I have been alcohol free for more than a year. I am really working at being sober and dealing with the issues that caused me to drink.It has been a slow, often painful process.I drank for 20+ years to cover my emotions and sometimes it is overwhelming to feel my feelings. Uncomfortable as this process is at times, I am beyond grateful to still be here to go through it.
My biggest issue right now seems to be acceptance.Not acceptance of my issues but acceptance of things I cannot control. I guess I am at a point in my recovery where I feel like things should be better than they are.I know this is what has led to my relapses in the past. I am determined to work through this and would appreciate any input/advice on getting through this period.
I don't know why I haven't posted before this. I guess I felt the need to work through some things on my own.I also know that when things get uncomfortable I tend to isolate.I am grateful to everyone who has offered support on this forum.Every word that is posted here has meaning.