So, what does it take to find a quit that sticks? Ask 10 people who have found sobriety and you’ll probably get 10 different answers. But the one thing that will be constant is that we all got sick and tired of being sick and tired. And the reasons that we were sick and tired will be as different why we quit, but the bottom line is that we accepted that we had a problem with alcohol and that we could never pick up another drink. Sounds pretty simple eh, never have another drink, just try putting that into practice! But, the good news is that it can be done. You just have to want to be sober more than you want to drink, if you are, then quitting becomes easier, not instant, but easier.
Will an online forum be the answer for you? Who knows, but I can assure you of this, it will definitely help you. But no one can do it for you, the hard part is up to you. Never quit, don’t let failure at repeated attempts turn you into a loser, let those failures inspire you to try again, to keep trying, that’s what makes us winners!