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One Step at a Time - March 2016

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    Checking in after a great day! It was sunny and cold so the snow was great. We had a really good time and I'm delighted to say all of my bones are intact. My husband is a very good skier and I am NOT so it is intimidating to go with him.

    Fen, your story made me laugh out loud. My first kiss was behind the high school football bleachers. I was so embarrassed after the first little peck that I shouted "I need to go home!" I whipped around and RAN full speed, got about 10 feet and tripped over a root. Took a nasty bouncing fall but that didn't stop me from scrambling up and hightailing it out of there, never looking back. Of course, being in 7th grade, there were two other couples to witness this . . . needless to say he "broke up" with me the next day through a note passed to me by one of his friends. Oh, the shame!

    GREAT JOB staying on your feet Fen!! You got this!

    Thanks again for the warm welcome all - you made my week - AG


      Finally got to read back. Sending big hugs to all.

      Newlyweds back today so spent the evening chattin, looking at pics. They opened some gifts that they had received. Casey's birthday so we had cake and ice cream.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        She is happy and has a "good" boyfriend and Sierra is fine and she will try to log on. I was amazed she responded to my text.
        Sounds like everyone had a good day. I used to ski a lot. Fenny - your story made me giggle...
        Happy Birthday Casey
        I have to run, but will check in later. Off to manage Nora Skwerly Manor and try to hire some peeps.
        It' so great to see our family growing.
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Woo-hoo Mama!! I'm so glad everything is ok with K9,I better change my quote if she's coming back I think I'm dying from allergies,iI can't quit sneezing! Happy b-day Casey,Lou turns 3 tomorrow and Kells havinghis party at other grammas so iI'm doing a small shindig here today for him so I only hafta pop in for a bit tomorrow, its not that I don't like them but it gets loud,they'll probably drink and I just don't feel like dealing, its also Louie's dads birthday today,I got him a gift card to cheesecake factory, my fave,hope everyone has a great Friday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Morning all!!

            AG - so glad you had a fun day skiing.

            Mr V - how you doing? You in for another 24?

            So glad you heard from K9, Mama.

            Sorry that I haven't been posting much. I have just sat and zoned when I get home. All week long - just work late and then grocery shop or whatever and then home. Looking forward to the weekend.

            Fen - sounds like your guy got over the surprise right away if he wanted a kiss. LOL Seriously though - you are so beautiful and such a great personality. I totally understand why you get hit on from so many different directions.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              I agree Nora.....Fenny is HAWT, as she would say!!
              I come home and zone too. Eat, watch "Dexter" with hubs, barely speak and go to bed. Wake up, wash, rinse and repeat.
              BUT.....I am thankful to be employed and healthy and surrounded by loved ones.
              Back to work....Happy birthday Louie and Louie's dad!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Hey how come Fen gets all the guys!manhog Hahahaha! Seriously all I get are old geezers and guys young enough to be my kid I find it funny that hubs always thinks I'm hot on some guys tail,tbh if we ever split up I'd be alone and like it,I have no interest in anybody like that,maybe I'm a dried up old prune now cuz I prefer my own company who knows
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Wow, a lot of birthdays! Happy birthday Casey, Louie and Louie's dad!
                  Pauly, I so get not wanting to deal with the party. I am right there with you..
                  Nora and Mama, I have been crashing all week with this netflix. I feel a little guilty, but whatever.
                  I'm glad K9 is doing so well.
                  AG, glad you had a fun day on the slopes. I love how well I sleep after skiing. It's just exhausting. My hubs is way better at it than me too. He jokes I'd only go in perfect conditions.
                  Mr V. It sure is a big deal cleaning a dogs teeth especially the older they get. The vet said it takes them longer to recover from the anesthesia. Is this your puppy's first cleaning? Lucy is 9 years old and I will not let it go that long again.
                  Fen, so what happened at work today with your gentlemen friend? Any news on the condo?
                  Helped hubs work on some tax stuff tonight, ugh. Is it just me or does April 15 come around quicker every year.


                    Hey all, happy weekend . . .

                    Pauly, I get it about the parties. They can be exhausting, especially for the 3 year olds! Happy birthday to the little man.

