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Welcome Spring army thread 29/02

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    I'm here, I'm here. Had an awful nights sleep full of confusing and weird dreams. I should get a dream catcher.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Morning army another storm warning in place here i can't remember the name they gave this one lol but it was wild earlier but now its sunny and the wind has died down. Thanks all for your good wishes.


        Afternoon folks :checkin:


          Hi, Satz
          I hope things are settling down for you and that your meeting tonight is (was?) helpful. Thinking of you, NS


            Hello, hello , hello.

            Had our Jenny here all day and what a difference in her. Resigning that job has taken a mountain of stress off her and she's lucky enough to have her job back in York.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Hey NS, good to see you. Howdy Army.

              Good to see you Molls. Any craic up your way?
              Satz, hoping its not too stressful this week. Your mams doing well though isnt she??

              Mad winds are picking up again. More garden action here as a tree came down, or part of it, 43 feet according to Mr Measure. the rabbit returned so didnt get flattened :black_eyed:

              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
              I'm here, I'm here. Had an awful nights sleep full of confusing and weird dreams. I should get a dream catcher.
              My girls made their own last week JC and apparently they are working like a dream (boom boom). They look very... interesting, but hey, catching the bad dreams..
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Great news JC - well thats a weight of worry off for you too.
                I dont know, but I think there is more and more expected of us in the last 10 years and we are becoming more and more stressed. Great decision that she made, work to live not live to work.
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  We had to do a lot of tip-toeing about she was so sensitive (polite way of saying touchy ).
                  She's still in touch with the teaching people and having a meeting with them about a bursary and grants for her teaching cert.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Is she looking at primary or secondary JC?
                    Wonder how Sunny is getting on in the job.. must be hitting the hay as soon as she gets home
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Secondary........Chemistry/Biology and if pushed could throw in a bit of Physics.
                      Dying to see how Sunny's getting on.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Morning my Darlings,

                        Sunny is getting on just fine at work....and from the love angle....well, look at the time!!!!!!

                        Why oh why do I fall so fast and hard???

                        Hope its real and hope it lasts. His name is Robert!:love:
                        “It always seems impossible until it's done”
                        ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

                        AF 1 July 2015


                          Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                          Hi, Satz
                          I hope things are settling down for you and that your meeting tonight is (was?) helpful. Thinking of you, NS
                          Thanks NS
                          Just spent 2 hours being told to let go and he's 34 and needs to take responsibility.
                          Come home to another crisis of Andrew on a bender since Monday. His sister on the phone to tell me that GF crying on phone to her. FFS!!!
                          That poor girl.
                          He went to his group and left after a few minutes - so I think now he had been drinking and they asked him to leave. Then he went to pub to watch the football match and has now arrived home to her pissed.


                            Originally posted by sunbird2 View Post
                            Morning my Darlings,

                            Sunny is getting on just fine at work....and from the love angle....well, look at the time!!!!!!

                            Why oh why do I fall so fast and hard???

                            Hope its real and hope it lasts. His name is Robert!:love:
                            WHA???? :egad: you met someone ?????


                              It's great to hear your're so happy, Sunbird. Enjoy! :smile:

                              Satz, :hug:. I understand the "let go" philosophy but I don't know if a mom can really do it. Cutting off any enabling support is one thing but you'll always love him. Maybe his GF (or the possibility of losing her) will be the key. I hope you can get some sleep after the stressful evening. xx


                                Satz, you know we care. :hug: You're doing the right thing going to your support group. Its not so long ago I had to being the piggy in the middle between Jenny and Mr JC.........inevitably i would get messages wrong and end up in the bad books...........I put a stop to it and if they've got anything to say to each other they do it direct now.

                                What I'm trying to say in a cack-handed way his GF and his sister need to get off your back.

                                Have a google of enabling an alcoholic.........there may be some things in there that your group don't cover. TBH I always thought enabling was just bringing a bottle home but it goes deeper than that.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

