She was in the sun for a VERY short time because I made her move to the shade. But, I can't think of anything else that it can be though. :questionmark: This has happened before with her hand and we never put it together with being outside.
Over the evening and night, I tried cortisone cream, cold washcloths, a different cream. Finally insisted that she go lay down at about 7:00 pm so that I could give her half a benadryl. That didn't help at all. A couple hours later, I gave her the other half. Then about midnight I ended up giving her an entire pill. Well, they had the opposite affect and she was awake almost the entire night instead of being knocked out.
Then about 3:00 am she needed to go to the restroom. I had been trying to figure out why my nightlight had gone off and realized the electricity was off. I got her into the restroom where I had a couple little fake candles. Thought she was sitting down and I walked away back into the bedroom to try to get things situated to get her back to bed when I heard a banging noise. I ran in there and she gotten confused and grabbed the hand rail frame I have around the toilet and pulled it out and was trying to walk with it like it was her walker. It took me a few minutes to get her to listen to me and let go of that. Hubby ran and got the flashlight and we got her settled. But, then she was so awake that she decided to get up. Hubby was an absolute doll and let me go to bed and sleep at that point.
Itching was much better today. She had some on her hand this evening. She has had it on her hand several times, not only when out in the sun so I want to get that checked out.
I was helping her shower today and got the water a little too cold or not where she wanted it or something. She yelled at me with all 3 of my names First, Middle, and Maiden Name Last. :rotlf: She has been persnickety today which is so unusual. When she says no she means no kind of day. And, if I would ask her to drink water or something, she would give me the look. I just had to start laughing at her when she was pulling her pouting, mad face. Then, she just start laughing too. I love her so much.