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One Step at a Time - June 2016

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    Hello everyone. I am trying to post and not use the thanks/like button. We are all going through something and I'd like to "talk" to you all.

    Mama, glad you are so on top of the skin cancer episode. I bet you are still cute with a bandage on your nose!

    Rusty, how is you pain? Still "on the road again"

    Nora, as usual you were doing something honorable when you got into the disagreements. You are living in difficult circumstances, so thank goodness you are sober and thank you for us all benefitting from knowing you.

    Lizann, has your husband recently started working from home? When my husband took early retirement and we moved "to the country" I wanted to leave him within 6 months. He is obsessively Type A and just wore me out. For retirees with this issue and issues who have not lived together for 40-45 years discover it's not a bowl of cherries and this is referred to as the "grey divorce" phenomenan.

    AG, you are doing great. Good Job.

    TMH hope the mtg, issue is over.

    Pauly, 20 is a lot of hair, lol. My last haircut I got was so perfect I woke up looking exactly the same as going to bed.

    Red, I hope you are doing better, even when there is a problem, we can miss the problem - for a while.

    My dr. denied my pain medicine 6 wks ago. I told her if she can find the cause of my pain I would. 6 weeks of no medicine has been awful but she decided to do a MRI. When I walked into her office she apologized, saying she had no idea that I'd sustained such injuries. Opioid abuse really affects the pain sufferers too. Anyway she rushed to write a scrip because bone marrow swelling, 2 compressed discs and something else is all pushing on the core nerves of the spine/verterbrae. So, today when I went to my women supporting women group I wasn't squirming and leaving early.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Mama, so sorry to hear of your possible diagnosis, keep us post please!

      SK - so good to hear from you! What a journey you have been on, wow. I hope this will be the last step for you in finding relief. I cannot imagine, you are so strong.

      All is well here. Stay healthy all - AG


        Mama, so sorry to hear of your possible diagnosis, keep us posted please!

        SK - so good to hear from you! What a journey you have been on, wow. I hope this will be the last step for you in finding relief. I cannot imagine, you are so strong.

        All is well here. Stay healthy all - AG


          Good morning all.
          Skendall good to see you back. You still have a lot to deal with.
          Hubs and I made up. I just apologized for opening the damn window and that was that.
          CJ bf is selling the cafe after a year because he is tired of it, it's making money but I think he wants more and it's 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are talking about buying something in st. Croix again. Yeah, so that was my night.
          I'm home today and so is everyone else. It's so cool outside, not sure the pool will be an option. Just cuddling with my sweet Lucy.


            Sorry Liz ..........
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              SK, glad you got some relief. Was having the discussion about pain killers out playing golf. My partner said she was given 100 Oxycontin when she had hip surgery. She took 3. She is having knee surgery next week. Her dh fell a year ago and he, too, was given lots of pain killers. She joked about they being worth a lot of money on the street.

              Mama, I also had a spot on my nose. Going in next week to have it rechecked. First time they froze it off. This time they gave me a chemo drug to apply. It was the same drug that was injected during 6 months of chemo back in 2003.

              Yest I stayed home from Bible Study, 6th sense told me QL would need something. Sure enough first call came & they wanted something we had already sent. Ran up to club office & they faxed it for me. 2nd call came & they wanted to verify cc number that we are paying off as part of our closing. 3rd call came & they said 3rd time is a charm & said we were approved but could we close on the 13th rather than the 14th. Cannot tell you how relieved I am! Now I don't feel so stymied, can do stuff with a purpose. What a process this has been.

              Hope you all have a great day!
              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                Congrats TMH. Glad that you are FINALLY approved.

                SK - I hope that you can get some relief now. I'm so sorry for what you have been thru.

                Have a fantastic day one and all.

                Liz - I think my hubby has what your hubby had. Scared to breath around him. Guess it's good I'm at work, huh?
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Hi all. I just returned home. I've been in San Diego attending two conferences and then wormed my way up the coast seeing friends. Hope all is well. I will read back later to see all your stories xoxo
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Hi everyone just stopping by to say 'hey' and I hope everyone is having a good day! Everything is good here and the weather is absolutely wonderful - tomorrow will be warmer but should also be nice - I plan to work from home so hopefully I can get outside and enjoy it a little!


                      frances - sitting outside sounds NICE

                      Techie - wish we could have met up while you were so close. One day.....
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Originally posted by NoraC View Post
                        frances - sitting outside sounds NICE

                        Techie - wish we could have met up while you were so close. One day.....
                        I'd like that Nora xo
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Beautiful day here too! CJ was home from work today and it was nice to have her around. We sat outside, read and drank lemonade. Lucy was outside too. I heard a squeaking sound and got up to investigate. It occurred to me I hadn't seen Lucy in awhile. After searching for her frantically we found her under our boat along with a dead bunny:eek-new::egad: of course now I'm screaming and I can't get to her, nor will she come out. Finally we got her and I stuck her right into a bath. Hubs got rid of the bunny. I don't think Lucy killed it, but I also don't know what she was doing with it under there. I forget she's a dog sometimes, you know?
                          Went out to dinner with sissy and BIL. Had a lovely evening. He is still without a job, but he has an interview next week. Fingers crossed.
                          TMH, you must be so relieved! Hope things continue to fall into place.
                          Nora, hubby isn't as cranky today. Yes sometimes distance is the best thing. I should've just gone out shopping, that would've fixed him!
                          Techie how's it going? Glad you popped in.
                          Off to read for a bit. Lucy is cuddled up next to me likely dreaming about today's find.


                            Liz - you sound better. You made me laugh with Lucy's dreams. She probably is.

                            Hope everyone has a great Friday. I can't wait till the weekend so I can get caught up.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Hey all,hi Techie Liz,you cracked me up when you said sometimes you forget Lucy's a dog,I do that with Winslow if he gets in the trash or other dog like stuff,I tend to view him like Brian on Family Guy I think so his dog behavior surprises me haha,feeling bummed today,hate that b.s! Yesterday I was thinking of al,a lot! I want to be done with all of it,thoughts,memories, relapses,eff alcohol!! Sometimes being sober is hard,but why? If I ate at Subway(which I've banned btw) and got food poisoning every single time,would I keep going back? No! Would I take a pill to feel high?No! So what is it about alcohol that has such a pull? Not even all alcohol, just beer and I hate the taste anyways! I'm my brain,anyhoo,iI've rambled,much love to ALL,hope its a great Friday for us
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Hey folks - Pauly good point. I hate the taste too!!!
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

