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    14 MONTHS AF!!!

    Congratulations Susan! You have so much to be proud of!

    Thank you for sharing your journey with those of us who are just beginning ours
    :h :h :h :h


      14 MONTHS AF!!!

      That's wonderful!
      My sincerest Congraduations!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        14 MONTHS AF!!!

        Congratulations, your story is so inspiring. I have managed 15 weeks af today, and
        feel great. It's hard work but so rewarding.


          14 MONTHS AF!!!

          Yeahhhhhhh Susan!
          I wonder about you from time to time. So glad to hear from you and that your doin great. Congrats on your masters too.

          I too just completed a year of AF! Big hug to you.
          Gabby :flower:


            14 MONTHS AF!!!

            Thank you!

            Thank you, thank you! I so appreciate everyone?s good wishes!

            And to Nancy, Kathy and Gabby?a special hello, old friends!
            :l :l :l

            And, Gabs, one year? Fantastic!!!

            As some of you know, my constant mantra was (and is) WHATEVER IT TAKES! Part of what it took was coming on here regularly (sometimes many times a day!) and connecting with the amazing folks from all around the world who are struggling with this?. What really worked for me was that I could come here at any time of the day, with any worry, problem, complaint or cause for celebration?and I would find others do share hugs, good thoughts, advice and just, generally, be a huge support? You are all an inspiration to me! Thank you again!

            And, yes now that I?ve (finally) graduated from seminary I intend to read and post more often?this really works! And I already know that I get too confident and think that I don?t need to do the things that helped me get AF in the first place?and then I know I?m headed down the path to taking that first drink again?.and, once I take that first drink, I?m no longer the same person who sincerely intended to have ?just one??I am literally another person who will have another and another and another?

            One lesson I learned in this process is that it?s about being humble?.

            So, see y'all around the site--
            "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


              14 MONTHS AF!!!

              Thanks Susan, Sooooo nice to see you and glad you gonna hang out again.
              Gabby :flower:


                14 MONTHS AF!!!

                Well done Susan and Hi,

                Gone job on the af. You're an inspiration. Hope to see you around.

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