                    Liz, I'm glad Lucy recovered well. I have a 7 yr old lab/golden/german shepard. He is such a big part of our family.

                    Nora - what's the next step for the newlyweds? Waiting to hear on where they go?? What a fun time of life.

                    Fen, how goes it?

                    I thought I'd be sore from skiing today but didn't feel too bad. I went for a run after work with a friend. This is another NEW thing as I haven't been doing a lot of running in the last 2 years due to my huge uptake in wine (I used to run 2-3x a week). It felt great. I certainly still crave the AL but am also starting to crave how good I feel with "clean living". My running partner asked me if I hated having all AL out of my house (she still thinks it is all my husband's doing, despite me saying its us agreeing on that) and I honestly told her, no, I LIKE IT. Its really good for me.

                    Change can be a good thing! Stay strong all - AG


                      Good for you AG. I don't like to run, but I feel so good after I do. I try to run at least 3 times a week and you're so right it's hard to keep up that schedule when you've been drinking. I too still crave the al, but I also love how good I feel when "living clean"

                      Happy Saturday!


                        Hey all,not feeling bueno this morning, hope it passes,Louie loved the little party I gave him,makes me glad and now I won't feel guilty for dipping out of his real party early today,I'm just gonna use my allergies as an excuse, my eyes are burning so bad they're watering so my eyeliner is running, yippee,work should be a joy,hope everyone has a nice Saturday
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Hi loves. Just cleaning house and lounging around. I had really productive week at work, but was pooped when I got home last night.
                          Not sure what we are doing for date night.
                          I used to run, but not anymore. Besides, it's hard with 44 longs!!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Glad the skiing was fun AG, and you’re not sore!

                            Moma, such welcome news about K9,I’ve been wondering. Now has any one heard from Kradle?

                            Pauly, alleges suck for sure. Thankfully I’m only bothered a few times a year, true hay fever, whenever the grass goes to seed in may and september.

                            Liz, this will be Cody’s second cleaning. She was wiped out the past day of so from the shots, barely moved, but feeling friskier today. Even though she’s so old, she still likes to walk 1-2 miles a day. When she was younger, she needed 6-7 miles to keep her calm, Mrs V and I had to split the duty, lol. She’s a Schipperke. They’re a handful, but great pets if you don’t mid spending the time.Cody 1a.jpg
                            Nora, Meant to check in last night, but fell asleep about 9:30, lol.
                            Cold gray and rainy here today, looking forward to warmer weather next week.
                            Attached Files


                              Good Evening All,

                              I caught a horrible cold in Maine so I've been out of sorts lately, and extremely busy with work. Off to Alabama for work today.'s supposed to be sunny and in the 70s this week in Birmingham.

                              AG-so glad you are taking up skiing and running again! I used to love to downhill ski and run. I run a bit now but only ski x-country. Isn't it fun to reignite old passions and develop new ones when we decide we don't need/want AL anymore? So happy for you and I am delighted you have joined our happy family on this thread.

                              Mr.V-cute dog!! I have never heard of that breed. I learned something today. Thanks for popping in!

                              Mama-great job on not drinking through the work stress. So glad you connected with K9.

                              Pauly- I could relate when you said you got rid of clothes that reminded you of drunken times. I have given away some very expensive work clothes...including jackets, pants and shoes, because they reminded me of times when I was trashed and would show up at a family gathering, wearing these clothes, thinking I could hide my drinking with expensive clothes, shoes, purse, all make-up on, perfume, etc. NO! UGH...the shame.

                              Fen-What is happening with the maintenance guy?

                              Big hellos to everyone I missed...Nora, Liz, Skendall, NE, and anyone I missed...I hope you all are having a peaceful Saturday evening.


                                Hi lovelies
                                I’m just back from an interstate trip with some of my school buddies (gals I met in 1972). So much fun!

                                I don’t have Netflix – but we have a new channel here that shows almost back to back shows about USA real estate. It’s my current obsession! Especially ‘Sale of 2 Cities’ – today was about 2 couples and comparing what they could buy in Portland and Pennsylvania for the same amount. Yes – I know it’s sad – I don’t get out much.
                                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                                I didn't come this far to only come this far.

