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MWO is not a clique or a private club

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    MWO is not a clique or a private club

    First of all I would like to apologize to any newcomers who haven't felt welcomed. We try our best but sometimes the "need for help" posts get lost in the middle of another thread.

    We have a "just starting out" forum and also a "newbie" forum. I know it's difficult to post at first, because you are reading posts from members who have been year for 2 years or more and have shared day to day experiences dealing with pain, death, divorce and of course, the day to day battles of alcohol abuse.

    If, what you perceive to be a clique, is not one at all just an on-going relationship with members who are committed to this program. Yes, the a.m. threads are the early birds who refer to each other as muffins - many explanations on that, but the most popular one is the fact that some of us have waistbands overflowing like a baked muffin.

    We have threads started from different time zones and we all try to welcome newcomers. I was a newcomer myself until November '06 and felt intimidated and just lurked for a while. When I did finally post, I was welcomed with open arms. The intimidation feeling was in me, not in the pre-existing members here.

    Also, when some of us find this site, we are feeling a little desperate, low self-esteem, etc. and we expect a lot of attention, etc. Like so many people going into rehab feel - we all have this feeling that - it's about me.

    Anyone who has ventured to find this site needs assistance and compassion, I think for the most part we fulfill that need. Everyone is welcome and we have very long arms loads of compassion and love to embrace you all.

    :h :h

    Hilary :welcome:
    Enlightened by MWO

    MWO is not a clique or a private club

    Well said. Thanks SK.


      MWO is not a clique or a private club

      Thank you Lady Duck!! hugs
      Enlightened by MWO


        MWO is not a clique or a private club

        yep.....thanks sk!
        Gabby :flower:


          MWO is not a clique or a private club

          You put it beautifully.


            MWO is not a clique or a private club

            Thanks SK! I can understand that people on the site have 'history' and have been through more together - that's to be expected. But I'm a newbie and from my newbie experience I've felt really warmly welcomed. Thanks everyone!


              MWO is not a clique or a private club

              Enlightened by MWO


                MWO is not a clique or a private club

                Thanks SK, wanted to say that myself but didn't know where to start ....


                  MWO is not a clique or a private club

                  That was spot on SKendall! I think you will have put new-comers minds at rest. Bella xx


                    MWO is not a clique or a private club

                    id like to say thanks to all, its good just to get things, i lkie to read old posts it gives me hope there is possibility, xx
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      MWO is not a clique or a private club

                      Alcohol-induced insecurity......

                      Well said SKendall!!!!

                      I joined a couple of months ago, and despite being able to drink like a fish, initially felt like a fish out of water.(lol) But, just as you say, I came to realise that my self-esteem had reached an all-time low, and the only one intimidating me was my inner-self, as alcohol is a master of making us feel insecure.

                      However, I `hung on in there`, and boy!!!!, am I glad I did, as the more I read and posted, I began to feel my insecurities slip away, to such an extent that through the dedicated support of the people here, I finally managed my 1st AF night last night.

                      I now feel I truly `belong` and urge all `newbies` to stick around, as M.W.O. is a wonderful place with genuine people who truly care and want to help. I now consider the people here to be my special friends, who have given me courage, and I hope to be able to help and support others, as I have been helped and supported.

                      Starlight Impress


                        MWO is not a clique or a private club

                        Thanks SK....anyone lurking...come on down...


                          MWO is not a clique or a private club

                          Reading through old and new posts over the last month (AKA lurking) has provided me with more information and community than I have had since realizing I have a "problem" with booze over 20 years ago. Wish I had found it sooner. The senior members are a wealth of experience and support. Thanks all.



                            MWO is not a clique or a private club

                            Headbanger, glad you're here. Gotta admit though everytime I see your avatar, I'm a little queasy.!!!!
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              MWO is not a clique or a private club

                              Some of us....ahmmmmm, are NEVER shy. LOL. I would have barreled in here with or w/o a welcome, but I definitely WAS welcomed warm heartedly. Thanx:thanks:

