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Welcome Spring army thread 29/02

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    Welcome Spring army thread 29/02

    Morning lovelies

    I always consider the 1st March start of Spring which is my favourite time of year. I love the brighter warmer weather and the possibilities of holidays and sunshine

    Yesterday had a fab time with Chill. We went to a personal deveiopment expo and learned lots of inspiring things. But I think the highlight for me was meeting two beautiful MASSIVE snakes and holding them. I have never held a snake before and this one was about 3 stone and over 6 ft long. She was adorable and I think I fell in love a bit.

    Last week was a very tiring week for me with a lot of stress in the office. I am hoping that this week will be calmer.

    Have a lovely day :hug:

    Good morning Starty and all to come.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Morning Tabbers and Starty..
      Starty, you are very brave!! really, snake LOVE!! :love_heart:

      Still counting the votes from the election on Friday here.. How they are going to form a government from the results so far is beyond me - Interesting days ahead!
      Off to drag the spogs out of dreamland, back later.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        morning Jabbers and Mary. Mary did you see the pics on facebook?

        What do you think will happen in Ireland?


          Morning you lucky Springtime Gorgeousnesses!

          My computer has stopped logging me in....will have to get it seen to today! So this is me from my phone!

          The party on Saturday was fab...It went on till after 4am!
          Needless to say, I slipped away at 01h00, as my flight required me to be at OR Tambo by 09h00. The cake was a great success! Will post pics or share on Facebook.

          Will have to catch up now, but hello darling Tabbers, Starty and Mary!
          “It always seems impossible until it's done”
          ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

          AF 1 July 2015


            Morning loves,
            Loved the snake, Starts. :heartbeat: So much so I've asked for a reptile experience for my birthday.

            Sunny, the site has been acting up the last couple of days, it could be that. Hats off to you and anyone who posts from their phone.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Haha....hello JackieC and thanks....its called DESPERATION!!!

              “It always seems impossible until it's done”
              ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

              AF 1 July 2015


                Sorry the pic came out so small....have no idea what i am doing wrong!

                This is THE CAKE. Proud production of Paige and yours truely! We has such fun....and it was devoured, I believe, around 2 am! Munchies????
                “It always seems impossible until it's done”
                ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

                AF 1 July 2015


                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                  Morning loves,
                  Loved the snake, Starts. :heartbeat: So much so I've asked for a reptile experience for my birthday.

                  Sunny, the site has been acting up the last couple of days, it could be that. Hats off to you and anyone who posts from their phone.
                  There are no snakes in Ireland Jacks :haha: so that won't happen while you are here............. St Patrick drove them all away.

                  Edit : a few 2 legged snakes though

                  Last edited by satz123; February 29, 2016, 11:44 AM.


                    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                    There are no snakes in Ireland Jacks :haha: so that won't happen while you are here............. St Patrick drove them all away.

                    Edit : a few 2 legged snakes though

                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Sunnybirdy, the cake is fantabulous. If you click on it you get the option to make it bigger.

                      Just realised its 1st March tomorrow and you start your new job. Best of luck, love.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Sunny, that cake was only fabulous! You some talented lady!
                        BEst of luck tomorrow (Thank you JC calendar!)... hoping for a full 1st day report tomorrow!

                        Starty, missed you earlier.. I popped onto fb - hilarious! but gross, sorry:egad:! Really JC, you into snakes too??
                        Hope you have a better week in work this week. How is the new promotion working out?

                        Still reading Dry (well listening). In the shower this morning I was marveling at the feeling of washing my hair and not trying to wash away the hangover before I dragged myself to work. All good, marching into March..
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Young Satz is having sly drinks the GF suspects.
                          His sister rang me and said she thought he was talking funny on phone to her this eve & she text GF who said yes she knows he had pints on way home from pub - but he is being a knob and denying it to her - FFS!
                          Apparently is SO obvious to his sister ........ so he had quite a few.

                          He is going to 2 relapse prevention group sessions a week but I think it's having the opposite effect on him and giving him permission to relapse.
                          Advice please on how to handle it ?


                            Satz, NO, this a big blow, really sorry to hear it. :hug:
                            I really dont know and I would be afraid to suggest anything in case it was the wrong advice.
                            His head is probably all over the place, the lies, the guilt - we all know the drill but the message is just not syncing in. What did they say to you a few weeks back, withdraw with love??
                            Intervene, step back.. is there even a right answer. Sorry Im no help am I. more :hug:
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                              Satz, NO, this a big blow, really sorry to hear it. :hug:
                              I really dont know and I would be afraid to suggest anything in case it was the wrong advice.
                              His head is probably all over the place, the lies, the guilt - we all know the drill but the message is just not syncing in. What did they say to you a few weeks back, withdraw with love??
                              Intervene, step back.. is there even a right answer. Sorry Im no help am I. more :hug:
                              Yep Mers- to let go !
                              But then I think if we hadn't intervened he'd still be a gibbering mess.

                              I'm confused.
                              I'll ask at family group on Wednesday.....

