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One Step at a Time - March 2016

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    Hi Ag and welcome! Good to see you too Mr. Vervill. I am hoping you can get back on track,
    I have been insanely busy, but all is well. I fired one person and another person stomped off the job, so I am there filling in.
    I hope you survive the audit.
    Hugs to all....Rusty, Skwerly Butt, Lizz, Pauly, and our new family members. I'll try to check in later today.
    I wanted to drink REALLY bad last night....but I didn't.
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Originally posted by mama bear View Post
      Hi Ag and welcome! Good to see you too Mr. Vervill. I am hoping you can get back on track,
      I have been insanely busy, but all is well. I fired one person and another person stomped off the job, so I am there filling in.
      I hope you survive the audit.
      Hugs to all....Rusty, Skwerly Butt, Lizz, Pauly, and our new family members. I'll try to check in later today.
      I wanted to drink REALLY bad last night....but I didn't.
      Good girl xoxo
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Hey all,Mama some days I feel like I want to drink and then I think NO I don't want to drink! I just shake it off and wonder where the hell that thought came from,still going through my closet and throwing out any shirts that remind me of drinking,there's a red hot chili peppers shirt that's a real bad drinking memory shirt but they're my fave band what to do? This is weird but I was looking at some flip flops that I wore several times during withdrawal and wow just looking at them brings back how my feet would be so sweaty ,tingly,pins and needle feeling a great deterrent I ain't going through that bullshit again! My allergies suck but I'm over it,don't care,ain't gonna dwell,much love to all let's kick Thursdays ass
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Great job on not drinking, Mama. Imagine how yucky you would have felt today. What's the latest on the move?

          Pauly - you sound amazing!!!

          Liz - good luck at the vet.

          Fen - keep us posted on your meetup.

          Mr V & AG - how you both doing today?? HOPE YOU ARE HAVING THE BEST DAY!!

          Got to get back to work. Love to all...........
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Everyone was a phsycho at work!! Hate the first of the month cuz weirdos get their checks and come in just to fuck up my day! Blankie fort time
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Oh Pauly, I am so sorry you are dealing with indigent psychos at work!! BIG HUGS from the blankie fort. I've peeked on your Facebook page by the way, and you are such a cute and sexy person...besides being very strong and kind. I love your hair and your smile. Your customers are lucky to have you, and we are even LUCKIER!!! Sending lots of positive energy from Wisconsin.


                Sorry Pauly. Everyone comes in to pay on the first and it brings all the loonies out.
                Hubs is in charge of moving Nora, and I think he's stalling a little but....I get it, trust me.
                Hope everything is ok in Wisconsin, Rusty.
                Hi all. About to get into my hour drive home.
                Love you all
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Pauly, mama...sorry about the psychos at work! I promise you that Nora Skwerly Manor residents will be well behaved. Pauly, you can set up a shop on the first floor next to the cafe.

                  Rusty, nice to see you. Are you getting some of the warmer weather next week, too?

                  Pauly, post your pic!


                    Liz, my wives are addicted to Netflix- I admit to watching some stuff along with them. : )

                    AG, that sounds like a fun trip...I have never downhill skied, but I love x-country.

                    Mama, I am so proud of you for not drinking during your vexing time. :heartbeat:

                    Nora, I am thinking of you during this stressful time at doesn't sound like fun at all. :hug:

                    Heya, Mr. V.


                      Well, my man was a bit taken aback at my news, but seemed to recover within a few minutes. We went to Panera. We regaled each other with divorce misery stories and work info (gossip). His wife had a facebook affair with a high school beau for ages, emptied out the bank accounts and left. However, she used his one night stand a few years earlier as justification- not a good sign in his favor, either.

                      Anyhoo, it was a nice, simple meeting, but when we got to the parking lot and I asked for a hug, he complied but tried to kiss me. I don't kiss anybody on the first date and I told him so. He said it was a "friend" kiss, lol. We both fled the scene pretty quickly.

                      We'll see how things go at work tomorrow. I am training again.


                        Aww, Fen I hope it didn't get awkward. Where do you think it will go from here? What are you training for now?

                        Mama, proud of you for not drinking! I didn't realize that you have an hour commute. I honestly don't know how you do it all? Do your guys at least help out with dinner and laundry and stuff?

                        Pauly, sorry about the crazies at work. I get them too. I have to be polite and professional. It ain't easy with some. I agree with rusty, you are cute and sexy. Can't say that I have issues with my clothes as far as drinking. I have a sweater that has a small red wine stain on it that won't come out! I still have it and probably won't wear it again.


                          Hey all, Thanks for the welcome back.
                          Great job on not drinking Mama! I hate to manage people, such a tough job.
                          I’m jealous of the skiing AG, and Techie, even though I got to ski twice this season. Here’s where I skied last,
                          FullSizeRender ski.jpg
                          Fo’ real! Love it!
                          Pauly, sending more tight shirts and love to deal with the Government workers! ( as my wife calls those who receive their money from the govt.)
                          You too, Mama!
                          Way to go Fen!
                          Snowed all day today, but none of it really accumulated on the ground. Just had to wipe off the car before traveling . Ready for spring, saw a daffodil in bloom yesterday!
                          Night all!


                            Oops, hit the post by mistake.

                            Nora, I guess your busy at work. Hope all goes well with the audit. CJ is having one through Friday too. She's working extra hours and everyone is stressed. She watched tv with me and hubs tonight which she doesn't do too often.

                            AG, have fun skiing! I hope you didn't break anything. I was just thinking about that today. I used to go a lot. Last time I went was probably like five years ago. I'm just to scared and it's so much work just getting all those clothes on and the boots and the skiis and the helmet and the gloves etc. meh, I'm good.

                            Lucy did fine at the vet and the weight wasn't very long! The vet who did the extractions and cleaning came out to talk to us. He did not last week and I was a little miffed. Anyway, he was super nice. He is forgiven. We bought Lucy a lovely new light pink and white collar for spring. It looks pretty on her. Mark nixed the one with the bow. Yes Pauly I agree your puppy looks a lot like my puppy!


                              Cross post Mr V. I believe that snow is headed our way for tomorrow. I see it as an opportunity to wear my snow boots one last time! Send me some of those daffodils!


                                Hey Liz, took our pup to the vet today too. Annual check-up and shots. She's wiped out tonight. She's 15 1/2. An oldie but goodie. She needs a dental too. Hopefully no extractions. It takes a lot out of them. Best to you and yours.

