge of being AF will also gradually improve...then it becomes more of a psychological battle! But that too is winnable!

        Simey--withdrawing from Xanax (and all benzodiazepenes) is extremely took me weeks, literally, to get off Ativan. I finally succeeded by breaking the tabs into pieces and taking just a little less every three days...I barely noticed the reduction as it went along and eventually I was not taking was slow but it worked.

        "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


          From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

          Ima I'm in the same boat

          Went off Celexa, gave myself just one week taking a pill every other day then cold turkey.

          no bitchiness but I feel very emotional and weepy.

          by the way, the author of Depression Free naturally advises against 5HTP she says much better to take tryptohpan itself, which you need a prescription for.


            From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

            Thanks everyone. Amethyst, what you say about mid-life changes of the tongue filter makes so much sense. I had been noticing a change lately in how I have been standing up for myself more lately, even before this bitchy period, and was surprised by it, and figured it was part of the beginning of 'the change'.


              From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch

              Hi Ima....I find that I am angry and bitchy because I am not getting my way. I have been pissed off at everyone and everything. I have been angy because I can't drink, everyone around me seems like they are having more fun than me, I have thought about leaving my family, moving in with my mother, and a few other crazy things....I finally told my husband to take me out and we ate and had wine. I only had 3 glasses...we had a great time, I told him I was mad at him for not being supportive etc...I feel better and may have to do that once in awhile. I don't know if you are AF or moderating, so I am not encouraging the wine....but getting alot of stuff off my chest sure felt good. Maybe you need to talk things out with someone....I tend to bottle things up and then have a major blow out....


                From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch


                I would strongly encourage you to go down very slowly on Celexa. If you lower your dose a week at a time that is the safest. The primary reason that you do this is to prevent serious side effects. The onset of uncontollable depression/panic attacks/siucide. Please don't take this lightly. Since I do not know how long or what dose you are taking it I would recommend taking this over with your physician first and get thier backing. Just because you want to get off it doesn't always mean that you should.


                  From Mild Mannered Drunk to High Strung Super Bitch


                  Did you see the movie Garden State?
                  The whole premise of the movie as I saw it was that Zack Braffs character had been emotionally numb for years because of anti-depressants and he couldn't feel anything. So he quit then he could feel everything.....
                  That's where I was and that's when I quit the Prozac.

                  I can see why you feel empowered, the numbness is wearing off. Just pay attention to your body and your emotions girl....

                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger

