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The last drink. Alan carr’s final instruction

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    The last drink. Alan carr’s final instruction

    The last drink. Alan carr’s final instruction is to have a last drink after reading all the instructions and telling you all about the alcohol and it’s effects, and basically how it works.

    I am about to do that tonight. His instructions are to get a horrible tasting spirit of something you’ve never had or never had neat before. I’m going for vodka and going to drink it straight, conentrating on the taste and how foul it is, and how I was ever fooled into paying a fourtune for a poison. It’s important to do this because I skipped that section last time and just quit for about 3 weeks. I must try it with this extra bit in it.

    That is a very helpful book, Scotskev. I hope this last bit turns out to be a key for you. I also hope you stick around, post, and gain the benefit of peer support. There are many of us here who had that "last drink of poison" and are so glad to be done. All the best, NS


      I have a small bottle of neat gin i will drink some of it shortly. Thanks for encouragment


        scots- how are you doing today? Good or not so much, let us know. lex


          Originally posted by lex View Post
          scots- how are you doing today? Good or not so much, let us know. lex
          hi i poured half the small bottle of gin into the glass and it was indeed so foul i could only sip a bit at a time while wincing. at one point i took a slightly bigger swig and was almost sick into the bowl i had ready.

          tasted like some sort of shoe polish or cleaning fluid from the cupboard. It appears to have worked as i was in playing a gig on friday where there was alcohol and went to watch all the football on sunday in pubs and just had water or a tea/coffee. Just keep telling myself how it's great to be free as i watched my drinking buddy start to get hammered. He text to say he has a hangover from hell today.

          it's going well


            has not worked. back on the drink at nights out


              Hi, Scotskev

              That book took me pretty far in terms of being motivated to quit but wasn't quite enough for me, either. Participating actively here was the piece I needed.

              Maybe you could consider joining a thread like the Daily abstinence thread or the Newbies Nest and getting/giving support.

              All the best, NS

