[MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] had a great daily quote earlier this week in the Club & Café. It was about honesty, with ourselves and with others. No sense telling y’all how much we lied to ourselves about our drinking problem, or how many lies we told to others to cover up our drinking problem. But I remember the very first thing my counsellor said to me “I need you to be totally honest with me at all times, otherwise, you’re just wasting my time”. That can be equally as true when it comes to being honest with ourselves. And we started doing that the moment we admitted to ourselves that we had a problem. That was hard enough, now how do we admit that to others? Simple, just tell the truth.
No sense going over how many lies we’ve told to hide our drinking because I’m sure we’ve all told our fair share. And no doubt some of those were as outrageous as some of the ones I’ve told lol. And are all lies harmful? I suppose the bottom line is yes, they are. But sometimes the truth can be more devastating than a “little white lie”, especially when it comes to children. This is my take on it; when I tell a lie to hide something I’ve done, it’s wrong. When I tell a lie to bolster my self-esteem or stroke my ego, it’s wrong. But if I tell a “little white lie” so as not to hurt someone else, is that wrong? I guess it would have to do with the context in telling it. Maybe it’s just better to plead the 5th lol.
What I do know is that my lies have gone the same way as my drinking, done with it all! It’s so refreshing to just tell the truth and not worry about getting caught up in a lie, that’s also happened to me too many times. And when that happens, you lose a bit more trust and respect from the person you told it to. Just not worth it in my book….