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News from Bella!

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    News from Bella!

    Hello to you all.

    I'm drinking champagne but I've only had 2 and a half glasses. Thats not too much is it? I feel a bit drunk. It just shows how little i am used to drinking now, the fact that I am drunk after 2 and a half glasses!!!! But I had to have a drink as I have had so much pent up emotions running through me today. I'm still pregnant and I had my scan today. I have a 1 in 400 chance of it being downs syndrome. Thats ok I hope. The only slight problem is I have a hormone level which is a rather low and affects fetal growth, so have been advised to have a scan at 28wks to make sure placenta is functioning and baby growing properly. If not, it will have to be delivered early.

    I have also had a few drags of my friends cigarette. I know that i will wake up tomorrow and regret drinking and smoking. But, I am not having too much. My friend has gone now and there is no more to drink in the house. I'll be okay, I'm sure. But, i am really remembering how I felt when I drank a few months ago. Its a very false feeling. My brain is affected by this poison and I'm not sure i really like it that much. I feel a bit out of control. The devil in me is wanting to get legless but I have learnt something through these months of being with MWO.....Its just not worth it.

    Thankyou my dear friends for being there for me.

    Bella xxxxx

    P.S. It is obvious to me I still have a big problem with alcohol, as I have noticed reading this through that I have spent more time talking about drink than I have my precious baby. I need to avoid A at all cost. xxx

    News from Bella!

    Hi Bella,
    I'm glad all is okay, I'm sure your baby will be fine. Keep eating and drinking properly and thinking positively.
    I hope you don't have a hangover tommorrow, drink plenty of water before bed. Don't get legless you'll spend the next 6 months worrying about it if you do.
    Lots of Love to you and your bub
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      News from Bella!

      Bella, glad to hear that you realize the dangers of drinking too much and are able to assert control over your situation. Like you said, if you did go on a bender you would hate yourself in the morning and be wondering for the months to come.

      So, a big contgrats on limiting your intake, and for logging on and sharing your feelings with us.
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        News from Bella!

        Glad things well well, Bella
        Take care.


          News from Bella!

          Glad to hear your wee precious baby is fine.
          Lots of love to you and baby.

          Starlight Impress


            News from Bella!

            Bella, thanks for keeping us posted. Good advise ahead of me here... You don't want to be worrying for the next months ahead.
            Lots of love to you both,

            :l :l
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              News from Bella!

              Great news Bella
              Hugs to both of you.

              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                News from Bella!


                Is the Down's syndrome risk based on your AFP test coming out low? If so, it is very common, and often caused by being just slightly off on your due date, and therefore meaningless, so don't fret. I had that with my first pregnancy. My daughter is now 18 and just graduated 8th in her high school class.

                Just wondering.

                formerly known as bak310


                  News from Bella!

                  Love & hugs for you Bella ...........

                  BB xx


                    News from Bella!

                    Hi Bella, I hate those tests. I was so scared to get the results back. My baby girl is thriving and can you believe it that at close to 30 (then, I was 29 when I had her) you are almost high risk??? WTH?

                    You will be fine.. limit the alcohol as much as you can. I did drink when pregnant, but not really that much at all. Maybe a couple glass of red a week, that was it. And they were very small glasses. I got turned off of alcohol when I was carrying. Thank god.

                    Rub your belly..if you have a doppler put it against your belly and listen to your baby's heartbeat. I did that all the time..


                      News from Bella!


                      Lets not be hard the champagne today is understandable, but I wouldn't advise any more for a few weeks if at all.

                      Baby will be beautiful like you.
                      Love and hugs,
                      Diamond, xx
                      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                      Marilyn Monroe


                        News from Bella!

                        Good news for you Bella, everything will be fine, remember, keep those positive thoughts in the fore front of your mind, we're all here for you and the baby..

                        Love, Louise xxx
                        A F F L..
                        Alcohol Free For Life


                          News from Bella!

                          Glad for the good news.
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            News from Bella!

                            Congrats Bella - time now to get down to looking after yourself!

                            We will allow you your couple of glasses of bubbly today - but no more for a while - or you will have all of US to deal with!!!

                            take care


                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              News from Bella!

                              Dear Bella,

                              Thanks for letting us know your good news! Try to find some non-alcohol treat that you crave (mine was goat cheese) so you can indulge yourself without drinking too much. This helped me limit during pregnancy.


