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Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

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    Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

    Seeing as so many of us are proud doggie owners, you might be able to help us with suggestions for choosing another dog breed.

    We have Rocky (the Rockstar!) who is a Jack russell x Mini Fox Terrier. Our Rockstar is pretty lively, has a lot of energy (he comes running with us) and is only 12 months old. He's such a friendly and loyal dog. Happy plus!

    I mostly work from home office, so I'm here for him but I think Rocky would love having a mate to play withwhen he's outside (50% of time). I also really love the idea of having another personality in the house... know what I mean?

    Seeing as Rocky is so energetic, we're thinking maybe a quieter dog but we also want one that will come running with us, so needs to have stamina, so it's a bit hard to know which way to go.

    We've done some research and some of those online questionaire's to help us choose a suitable breed, and the two that come up are King Charles Cavalier (gorgeous but requires daily grooming, and I'm into fuss free dogs) and the other type is a pure breed Jack Russell (Ohh so cute!) but also quite lively like the Rockstar.

    We are rather houseproud but we have polished floorboards all downstairs so that part is ok but the drawback of having two dogs will be our back deck and entertaining area will get all muddy when it rains. Rocky has distroyed our outdoor lounges with his muddy paws, bummer!

    I've heard some people say that if you own a great dog, getting a second dog can be a disaster, as they never quite live up to the standard of the first dog... but I think the benefits would be really good for Rocky and the extra personality around the place would be fun.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or advice? The other criteria is that we want a dog that doesn't bark too much. Rockstar doesn't bark much so he really is a perfect dog for us. Maybe we should just get another Rocky?

    We're not rushing into it, that's for sure.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

    Yah for puppies!

    I have two Mini Schanuzers and I love them to pieces. I got the second one as we worked all day and she was left by herself; very sad. So, I got her a new playmate from the same breeder. Amazingly this is her sister!

    I love my Mini's. They have lots of energy, or they can sleep all day depending on what you want to do. And, they play with eachother all the time and chase the baby around. They are great with kids. Very kind and loving dogs they are. Plus, they are not that big so litter patrol is not too bad, even with two.

    I forgot to mention; they don't shed either. They have hair like we do..great for people with allergies or whatever.


      Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

      Hi8 Scoobs!

      I don't know that much about dogs even though I've had one for the best part of 25 years.... what I am an expert in, is bitches - the teenage girl variety.... I'll send a couple up on the bus for you - they can be there in just over 3 hours, but remember, there's a NO RETURN policy in place!!!!

      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

        I used to have rotties, which when loved up as mine were, are very placid, gentle dogs.

        Now I have my Honey and Milly, Honey is a cross Maltese, shitzue, shes lovely, loving, but a bit naughty, but she is in the terrible 3's. Milly is a cross chuhuaha pomeranian ( possibly didn't spell that right) and she was a 'free to a good home' dog from the local paper, and she is a gem, and they are now sisters and love each other to bits, and I love them too bits too! They are so much fun!

        I think that you just have to be open to what you want, small dog or big, and feel the vibes of the dog. The dog that is right for you will 'feel good' and give you signs...

        Good luck, all doggies are special, it's just that they have to find the right owner, lol

        All the best! Jas xx
        :thanks: :h


          Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

          i have a cross breed whippet and he has so much energy it is not real he can be a bit of a handful sometimes but i am sure full breed whippets are calmer and they will run for you all day not much grooming ad they are not to big either


            Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

            Scooby, I have 5 dogs, They of course are puppies when you get them and behave well like puppies. My bunch is pretty mellow until someone rings the dor bell....then all hell breaks loose! But if at all possible, I vote for adopting from your local animal shelter. I would just stay away from the smaller lap type of dogs as they tend to be terrortorial. If your looking for a designer dog that is fabublous, a golden doodle (cross between golden retriever and poodle) great nature and the biggest thing they do not shed!.So adorable!! Good luck in the search for your new family member.


              Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

              I love my golden retreivor.

              Hi scoob!
              Gabby :flower:


                Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed


                I too would like another dog....and guess what my dog's name is? Rocky! :H I kid you not. He's a purebread Papillion. Beautiful dog. I tried to insert a pic here but I'm not to puter savy. He is high energy like your Jack Russel, so maybe not good breed. But what the heck, I got to talk about him.


                  Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed


                  I have #2 Border Collie named Roxie . Most intelligent breed, highly intelligent
                  and extremely energetic . They don't get too big (35-45 lbs) but require a job
                  to work out the willies . My 13 week old ran 20 k yesterday, I was on a mountain bike
                  and no problems.



                    Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

                    How about a rough collie like me?
                    I have a great personality and don't bark much. I am very social and just love to follow my family around the house. I just need lots of love. Everyone tells me how beautiful I am! My fur coat is what people compliment me on the most!
                    ~ Happier


                      Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

                      The Cat has 2 large German Shephards.


                        Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

                        Mona, you been peeking in my bathroom?! KIK:wow: That's my cat Boop!


                          Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

                          We have 3 dogs, but I really only claim one as mine... Bungee. He's the one on the kayak w/me in my avatar. He's either playing & picking on the big dogs.. or napping... sleeping on his back like a dead dog. He's a nut!
                          Great personality, loves everybody! He's a Skipperkee,but I call him my "little shiter-kee" (got him @ the local shelter), he loves to kayak, run on the beach, hike, ride in the truck,... whatever I do!
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

                            My daughter rescued a Jack Russel who was a bit of a terror until he settled down. We give a lot of credit to my Golden Retriever, Tanna. She is a gentle golden that we puppy trained & is so well behaved we can leave our gate open without her wandering out. She loves to run and play with Jackson but also has a calming infuence on him. And he loooves her! We do have to close the gate when he's visiting as he's never fogotten that he was once a wandering fool. BTW-my DD got Jackson at @ 1 YO when Tanna was @ 3 YO.


                              Off Topic - Choosing a Dog breed

                              I have two Goldens also they love each other more than anyone can describe, you can see their loyalty to each other. They are great companions and am so glad they have each other. They are each others shadow.

                              Two dogs are the best!! I recommend a golden for that lively jack russell


