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Working toward acceptance

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    Hi YKB. It is terrible to feel angry all the time. I think I was either drunk or angry (sometimes both) most of my life.
    I blamed other people for my anger and it kept me locked in a negative thought pattern. My husband made me mad, my boss made me mad, the lady that pulled out in front of me on the highway made me mad....I was not living a very happy life.
    I am starting to realize that I can always choose how I react to other people and things. Odds are none of the above people were purposely trying to make me mad but my thoughts told me they were. It was like I somehow knew what everyone else was thinking and what their intentions toward me were.
    I am reading a book called "Somebody Should Have Told Us!" by Jack Pransky. It was recommended in the 3Ps thread. I have probably read nearly every "self help" book under the sun. This one is different and I am really enjoying it.The author recounts many stories to help us understand how our thoughts shape our whole reality. It is really fascinating.
    Take care.


      I think that is one of the better 3Ps books I've read, Jackie. I'm glad you're enjoying it!



        I am bumping this thread for you. I was experiencing some blah/depression type feelings just after my one year sober mark. I am hoping maybe some of the replies I received will help you.

        Jackie M

