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One Step at a Time - August 2016

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    Found a bracelet has a charm......'Marriage made you family, love made you my daughter'
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Sorry...trying to post from my kindle again.

      Liz - so scary. I am so glad you were able to get the results today. How soon do you get checked again?
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Thank you all for the gift suggestions.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Originally posted by NoraC View Post
          Found a bracelet has a charm......'Marriage made you family, love made you my daughter'
          Aww...that's perfect. :love:
          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


            I might have to find something similar as a 'push present' for my DIL.
            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


              Hey, Techie, are you a triathlete? I'm not very observant. Whole bldgs can go up and I wonder when that happened. I never got into them as I'm not a swimmer. Did some bike, run races, lots of marathons and ultras.
              You have to be in great shape to do a tri. Are you training now?

              Congrats, Matt, on 2 yrs!

              Dh today, Sat. Will go to Italian restaurant just outside our complex that give b.d. People free dinner. So last nite I made dh fav dinner. He told me story of how when he was a young boy he got to take friends to nearby town swimming pool, and then they got a Dairy Queen. Just b4 bed last night he said so ok, 60 yrs later I get a meatloaf dinner, choc chip cookies, and now I have my own pool. (We just moved from condo to a house with pool). He is 71 today. After his last stress test he bounded up the stairs saying, Nancy, Nancy you are married to a way above average husband. True.
              Well, spent couple hours trying to book flites for son & 2 grandsons to come to FL for Christmas. Thought I had them picked yest afternoon for $569/trip....turns out $569 each way, over $4,000. Back to the drawing board. Finally, found halfway decent flites arriving Christmas Day and leaving New Years Day. Last time they were here for Christmas we took them to Disney. This time we will just do day trips, to the beach, and a fishing outing, maybe a sunset river boat cruise, kayaking, Sanibel. Excited to see them!

              Liz, glad you got that baseline. Nora, perfect present!

              Ok, 5:30a, been up since 2a, better get some sleep.
              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                Nora, the gift sounds perfect!

                TMH that's a lot of money for airline tickets! I guess because of the holidays. Your Dh sounds sweet. Sounds like you made his day special. He is lucky to have you.

                Thanks guys for the kind words. I will see my doctor at the end of the month and we will discuss then when to repeat the mammo. I'm just going to put it out of my mind until then.
                Today is my Moms 85th birthday. She doesn't want us to make a fuss. So we are honoring her wishes. That's my Mom:love:
                No plans for today. Hoping to get some pool time in, if the weather cooperates.
                Have a great one.


                  Techie, I'm thinking of you. I won't offer any platitudes about "my son/father had it and they were fine". My son is an oncologist and claims it is a very treatable form.

                  Lizz, had that and scary at first, but calcification does occur in our magnificent mammaries.

                  I haven't been around for a few days because I've been pretty darned sick. My neighbor insisted I go to doc., I did, he rushed me by ambulance to hospital, they did ct scan and I have terminal ileitis. The ileitis I know is a small bowel infection, it's the word before it that concerns me. It is a form of Chron's disease. So I have to see gastro man for colonostomy within 3 days and down the stomach with a camera, so I think a better diagnosis will happen then. DIL died from this 5 years ago, so everything crossed! Her organs just all shut down.

                  On a brighter note......oh, that's right there isn't one today.:sad:

                  Sad part is after last week's refusal to pay his credit card. I'm sure he has cut me off from the others. DD will probably phone hers in if need be.

                  K9 is in the house! A happily married, sexually satisfied, new home and new car owner!! I am so happy Sierra is doing well.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Nora, a very appropriate gift. I love those gifts that give us an opportunity to tell our loved ones they are loved.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      SK!!! Oh no!! You have a lot of things going on right now. I am so so sorry. :hug:

                      Beautiful sunny Saturday in my part of the world. My youngest is at camp and my hubs is still driving home from AK. So its just me and my 16 year old today. He just finished band camp from 9 - 5pm M-F in the heat/humidity. I let him stay up late last night and do whatever. He just got up at noon, poor kid!! Our only plan today is to go practice driving. Of course, he will want to eat! And eat!

                      Lots going on here with the Steppers. Seems to be some challenging times for many but you guys are sounding so strong. Can I suggest we all try to do something just for ourselves today? Mmmm . . . mint chocolate chip ice cream is on my list!!

                      Take care all - AG


                        Hey guys!
                        Lizz - I know that was terrifying. And Techie, you are in my too, SK. I am 13 year breast cancer survivor and I will be here for all of you. It's terrifying and support is critical.
                        Nora - what a sweet gift!! You are always so sweet.
                        Nana bought Clay a car today for his 21st birthday, which is on the 26th. It's a 2014 Dodge Challenger and he is over the moon. She is trying to spend her money as fast as she can before "they" take it. She has been like since the accident. We are so grateful for her generosity. Those boys of mine are very spoiled, but they are good, polite young men.
                        K9....hi there girly.
                        Good to see you AG and Glassy and Pauly.
                        Nora - I hope you are feeling better.
                        SK....we'll get you through this mess.
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Hey all, thanks for the good wishes. Mama, sometimes I forget that you had cancer, and I'm glad you beat it, there are so many different cancers. My son was an ob/gyn and discovered there was a need for oncology and rare women's diseases. He got a 2nd fellowship at MDAnderson and that's what he does now and is on the speaker's circuit. He can only do the speech circuit for developed countries who are doing research tho. Sad but true. So many of the underdeveloped countries will remain that way with sewage in the streets and dictators driving Rolls Royces.

                          Pauly, you make me smile! Not sure if you were totally done in the oven, lol. I think you're a great weather vane for meds and supplements, however. I think it was either Lav or Byrdie who also did well with Seredyn.

                          I now have the antibiotic. I thought it would have been a different kind of medicine, but I didn't realize stomach ulcers and Crone's/ulcerative colitis are caused by viruses and therefore need a special antibiotic. Who knew?
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            Happy Saturday. I seriously don't know how anyone can type from their phones or kindles. I can type a couple of sentences with many backspaces and corrections. osteroops: Anyway, I turned on my computer and now you won't be able to shut me up.

                            This is the bracelet that I bought from Amazon. It's certainly not an expensive piece of jewelry but it says what I mean.

                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              SK - I am so very sorry to hear about your illness. I hope that you can see the Dr on Monday and get some answers. :hug:

                              Techie - :hug: to you. You are in my prayers also.

                              Mama - I am glad that Nana is being generous. I am sorry that she is going to be sued. It would seem like they could only go after the insurance company but I know that's now how it works.

                              AG - so glad to have you home.

                              Liz - you have been in my thoughts. I am so grateful that they found it and are going to monitor you. I hope your mom has a special day.

                              TMH - hope your hubby has a special day too! Those ticket prices are outrageous! I had to fly out on an emergency on Christmas Day. They don't cut you a break unless you have a copy of the death certificate.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Glassie - I think that is a perfect 'push' present! I got it on Amazon and it was around $20.00. I tried to find a 'real' one but I couldn't find one that I liked and could get right away. So, this was the one I chose.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

