Well after two weeks gave up on the cds and the supps. Ordered the Allone three weeks ago and it still has not arrived. Ordered the Topomax from that Aclepsa.com website and it says it shipped on June 7, to arrive June 28.
Went to dinner with my family last night, came home and sat on the couch with the kids to watch a program. Husband started getting on me because whenever I drink I just sit on the couch instead of working on the house (we are attempting to put it up for sale).
This morning I went to church and just sat and cried. I am so unhappy. I feel that the Topamax is my only chance to stop drinking. Sometimes I wish my car would get smashed by a truck...maybe if I'm in the hospital all broken up I won't drink.
You all give me such encouragement that things are working for you.