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    Back here again

    Hi all,

    I haven't been on this site for nearly 8 years now. I have just been looking at some of my old posts. Really hard to read. I was so addicted to the alcohol back then getting through anything I could get hold of each night to blot out the domestic abuse I was dealing with. I was financially, emotionally and sexually abused by my children's father. I was living days stuck in an anti-depressant induced haze and nights knocked out with alcohol.

    A lot has happened since then. I left the abusive partner with our children over three years ago. I gave up drinking totally on my own, came off anti-depressants, built a safe little home for us and trained for qualifications and found employment. I was doing so well, but recently the ex has been making lots of trouble again, I am having stress at work and my children are suffering psychological difficulties through the years of abuse. The past four months, I have relapsed into drinking again. It started with the odd one as it was the weekend and the kids were with him to now becoming an almost nightly event at bedtime as I can't sleep with stress. So annoyed and disappointed with myself. It's getting worse. On the days I don't drink, my hands are shaking really badly and I keep getting hot sweats. Never had this before when I was drinking. I don't know if it's because I have suddenly been drinking heavily again after nearly three years of total abstinence. Really need to give up which is why I am on here again. Just need to vent. Not drinking tonight.

    We have not met but I'd like to welcome you back. I do know if you do the work you can get some AF time under your belt and then pull all available resources together to make it stick. Wishing you the best of luck and please lean on me if needed. Go to the toolbox and read read read!
    Last edited by techie; March 14, 2016, 09:50 PM.
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Hi Mardan and welcome back. You sound like such a strong woman to have done what you did. Dont drink AT your ex. Get the life back you had. Be proud of your af time. Its stories like yours on relapse that keep so many on track. Thank you for your honesty and you will get there. Head to the newbies nest and say hi. Will be lovely to get to know you.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Links to the Tool Box and Newbie's Nest are in my signature line. Welcome back!! We can help! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          I, too, have not been on this site in awhile, save for posting in Dec after I got home from rehab. It's easy to see how you fell back into your old habits again, but you can stop, just as you did before. Maybe ask your dr for a short-term rx for librium to help you detox. It will help with the shakes and physical withdrawal symptoms.


            Welcome back! You sound like a strong woman and please accept the offers you have been given.

            Techie is a great person to lean on. The Newbie's nest also offers tons of encouragement.
            Enlightened by MWO

