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Army now open to all. Week beginning 13th June 2016

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    Afternoon lovelies over here and morning over there :huggers:

    Holiday was fab but SIL drives me DEMENTED. ray: You know someone always talking about themselves ? and
    their life and their clothes etc.:blahblah: Oh Jesus its hard to explain - I am very tolerant - but ...........
    Then she'd get drunk - and incoherent drunk and requiring MORE attention and ( the twin) her husband would start to give out to her & then she'd start getting angry drunk.
    She'd talk for Ireland to anyone and about their private lives. She'd be hugging & kissing these virtual strangers goodbye and then forget they were gone home at all.
    SOOOO glad to be sober .......
    I spent most of my time avoiding her antics - and Mr S was there with me most of the time.

    BIL married her so can deal with her I say.

    The End

    (apart from that it was great) :hahaha:


      Glad you had a fun trip Satz(besides the non-stop chatter)Molly,very interesting about the placebo effect,glad you slept great,hello to all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Afternoon Pauly! and Happy Birthday MrJacks!

        Well that's fascinating Molly. I am going with the placebo affect here. So the big question is: What will you do tonight? You cant trick yourself?
        I took sleeping tablets for 1 week when I was in my late 20s for the same reason. Worked, never had to go back. But I had already started self medicating at that point. Thinking about it, I was hiding bottles from my flat mates all those years ago.

        Satz, I know, people are hilarious how self important they are. I am a professional nodder and have degrees in faking interest from the same blah blah blah conversations from people who have no intention in engaging in a 2 way conversation.
        And then they get drunk..

        Does she remember the next day? Care? Is she still taking about giving up the booze?
        Glad you enjoyed it,.
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Satzy glad you had good jolly just got to a place called monte catiniti Molls there is a lot more to thought medicine and healing than people give credit for glad you got a good sleep. .happy birthday to other half jac hiya to ebberbuddy else
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Hello all. Wishing you Happy Birthday's & Merry Night Sleeps. Ihope you all have a great day or had (location dependent) of course. Welcome home Satz. Now Techie needs to get B U S Y. See you all (location dependent) later xoxo
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Originally posted by mollyka
              they know NOTHING about me -- cos they've no interest in me except as someone to talk at... like you Mary I can do the nodding and pretending to listen and be interested -- but oh maybe that's why I isolate as well -- the rare person who would actually ask me anything about myself I get shocked!!!
              Molly, how are You? :happy2:
              Pauly, same, how are things?
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                A quick fly by from the birthday house. He's opened his pressies, sister been round and now his favourite dinner. Sausage, egg, beans and chips.
                Am I the perfect wife or not
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Originally posted by mollyka
                  Pauly - are you okay? was just reading the Steppers thread and you sound a bit gloomy? come and talk if you want to :angelpals:
                  I'm fine Molly,thanks for asking,yesterday every freak came into the shop so instead of a haircutter I felt like a zookeeper! Just wanted to hide from the outside world and embrace being home,Jackie,you won the prize for perfect wife
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Yes Mers & Molls I have experience of the nodding & listening to people who turn the conversation 'round to themselves as soon as possible.
                    I meet the very rare person who actually is interested in what I have to say ..... met a random couple at the table in the bar on holidays. They were just lovely - in the group conversation but acknowledged when I said something.
                    Like Molls I was startled :haha:

                    Glad to hear it's just work getting you down Pauly and you got home safely :hug:

                    I now having to deal with my 86 year old mother who is severely depressed.
                    Anyone know or have experience of elderly depression?
                    She is just not herself anymore.....and I refuse to let the doctors put it down to old age.


                      Originally posted by mollyka
                      well how LOVELY to see it back busy round here -- howr'ya lads and Pauly and Mary -- well Mary - since I slept this afternoon for 4 hours I may have to achully take the sleeping tablet tonight!!! ffs -- that's a weeks sleep in the last 24 hours

                      Aren't there SO many people that are self absorbed tho --- I know loads of people that I virtually know their whole life story and everything they do every day of the week and they know NOTHING about me -- cos they've no interest in me except as someone to talk at... like you Mary I can do the nodding and pretending to listen and be interested -- but oh maybe that's why I isolate as well -- the rare person who would actually ask me anything about myself I get shocked!!!
                      Yes Molls you isolate because when we are sober our tolerance threshold for bullshit is lowered - so we avoid it if we can.
                      That is a good thing imvho


                        You are lovely Molly and Satz. Very happy you are good Pauly. I always love the concerning and caring that most MWOers have for their fellow members. Have a good evening folks. I am leaving on a trip to Alaska this Friday. It will be nice to get out of the heat wave we are experiencing!
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Morning lovelies far and not so far.

                          Wonder if it would be worth contacting someone here, Satz. Our elderly population should be treated with dignity and their concerns heard.

                          How we can help | Age Action
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            They're miracle pills, Molls.
                            Now you're sleeping a bit better how's the anxiety?
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Originally posted by mollyka
                              much better -- really much better - I think good sleep may be a key to a lot -- how's you?
                              Sleep's a great healer so they say.

                              I'm good just only 12 days or

                              1,036,800 seconds
                              17,280 minutes
                              288 hours
                              12 days
                              1 week and 5 days
                              3.28% of 2016

                              until I'm firmly planted in the caravan with a bacon sandwich in my mitts.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Ah JC, I will race you to your destination, 4 days to go for me (and divide all of the above by 3:distracted

                                You are cured so Molly!! whats the name of that doctor with his magic invisible tablets!!

                                Ah Satz, 19 or 90, depression is a curse. I know you are open to alternative methods, is your mam?
                                My Friend was just raving about Bressie's book yesterday.
                                Has this come on suddenly?
                                Theres always Mollys Magic doc! (not making light of it - I know its not easy, SIL battling same for years).
                                Is she sleeping?
                                Last edited by IamMary; June 30, 2016, 10:15 AM.
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

