Sunbeam, I think it’s normal to find that you don’t always have things to talk about, it’s better than having to worry about what you might have said or done after a night of drinking lol. I think once we get some time in, we find a “peace” in ourselves, no more daily struggles, just move through life facing each day as it comes. It can seem rather boring at times, but I’ll take boring over hungover any day!
Snoopy, it didn’t dawn on me about picking up a 15 pack till you mentioned it. It wasn’t “I think I’ll run down and have a cold beer”, or “I’ll stop in and pick up a 6 pack to share with Bubba”, no, it was pick up a 15 pack so that I could have 7 or 8 drank before Bubba even got home from work! What a crazy way of thinking, but that’s the way an alcoholic mind thinks! So good not to think in those terms anymore, so good not to even think about booze anymore!
Just finished reading a few journals on the Cue, and one statement made by anthroman hit home with me. He is a long time member of the Cue and will have 30 years sober come September. I read the statement out loud to Bubba and she said it was the simplest, purest definition of sobriety she had ever heard, I agree with her!
Just think about that statement, let it sink in, …….no need to say more….