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Being denied health insurance...

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    Being denied health insurance...

    So sorry this has happened - honestly, all the hype about 'just reach out for help' etc and when we do this is what happens. Really hope you find a way round this.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Being denied health insurance...

      I am thinking my doctor did not write down that it take topa for the alcohol thing...she seems to forget that is why I am on it when I get my refills. I am praying she didnt write it down. I todl my nuerologist too, I am praying she didnt write it down, if something ever happened to me I dont know what I would do, not to mention I dont want it in my file because of my job.
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Being denied health insurance...

        Java, most likely she did write it down. They are obligated to record things like is their business, even if they don't like the insurance biz.


          Being denied health insurance...

          Hi Di~

          Please check and see if the State of Georgia has an insurance policy that covers people like you who fall through the cracks; i.e., not eligible for cobra or can't get reasonable coverage due to pre-existing conditions. When I lost my insurance a couple of years ago, I wasn't eligible for cobra, and had pre-exisiting conditions, so policies were prohibitively expensive! An insurance agent steered me to the State of Maryland, that has a private insurance fund (not public insurance like Medicaid) for people in just this situation. I pay premiums--not inexpensive, mind you, but definitely better than I would pay for BlueCross, and I have pretty good benefits, with out-of-network benefits, as well. For my daughter and me, it is $528/month.

          With the topamax, my psychiatrist gave me the diagnosis of mood disorder, so no insurance company wanted to deal with me either!

          Also, while I had no insurance, my doctor continued to see me and only charged me $42 a visit. You can also get an RX card through JC Penney called ProPlan that helps out with Prescriptions and costs about $10/month.

          Anyway, Di, hope some of this info is helpful to you, and I hope that Georgia has some sort of insurance help for people like you. It is scary to go without health insurance, but I've done it, and my sister is doing it now. Most of the time, it works out fine!

          Take care, love.


          Kathy:l :l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Being denied health insurance...

            !!!!! KATHY!!!!!
            Oh, it's just great to see you posting again.
            Boy, have I missed your words of wisdom.


              Being denied health insurance...

              I don't know much at all about insurance except that the insurance companies are only out for money - not for our health. The system in this country really stinks. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. It seems so unfair. I hope some of the good advice you received above can help. I'm just wishing the best for you. You are a tough lady - I can tell. You'll get through this fine. I didn't have health insurance until I was 40 years old - I even had two babies without it. You can live without it - helps motivate you to take care of yourself.
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                Being denied health insurance...

                You might check and see if you can get included in a citizen "Group" policy. I bet almost any group would allow you in. These might not have as good coverage as private, but it is some insurance and it will have negotiated rates so if you have to pay you will pay less.
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  Being denied health insurance...

                  Thank you soooo much everyone!!!! There is some very good ideas and advice here. It's been a very interesting day. I am one that tends to look for the silver lining, and Mags, it is true, that I am definitely inspired to focus on health...and not fear of illness or death. This does put it in my face. I'm dealing with the same thing with considering retirement..when I left my job at the university, my husband and I knew that we just were not the kind of people that were going to buy into the 'system's' solution for retirement and health care...that if we were going to live the life that we feel destined to live, that we would have to jump off the cliff without a net..this is just part of pulling out the net. It really shocked me..I guess partly to see how I will be judged as an 'alcoholic'..I've avoided that label for many years, I've avoided AA so that my fragile sense of identity would not be shadowed by the label..and now..well, that's history. I will look into all of the suggestions above, but at the same time, focus on alternative and holistic health which is much less expensive and effective, and pray that my I have continued good health. So far, I have been blessed with extremely good health and any complaints I have, I KNOW will be resolved with better and healthier habits, yoga, nutrition and a positive attitude.

                  So good to see everyone here..I haven't been around much lately..My last day at my job was May 31, so the last few weeks have kind of felt like the tornado in Wizard of OZ...

                  thanks again..I need to stay more connected here...

                  I AM feeling great about 5 weeks AF and feeling solid in my knowing that I have to stay that way...this recent situation just solidifies that a little more!


                    Being denied health insurance...

                    For my daughter and me, it is $528/month.

                    I can't believe you pay this much!!!

                    In Australia you don't need private health insurance as our public medical system is so good - and free! However, I have private cover for my two girls and myself which covers hospital and extras like dental and optomitrist. I only pay $50AU a fortnight!!!!
                    It always seems impossible until it's done....


                      Being denied health insurance...

                      Dilayne, sorry to hear of your problems with health insurance. We Brits complain
                      about our health service but we do not have to worry about affording it and are
                      never denied treatment(some may argue with that) diabetics do not pay for insulin.
                      Last year I was found to have a hereditary heart condition and was treated on the
                      nhs within 6 weeks. Must admit I have not told my gp of my alcohol probs, as none
                      have ever shown up in any liver/blood tests etc. I also got a job in the nhs having
                      admitted being treated for depression.
                      Well done on your af weeks and best wishes Paula.


                        Being denied health insurance...

                        With all the turmoil and stress in your life, going 5 weeks AF is fantastic!! What an inspiration.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          Being denied health insurance...


                          Gosh, that's ridiculous. I hope you can get some sort of health cover.

                          Anyway, you are going to get all healthy now that you are not drinking. Who needs their health cover anyway?!

                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

