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Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

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    Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

    Well, now that I got your attention! I've always loved pretty much indulging on things; since I've cut my drinking down I have been resuming my old habits.. I have all this extra money, and time since I am not at home just drinking and drinking.

    So, my guilty pleasures are..

    1. I love chocolates, dark chocolates. There is a place here in France called Laudree which makes the best chocolates and macaroons, I have been buying bits and pieces from them and savouring the quality

    2. I only buy fresh orange juice, nothing else. As in I watch them make it for me and then it gets bottled. Very yummy, and good for you!

    3. I have been spending lots of money on expensive sets of lingerie (if TMI, sorry)

    4. I just bought myself a new set of diamond studs, and my daughter a 24kt gold signature bracelet (she has to look pretty too!)

    5. I buy trashy magazines and read them in the bath or just lounging around

    6. I have a nice bike which I put my daughter on the back in her seat and we drive through the Chateau forest, her laugh is great and she loves going fast. When we get to the end I take her off and let her run around in the's one of my delights. Seeing her little legs trying to run away from me.

    ..I'm sure there are more but that's what immediately pops to mind.

    So, fess up..what do the rest of you indulge in as your rewards. :l

    Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

    Reading wonderful posts like this one GG!!!

    I've been indulging in books which I take to bed early and read until I fall asleep........
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

      That's so lovely GG, especially the one about your little girl in the forest. Too cute!

      These all sound like much more healthy indulgences than an over indulgence in wine. Lap it up!

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

        i'm mostly been indulging in sitting on my backside looking at websites and forums. mainly this one of course.
        i have quite a bit of time on my hands as i am waiting for a call from the chemo dept. about an appointment with the oncologist today. he is fully booked but i am seeing if he will fit us in. Ade decided yesterday pm that he wanted to see him, plenty of notice Ade! if not need to see if GP will see him, but she finishes at 1pm. i seem to spend alot of my time on call, ready to act if needed. something to eat, painkillers, drink etc. i could do housework, but ... thats not indulgent now is it!

        oh and i also breathe into my ponies mane, gorgeous.


          Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

          dammit, GP coming out, will have to housework now. cant let her see the dirty sink!


            Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

            I have started playing golf in the evening when it is cool....last night I went with hubby and son, we had alot of fun. I also love dark chocolate, Ghirardelli squares filled with caramel..mmmm...I find myself daydreaming alot, making plans for future trips to France, Iceland, NYC. Whistler, BC to ski this winter. LA with daughter on modeling mind is working overtime, planning. If things start to stress me out I close my eyes and take a mind vacation...


              Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

              I love baths! I will spend good money on a bath pillow and good bath salts for my time in my haven! While soaking I read a book or meditate. I am considering replacing my current tub with a deeper one so I can soak better.

              I also love dark chocolate.

              Oh and brie baked in croissant die for!
              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                Mmmm WHITE chocolate!

                Actually Buffy reminded me; Mick and I have just booked our trip to visit my older son who is in Germany on Rotary Exchange until next January. (God I miss him!) We'll be away for 3 weeks. My parents are coming over to look after my little guy so he doesn't miss school. We'll be touring Germany, Italy, Switzerland and a quick visit to France. I might even look Arial up while I'm there as she lives in France near the German border. We're flying back for a few days via Hng Kong for some shopping. Can't wait!

                Has anyone heard of ? One of my sisters just put me onto it tonight... a reality world... it looks awesome and scarily addictive for some chill out time.

                :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                  Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                  Hate to admit it, but have been buying some good cigars to have on the weekends...

                  I've also got my eye on a Time Trial bike and TT helmet. Just trying to figure out how big my eyes will actually get (i.e. which model I want to buy)!!
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                    That sounds like a fantastic trip Scooby...there's nothing better than making plans and getting excited about them....Sometimes the planning is the best part of the trip..haha...I am going to check out right now...bye


                      Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                      Well I really have not been indulging in I feel left out.
                      Lack of Money seems to deter it. Yes I have saved a lot of money by not drinking, but I sure do not know where it goes... (wife)

                      AAthlete...Now cigars used to b a hobby of mine but has dissipated lately... I'll have to look in the old humidor and see what's in there...

                      Which reminds me I had another test Sunday night... some friends over to watch the Sopranos final show. I had to pour a very fine Scotch on the Rocks for my Son-in-law...watching it caress the ice as it slooowly cascaded down into the glass....and you know that just goes with cigars....

                      oh well back to the topic... I have not been indulging... maybe I should...I have to come up with something....

                      Control the Mind


                        Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                        You sound like your doin well Rocky. Glad to hear it. : )
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                          My Guilty Pleasure has been Gardening...It's so satisfying letting yourself get dirty and sweaty and not caring, and then getting to see the results. I've easily spent over five hundred dollars getting my yard in order and I don't think I'm done yet! When summer is over, what will I do??
                          "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                            Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                            Guilty pleasure - on MWO when I should be working. Knitting when I should be working.

                            Speaking of which, I should be working. Lazy day yesterday because of too much "tipple".

                            Spending $200 on boot camp when I belong to a gym already. And I don't even feel guilty. My hubby tells me I don't spend enough money on myself anyway.

                            Buying yet more yarn when I have a closet full already. But, my size one needles are out of stock. What's a girl to do - now the yarn is useless and I'll have to buy another kind. That means another shopping trip to Joann's online for at least $50 I am sure.


                              Guilty Pleasures and Sinful Delights...

                              Being out on the river with my doggie, surfing waves & watching all the critters.... Eagles, Osprey, river Otters, Blue herons, Ducks,etc...

                              Hanging out(pretty much litteraly...) in the back yard in the sun reading, working on my all over, tan & reading a good book,& listening to music.

                              Playing my guitar & belting out a song when there's nobody around to hear it but the dogs!
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

