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    14 MONTHS AF!!!

    Hello All—

    I haven’t posted in many months but I pop in now and then… I am moved to see how many people are benefiting from this amazing site. I don’t know most of you (hello to those I do!)—but I DO know what you’re all dealing with because it’s my story too….

    I just want to let you know that there really IS hope! Today I am celebrating 14 MONTHS AF!!! I first visited the former version of this site in April 2006 —right after I’d spent a couple of weeks in rehab. I had been drinking for 10 years AFTER I had been AF for 11 years….yeah…I thought I could moderate after 11 years and I ended up drinking like a fish for 10 more years.

    BUT—here I am now…AF and feeling more than okay. I achieved the goal I set a year ago—I graduated from seminary!!

    Let me share a little story:
    For a year our fridge has featured this silly little crayon drawing of “where I see myself a year from now” that I had to do in rehab. I imagined where I hoped to be and drew a picture of the grounds of my seminary populated with little stick “graduates” and entitled it “Graduation Day 2007.” Well, on May 18th 2007, I carried it with me when I actually graduated!! The whole thing looked remarkably like my scribbled drawing come to life! You CAN manifest your dreams!

    Well, I just want to share this not only because I’m pleased with myself (and I am!) but also because I am so grateful to RJ and all the folks I “met” here and, most of all, to encourage all of you who are here now and struggling or just starting out and feeling anxious and afraid….

    Dealing with our drinking does mean being committed to make big changes in our lives—basically giving up the idea that the way we are drinking is “okay.” I can’t believe that I actually had convinced myself that it was okay to drink around the clock—sometimes 3-4 bottles of wine, supplemented with a pint or more of vodka….I mean, I had to have a slug of wine/beer/vodka when I got up…I sometimes got up in the night to drink…I couldn’t even go a few hours without doing something to maintain my blood alcohol level. Odd thing is that for the past ten years I was rarely visibly drunk—I was just never, ever completely sober….but I was depressed, anxious and suicidal…I spent days laying in bed wondering how I was possibly going to get through the rest of my life…

    Anyway, good people, keep on keepin on—it is so totally worth it! My life has changed in so many positive ways since last year….my relationship with my beloved partner of 15+ years is totally revived, I’ve lost about 20 lbs (many more to go…), my blood pressure is greatly improved and I’m no longer diagnosed as being diabetic….AND I’ve finally got my M.Div (Masters in Divinity/Theology) and I’m on the road to ordination! Quite obviously, my ministry will be with those who have suffered and are suffering with this whole alcohol/drug thing….

    Congratulations to everyone who is here—YOU CAN DO IT!
    Best, susan
    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott

    14 MONTHS AF!!!

    Congrats on 14 Months Susan - that's inspiring! :goodjob:


      14 MONTHS AF!!!

      That is truly wonderful. Congratulations!! It's great to meet you by the way!


        14 MONTHS AF!!!

        Major congrats!!! I have heard of writing goals down and as soon as you do the universe helps you achieve them but a drawing a picture is even better. Thanks for the inspiration!


          14 MONTHS AF!!!

          Sujul, so nice to see you again!!!!!!

          I deleted post recently with me talking about the stupid night-eating thing. As you were the only other person I knew doing this .... are you still doing it? Has abs. changed the pattern?

          If you don't have time to reply that's fine - just so glad to see you reporting your progress. Thank you.


            14 MONTHS AF!!!

            :thanks: Diver, GG and Lucky!

            And Tawny, great to see you! Nope, being AF has stopped the night drinking but not the night-eating.. For those of you who are wondering what we're talking's this weird night eating syndrome where you actually get up and eat stuff in the night and often don't remember doing it at all....for me, sometimes I have a vague memory of doing it--but other times I just find the "evidence," like a bit of bread on the counter or an empty container... Actually, being AF has made me slightly more aware at the time that I'm doing it--but hasn't had any impact in terms of me actually not doing's truly like being in an altered state.... I even tried hypnosis but it didn't work either....I probably need to go back for more sessions but at $250/hr it's a little beyond my means.... So, sadly, the last full night's sleep I had was over a year ago, in rehab when I was zonked out on whatever med they gave me for withdrawal....

            Anyone else who does this?

            "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


              14 MONTHS AF!!!

              Congratulations Susan for your 14 months what an accomplishment!

              For your degree, I hope it brings you exactly what you dreamed it would and into the ministry that you and God planned for your life.

              I hope you and your partner have a long and happy life together and that you remain free from alcohol and all of its bondage.

              Check in now and then and be an example for us.
              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                14 MONTHS AF!!!

                Congratulations Susan, and thanks every so much for sharing your story, it will help many of us here at MWO, what a journey to have taken and survived - Well Done.
                It is easier to stay out than get out.

                Mark Twain


                  14 MONTHS AF!!!

                  WAY TO GO!!!


                    14 MONTHS AF!!!

                    Wonderful Susan, continued success! Stories like yours are such inspiration!


                      14 MONTHS AF!!!

                      great work. whenever i think i'm ok to drink again, i will remember your story (not to mention the numerous times i have fallen into that trap). thanks for sharing with us. it is truly inspiring and i'm sure you will help so many people now. hope i can get there and help others too someday.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        14 MONTHS AF!!!

                        I'm so happy for you!
                        Thanks for coming back and filling us in on your journey to freedom.

                        Since you'll be working with people who need some help, will we see you here some? I'm sure you have words of wisdom to share.

                        :goodjob: NAncy
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          14 MONTHS AF!!!

                          :goodjob: YOU INSPIRE ME !!! :goodjob:
                          Thank-You so much for your story Susan and congratulations for being AF 14 whole months... I'm almost now 2 months and I'm starting to "get it"... This is my new life and you are SOOO right ! This is SOOO worth it... Hats off to you !! Keep on keepin' On !
                          ~Niblet~ with a

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            14 MONTHS AF!!!

                            Congratulations on your success with staying sober and with your Masters Susan!

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              14 MONTHS AF!!!

                              It's Great to see you, Susan! Thanks for coming back to let us know how you are. I've wondered how you were doing but somehow knew that you were well. It's great to have that confirmed!

                              Congrats on accomplishing your Master's degree and with your success in staying sober! Both are so worthwhile!

                              All the best to you!


                              Kathy:l :l
                              AF as of August 5th, 2012

