The geese, crows, and some blue jays are back, and I saw my first gopher yesterday! The big dump of snow we had is almost gone and the grass is pretty well uncovered along with most of the fields. Can’t wait to see the first buds on the trees and everything slowly start to green up. Not to long before I get to climb back aboard my John Deere!
Things have been running along pretty smoothly for me, drinking is a thing of the past and very rarely do I get the “I wishes” anymore. I’m very comfortable and happy being a non-drinker. We spend a lot of our time thinking on the things that trigger us, so we need to spend as much time or more figuring out how we’re going to deal with them. That’s all the part of “the plan” we all need, and half a plan just won’t cut it. Get your plan in place, add to it, change it, do whatever you have to and take it one day at a time..