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MWO is not a clique or a private club

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    MWO is not a clique or a private club

    Dear SKendall,

    I was feeling pretty disgusting when I registerred, and my avitar reflects my mood that day. Maybe when my self image is not so low, I'll chose a prettier one. Thanks for the welcome!



      MWO is not a clique or a private club

      Looks like banger is feeling pretty today!


        MWO is not a clique or a private club

        ...aaaaw .... I really liked the old banger ...


          MWO is not a clique or a private club

          Thanks.... we do feel welcomed now x
          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

          Marilyn Monroe


            MWO is not a clique or a private club

            SK, well said.
            I try at least once a week, to send a PM to new members welcoming them, and encouraging them to post.
            Everyday, the newest member is listed.
            I can't do it daily, so maybe some others can join me in this endeavor.
            Occassionally, I receive a PM back saying thanks for the welcome.
            Sometimes that new member just vanishes to Never-Never Land.


              MWO is not a clique or a private club


              Thanks for the idea. On most days, I get about 30 minutes out here so I tend to stay in the moderation thread where I can post a message and catch up if time allows. I often feel I don?t give as much as I get from this site, but sending a PM to a new member is a good way to connect.

              Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                MWO is not a clique or a private club

                Thanks SK


                  MWO is not a clique or a private club

                  Yes Mona that's a great idea and one well worth emulating (particularly for those of us with limited time.) Only hope we don't scare off the poor ol' newbie with such concerted attention - pretty unlikeythough. I know I treasured (still do) every response I got from the hostile universe out there....


                    MWO is not a clique or a private club

                    Great post SK. And great idea Mona. I will try to PM new members also. I have been sticking pretting much to the General Discussion and this reminds me I need to start going to the Just Getting Started part. After all, I found this place by mistake (trying to look up an AA meeting) and was brand new just about 3 or 4 months ago. So I am still a baby. I remember how scared I was to make that first post and how absolutely wonderful it felt for people to come pouring in with warm welcomes. I just couldn't believe that anyone could love a drunk like me. Since then, it has just gotten better. Thanks for reminding me. And thanks to all you guys and gals.
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      MWO is not a clique or a private club

                      I remember being scared & shy... Hard to believe, I know. But just jump in... We're all pretty much nuts anyway! :welcome: :welcome:

                      Great post SK!
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        MWO is not a clique or a private club

                        I've always felt warmly welcome to this site. The advice and support I have received here has been very,very helpful and insightful.
                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                          MWO is not a clique or a private club

                          I was scared and shy too judie .... honest ....

                          I try to PM new members too, but as you say some just disappear .......

                          Lurkers beware .......

                          Love & Hugs, BB xx


                            MWO is not a clique or a private club

                            Hilary, you said it perfectly, I hope newbies feel welcome! Love you, Mary


                              MWO is not a clique or a private club

                              I remember posting my first 'hi I'm new here' and feeling pretty sick about it - just really nervous as to whether anyone would respond or not - or even whether I deserved to get noticed! It was such a relief when people did actually respond with a warm welcome.

                              I now try to visit the just starting out forum or the my story to try to welcome people the way I was welcomed, but I have to admit there are so many new threads at times that it's difficult keeping up. I also find, even after 4 months actively joining in, I still can't keep up with some of the repartee between people - the quick one-liners, the wit- so I just enjoy reading the threads rather than participating!

                              Anyway, SK said it so well - a warm welcome to all newcomers and hope you find what you're looking for here.
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

