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Being denied health insurance...

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    Being denied health insurance...

    Well, I'm pretty upset right now. I got a prescription for topamax last August which led me to 5 months of being alcohol free and now over a month and a commitment to being alcohol free permanently. I hadn't drank for 17 years until a few years ago when I started dabbling again. The topamax was great in helping me get back to the point that I coud commit to abstinence..once I choose abstinence, I don't need the topamax anymore, so the time I actually drank and the time I actually used the topamax is really a drop in the bucket when you consider my abstinence for over 20 years...Well, I've left a job with benefits and am now applying for independent insurance, and believe I'm being denied bascially because of alcohol abuse on my medical records when I went to get a prescription. I'm pretty upset about this now..I'm just learning that no insurance will carry an alcoholic, period! And, there is no way for them to make the distinction between someone who goes through a short period of alcohol abuse or a practicing alcoholic of 20 years. I guess I'm just going to have to finally say to hell with the U.S. medical system entirely..which in some ways, is just more like 'good riddens'...Just thought i should warn anyone out there like myself who just didn't think that my getting a prescription would rob me of the opportunity for medical insurance.

    Very dissappointed!

    Being denied health insurance...

    Di, I am so sorry and I hope you get this resolved. Your scenario is exactly why I have been hesitant to ever divulge my problem to my doctor. It is such a crime that here you are, trying to better yourself and become healthier and potentially saving insurance companies money down the road and you are getting punished for that. I doubt smokers would be denied insurance if they had not smoked in a long time.

    The insurance here in the States plain and simply is the worst in the world. Michael Moore has a new documentary coming out called "Sicko" that I am hoping will make some changes in our system, but I am doubtful.

    I hope you can find a way around it. So sorry.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Being denied health insurance...

      it is the same with jobs - a friend of mine had depression (not related to harming others or self - harming - it was stress related) but she couldn't get another job as a nurse because of the depression !!!

      That is not fair either because she was competent.
      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

      Marilyn Monroe


        Being denied health insurance...

        Wow D, Did they tell you it was because of the alcohol? They are required to disclose the reason to you. I would find out for sure. Go higher before you give up on this. Shop around before you give up on insurance all together.

        Your former employer should have offered cobra to continue your insurance or a Hippa letter which says you are insurable. You should call them about that.

        More and more insurance companies these days are looking for reasons to not cover so many things and it is because of all of the fraud and law suits etc.

        Good luck to you.

        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          Being denied health insurance...

          I'm so sorry. Well, I guess I'll be screwed if I ever need private health insurance. Out of curiosity, I looked up my diagnosis code (305.01) which is described as 'Alcohol Abuse: Continuous'. It is actually one of the least serious in the series of codes. The 291 series is for Alcohol Psychosis, the 303 series is for Alcohol Dependence, and the 305 series is for Alcohol Abuse w/subcategories for continuous, episodic, and in remission. Just out of curiosity, do you know what your diagnosis code is? Of course, don't share if you feel its too personal.

          Anyway, as much as I don't like that this is on my record and might become a problem if I ever have to get private health insurance, I'm still glad I'm under my doctor's care for this. I had to weigh the risks and I was so out of control that I was driving while blacked out drunk. I really can't think of anything more risky than that so I felt like I really needed to see my doctor even w/the consequences of having this on my record. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is accurate. Its who I am. I just have to admit it and deal w/it. I hope others won't be afraid to see their doctors if they really need to. There are worse things than having something bad on your medical file... like killing yourself and/or somebody else in a drunk driving accident and leaving your kids without a mother. The risks I used to take scare me so much. And, it was only a few weeks ago.


            Being denied health insurance...

            yes it's because of the alcohol. i was just so stupid!


              Being denied health insurance...

              Oh Lady Di, I am so sad to hear this, but you try to fight it, if you can.
              I just spoke to a young man who is an awesome private pilot.
              The FAA found out he has a ADHD diagnosis when he was a little boy, so they pulled his license.
              A warning to all mothers out there about letting their kids get labeled with this Dx.
              I refused to let the school system test my kid for ADD, when they suggested it.
              Smokers and overweight people have their premiums doubled.
              You may not see, but the employer does. Each time he hires an overweight person of any age, the insurance rates for the group go up.
              It's a crazy system.
              Lady Di, can you get on your husband's policy?


