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    Hi All..

    Well after two weeks gave up on the cds and the supps. Ordered the Allone three weeks ago and it still has not arrived. Ordered the Topomax from that website and it says it shipped on June 7, to arrive June 28.

    Went to dinner with my family last night, came home and sat on the couch with the kids to watch a program. Husband started getting on me because whenever I drink I just sit on the couch instead of working on the house (we are attempting to put it up for sale).

    This morning I went to church and just sat and cried. I am so unhappy. I feel that the Topamax is my only chance to stop drinking. Sometimes I wish my car would get smashed by a truck...maybe if I'm in the hospital all broken up I won't drink.

    You all give me such encouragement that things are working for you.


    Please don't give up!
    Going to church is a good step, that is what truly sustains me.
    Keep reading and posting :h
    AF since 7/5/2009



      Helpmeout .....

      Stay strong, you CAN do this ....

      Love & Hugs BB xx


        HIT BY A TRUCK


        Okay getting hit by a truck is messy. Let's not do that. And what if they veer off to not hit you and hit a poor innocent animal? Have you thought about that? Let's not be selfish now!

        Hon, we all have wished at times that events were taken out of our control. That something outside of ourselves would make the hard decisions, actions were taken despite ourselves. When that happens, we rarely like the results. I mean, hey I don't like housework either but getting hit by a car is rather an EXTREME method of avoiding it, isn't it?:egad:

        You can cut down until you get the meds to help you. Figure out what you drank last nite and cut it by one or two drinks. That should be doable. Then it's a start, a victory. We have all been in your shoes and some of us our. I had 30 plus days sober then decided to drink, and drank big. Okay, I didn't like it as well as I thought. So, beginning again. Let's do it together. I'm glad you are here hon. You are one of us now, and we grow stronger each day.:l


          HIT BY A TRUCK

          June 28th probably seems like a life time away, but its really just right around the corner. What can you do in the meanwhile? Try drinking a glass of water in between each drink, try cutting just one drink out a day. Make a goal for the next two weeks. Baby steps are better than no steps at all. Try to start drinking later in the evening (even just one hour later) than normal. You can do this. When the Topa gets here you will be glad you didn't get hit by a truck because your life will be yours again!!! hugs to you!!!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            HIT BY A TRUCK

            I agree w/ Didit...If you feel like you can't quit drinking right now, try just drinking less, do anything you can that will help you feel proud of yourself. I am a big believer in doing things one step at a time. Some people are just not mentally prepared for cold turkey.
            I also know what it is like to feel helpless and worthless and wish someone else could step in and do it for you...but if it happened you wouldn't like it. Try doing some of the supps, I just do the kudzu and the L Glut and Vitamin B and I think it helps.
            Hang in There...
            "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



              HIT BY A TRUCK

              ... and don't forget you are not alone. there are thousands, maybe millions feeling like you do right now and millions more who have or will.

              i suggest you just go out and buy some supps (you can always use them later again after the Allinone runs out-- vitamins usually keep for years).
              get a multivitamin, B-complex, kudzu and L-glut, also milk thistle (for the liver-- some people claim this also helps with cravings). Just taking the supps will help make it easier to cut down and will be doing something good for yourself.
              And keep coming back here for support. You will be sure to get it.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                HIT BY A TRUCK

                I'm sorry you had a rotten evening and are feeling really badly. Please hang in there. Are you using Drinktracker? If so, take pride in small improvements. It wasn't clear from your message if you meant you are giving up on the cds and supplements because they haven't come or if you have been using them and since they haven't done the trick are tossing them. If the later, have they helped even a little? Everyone has bad periods where it feels really hard. Keep trying them, especially the kudzu and L-glutamine in the evening.


                  HIT BY A TRUCK

                  Hi Helpmeout,

                  Sorry you're having a rough time, but as the others say, a little step at a time and don't expect it to happen over night - take whatever support you have available now and the Topa will be along soon. Don't forget, though, that you're in the driver seat- everything else is secondary - the support you find here, the supps. the medication, the CDs - they're all wonderful tools but the absolute driving force behind them is you - you are the one who will be able to find a way to make them work and reach your goals and start a path to the new life you so obviously want. I'm glad we can be part of your journey ...

                  Hang in there - it will get better :l
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    HIT BY A TRUCK

                    Dear Helpmeout,

                    Ditto to what they have all said above, some very sage advice here.

                    I would like to add my 2 cents worth. You did not get to this level of drinking in just 2 weeks of your life so please give yourself the permission to do this slowly by chipping away at all the pieces parts in doable chips rather than looking at a huge job to tackle and backing away because it looks so daunting. Patience with yourself and this process is a must.

                    Best of luck to you, check back in with us please we are all looking forward to your posts.


                      HIT BY A TRUCK

                      Hi helpmeout,
                      I learned here all about baby steps, and have just started toddling(day 3 AF). Just try taking tiny little steps through cutting down initially, as striving to drink less than you did in the past is an enormous leap forward.

                      Wishing you luck,
                      Starlight Impress


                        HIT BY A TRUCK

                        Thanks to you all. I will start again with the supps tonight. I finally decided to order the Allone from Vitacost and hope to receive it in a day or two. I also bought a higher doze of Kudzu (600 mg), and will try that as well. I hope I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket with the Topa. I so hope it works.


                          HIT BY A TRUCK

                          Hi HelpMeOut,

                          I take 1200 mg of Kudzu at least 2x a day to help with cravings. You might want to try to bump it up. You can take 3000 mgs a day if you need to. Good luck!
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            HIT BY A TRUCK


                            Just wanted to add some words of encouragment...

                            My kind doctor said today, 'don't forget to pat yourself on the back for every small achievement, we spend too much time beating ourselves up for what we do wrong, and sometimes just getting up in the morning and going to work is a big achievement..."

                            Are you seeing a doctor? It's the best thing I've done, been honest and asked for help, and the supps and cd's are tools to include in your 'toolbox for life'. One step at a time...

                            Wishing you all the best, love Jas
                            :thanks: :h


                              HIT BY A TRUCK

                              Pisces;150073 wrote: Hi,

                              Just wanted to add some words of encouragment...

                              My kind doctor said today, 'don't forget to pat yourself on the back for every small achievement, we spend too much time beating ourselves up for what we do wrong, and sometimes just getting up in the morning and going to work is a big achievement..."

                              Are you seeing a doctor? It's the best thing I've done, been honest and asked for help, and the supps and cd's are tools to include in your 'toolbox for life'. One step at a time...

                              Wishing you all the best, love Jas
                              just rememberthe words u said every step is 1 closer 2 the right direction, babe dont give up trying x
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

