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Starting again, again

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    Starting again, again

    Been on this board for about 6 months on and off. I need to do something drastic now. I have been feeling really ill for 2 months. I have a real bad viral throat infection, not just sore throat but horrible nasty looking throat. Doctor suspects mononucleosis and I'm supposed to go today for a blood test to confirm as well as the full works for blood tests. Only I can't go. I have convinced myself that that the liver and renal function tests are going to show up bad. I have lapsed into hypochondriac mode and convinced myself that the throat is not a viral infection at all but uremia cuased by renal failure. Need to stop drinking for my physical and mental well being. Oh dear. I am going to try my best to be AF. Although I can only manage a few days at a time.


    Starting again, again

    Dear Cheeks

    I'm just a "Newbie" but for what it's worth: Sorry to see you are struggling at the moment but we all have had and will have our "low" points, that's why we are all here to help each other get through this. The most important thing is that you must go to the Dr for these blood checks. I'm sure it will be something straightforward and not life threatening. If you put it off today the problem will not go away and you will just worry more and probably end up drinking more to try to stop the worrying. It's a vicious circle. Please go to your Drs RDV and let us know the results, hang in there. Would love to help more but just a few lines as I have to get going. Go on, put on your coat and get going to the RDV.

    Thinking of you :l

    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


      Starting again, again

      Cheeks- Poor you, it sounds sore. But go today for a blood test. Try and get that courage you know you have. You sound like me - a worrier. But if you don't go, you will only continue to worry even more. At least by going you get to find out and move on. I'm sure everything will be ok. The mind is such, that we turn things over in our heads and just get in a state, I know what you mean. Be brave. Thinking of you. Bella xxx


        Starting again, again

        Hi Cheeks, nice to see you back .....

        I'm the same as you, I worry too much .... get the tests done ....

        Love & Hugs, BB xx


          Starting again, again

          Hey Cheeks! :welcome:

          We're all here to support you - get the tests. I'm a worrier too and not having them and worrying is often worst than getting them done and working through however they come out.

          Let us know what happens!


            Starting again, again

            yes, i agree, you must go get the tests. and even if your liver enzymes are high, you can reverse that by quitting drinking. i once went to the doctor when i was sick and he was very surprised at how high my liver and pancreas levels were. i got scared and stopped drinking for a while and went back and got a new test after a few weeks and everything was normal again. (of course, the first thing i did was to go celebrate with -- guess what.)
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Starting again, again

              hey-- don't try that last part, ok?
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Starting again, again

                Please go to the caont begin to heal til you know what you have...


                  Starting again, again

                  Cheeks, better to know the truth that live a lie. You could just have a viral thing and you have youself convinced it is something far more serious. Please go find out. When I turned 45 I had everything checked from top to bottom. No fun and was scared. but I was blessed with a clean bill of health. Just don't borrow trouble (I know easier said than done)If it is serious everday you put off diagnois,makes it harder to treat Go and keep a positive attitude
                  Hugs & loads of Support


                    Starting again, again

                    I hope you managed to go for your blood tests, whatever the results its better to KNOW what your up against rather than imagining the worst.
                    Keep coming back and use the help from here to help tackle the boozing.
                    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                      Starting again, again

                      thanks everyone, you've really helped. I did go for the appointment. Had to really force myself and once I'd been I wanted to go back and demand my blood tests back. Got to wait a whole week now.

                      Thank you



                        Starting again, again

                        Hi Cheeks,

                        Well done for keeping your appointment. Sorry you have to wait a week for the results but I'm sure you will feel better once you know exactly what is wrong.

                        I'm a worrier too, and I know how scary tests can be, but at least this way you will know exactly what you are dealing with and make a plan.

                        I wish you all the best for your future.

                        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