                Being denied health insurance...

                I don't know what the code is? I just talked to another agent..I'm being told to stay on my temporary policy (it is for six months) and then try again in a few years when I can claim honestly that I haven't had a drink in two, five ...years. I would never have gotten the prescription if I knew that I would have this problem, and mainly because my history is so much more about sobriety than it has been about abusing alcohol. It is definitely a crying shame..but I tell you what, it's not just us..the agen reminded me kindly that there are so many people who can't get any because of prior illnesses..they literally can't get insurance to save their lives...I'm not going to complain..and I'm doing my best not to let it fill me with anger and resentment...I will just go about my life and focus on health, NOT fear of illness and death.. I REFUSE to let that dictate how I choose to live my life, how I make a living and how I spend my time....I WILL NOT sell my soul to pay for health insurance that I may never need...


                  Being denied health insurance...

                  Mona, (thanks) No, he was actually on mine. When I left my job, we had to seek an independent policy. We have a temporary six month policy right now. My agent suggested he get on a policy by himself and that I stay on the temporary. The advice is to give it some time. I don't think I can fight this. Even the high risk agents I just talked to couldn't find anything..if I am a high risk, then I would hate to see what they could do for someone with an extremely high risk.


                    Being denied health insurance...


                    Yes. My brother has insulin dependent diabetes. Luckily (huh??) he came down with it while in the military, so he has always been covered.

                    Another friend of mine has diabetes and she has never had insurance, so she gets to buy her insulin out-of-pocket. There have been times when she has pawned furniture just to pay for the insulin!!

                    Now I see this from you. What a mess our medical care is for this country!!

                    This is why I have begged my doctor not to put "alcohol" on my diagnosis. She thinks I am being paranoid....

                    I am sorry about your situation. :upset:

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Being denied health insurance...

                      Lady Di,
                      Explore this with other agents, when the time comes.
                      If I understand it correctly, not all agents have access to all insurance plans out there.
                      Sometime, they will give you an exculsion, saying they won't cover any dieseases relating to alcohol absue.
                      This sucks so badly, I am sorry.
                      I'd also go back to that physician, and tell him what happened. Doctors hate the insurance companies as much as we do. He should prepare his medical records, indicating that you are AF now.


                        Being denied health insurance...

                        Thanks Mona, I did talk to the doctor on the phone..he was not very helpful at all. He did empathize, but his job is to document the information. I didn't ask him to document that I am alcohol free, but I will take your advise and write him a letter asking him to specifically document that fact!

                        Oh well, I've been in the process of bucking the system for a while..I guess I got thrown off the bucking horse for a moment! But I will be fine...I just really have to focus on health, and my husband and I both want to do that anyway!


                          Being denied health insurance...

                 you have Blue Cross/Blue Shield there in Ga? I just got covered with a new policy with BC/BS w/ a prev Rx of topamax and a prev stint in a rehab. I don't get it.


                            Being denied health insurance...

                            That is so rotten. The insurance game is one that we can never win. I am not a part of any of these companies ( well I am an avon lady, but only buy it wholesale-don't sell around) but many multi level marketing groups offer group medical to their members at a reduced rate. If you are part of a group can you still be excluded? Look at Quixtar, Meleluca, Avon, things like that. I guess it partly depends on where you live too. My middle son was excluded from insurance for a year when we had to change insurances due to asthma. But they only excluded asthma, everything else was covered. Could you find a major medical catastropic plan? It only covers hospitalization and emergency care. You still have to pay alot out of pocket, but not nearly the full amount. It wouldn't cover doc visits and prescriptions.
                            We lived without insurance for about 2 years. It was pretty scary, but we were self employed and just couldn't afford it. Good luck!
                            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                              Being denied health insurance...

                              That does it and thanks for the warning I will never tell my doctor. I have private insurance that I carry for myself and it is ridiculously expensive and I know they would pull a stunt like that on me.

                              Thank you for the warning seriously!!

