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One Step at a Time - August 2016

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    Liz - no, I do need the support here. I was just feeling blah. Like I'm not contributing, not helping, etc. Just cause I'm feeling down, I guess.

    I can understand you would be upset with CJ moving. I wish that Joe would just hurry up & get it over with for asking her.
    Don't forget to tell us details about his dad.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Hi all! Yesterday was a great day. I spent all day with (non-drinking!) family and friends. Then, before I got too complacent, I had the distinct pleasure of picking up my son at 9:30pm from a friend's house. He needs about 8 hours of "night driving" and so, lucky me, I was the first to introduce him to that. Yikes!! And I thought I needed my stress ball for day driving!! It just goes to show how much we take driving for granted. He kept saying, driving at night makes me go so much slower! I guess that is good but he was going 20mph in a 55! So I kept the drive short and we will practice again. And again. And again.

      Just a quick check in as I am back at work. It feels good. This is a fairly light week and then I start traveling a lot this fall. I am grateful for a slow start.

      Things I do to try to beat the blahs . . . not necessarily in this order:
      1) Buy myself fresh flowers
      2) Paint my toe nails
      3) Pet my dog
      4) Turn up the bluegrass music really loud
      5) Call my sister (my all time laugh partner)
      6) Harbo Gummy Bears - enough said
      7) Buy a People magazine and read it cover to cover
      8) Call a friend to go for a walk
      9) Watch an episode of reality TV - my personal favorite is TLC, my 600 pound life (don't ask why, I honestly do NOT know, yep, I'm weird)
      10) Color a page in my coloring book (this makes me especially happy if I am on a work conference call that is not that interesting but I have to "be there")
      11) Go to my facebook page (not the newsfeed but my own page) and scroll back through all the pictures I've posted over the years
      12) Read a good book. (This one is tricky as it has to be the RIGHT book . . . can't be too heavy.) I'm currently reading "The Girl on the Train" and am having a lot of trouble putting it down at night.

      What's on your list??


        One more thing . . . setting the alarm to ring at 3:30pm every day on my phone has been perfect for remembering to take the Nal. Whew!


          Nora, I would hate it if you left, you are very valuable to us. I'm glad you are going away next weekend, I don't know of anyone more deserving. Family caretakers often forget to care for themselves.

          AG, great post and well done.

          Has anyone noticed we can't "Like or Thanks" for posts anymore?
          Enlightened by MWO


            Sorry ' I didn't mean it about taking a break from here. I just feel like I'm so wrapped up in me lately that I'm not contributing very much. I'm sure I couldn't go 24 hours without checking in.
            On my phone.....I'll be back
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Nora, never think you are not a contributor. You have been so good to me, so encouraging, and I appreciate you so much! Don't even think about leaving. :hug:
              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                Thanks folks.
                AG - great list
                TMH - congrats on 10 days tomorrow. With the time difference, I wanted to be sure you got this first thing.

                Pauly - check in when you can

                SK - buttons working on this end. Do you have to be a subscriber?
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Yup, they're working now.

                  In my plethora of medical issues, I received good news on the CT scan of the lung, it's not cancer! It is a something, but it hasn't grown in the past 6 months, and they won't revisit until 2017.

                  I am sooo relieved!!
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Great news, S K.:welldone:
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      SK - great news, so so happy for you!!!

                      Pauly, where are you??!! Mama??

                      Rusty, glad you are home.

                      So much big and little @#$% going on in our lives lately. A midwestern expression: sheesh.

                      An idea: let's celebrate SK's good news tomorrow!! Everyone do something fun for yourself (e.g. see list in last posts), silly (IDK, dance in the rain?), or giving in her honor . . . (e.g. I once had, not so long ago, a random stranger give me $20 and said "pay it forward". Perhaps I will do that tomorrow or give it to a cancer research foundation?) OR, I could finally go back to my gym and WORK OUT for our overall health?? Or . . . you guys are so much more creative than me.

                      I had another good day. The nal is really helping. Take care all! AG
                      Last edited by actiongirl46; August 15, 2016, 11:06 PM.


                        Hey all, just a quick hello, Nora,don't even think about taking a break! You're our thread leader so how can you? I'm ok but don't want to talk about it right now, not drinking though, hugs to all
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Good Tuesday Morning,

                          Skendall-FANTASTIC news on your Lungs!!!!! I am SO relieved and I know you must be, too!!:welldone:

                          AG-SO, SO glad the NAL is working. You sound so energetic and I am delighted for you. I've seen people on other threads make snide comments about "taking a pill" for AL but I am so glad I just keep ignoring them.

                          Mama, sweetheart...please check in or I'll text you if I don't hear from you. Worried about you.:hug:

                          Nora-You so deserve a weekend away with your husband. It is long overdue. Please don't think you contribute. You ALWAYS contribute!!! You are a true leader.

                          Pauly-I can't imagine how you must feel finding out Kell's pregnant...just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts.

                          Hello to all the other wonderful people here: Liz, Classy Glassy, TMH, Techie (HUGS), aihfl, and anyone I missed...I'm working on-site with clients all this week (LONG COMMUTES. UGH) but next week I am off...YIPPEE!!

                          Happy Tuesday!
                          Last edited by Rusty; August 16, 2016, 11:18 AM.


                            I am here. I am fine. Just super busy and trying to deal with this job transition. I had a much needed crying jag yesterday for about two hours and feel much better.
                            Nora - if you leave, I would be devastated.
                            SK - I am so glad your lung scan results!! What a relief.
                            Pauly - you are not a douchebag. You are way too hard on yourself. You are extremely worried and upset and you drank. End of story. Please be kind.
                            Rusty, my love, thank you for worrying about me.
                            AG, Lizz, TMH and everyone.....we are here for each other.
                            I have to jump on a conference call.
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Ahh Pauly, don't know how I missed the post about you drinking. You do have a lot going on and I get it. You will get through this. I suppose if we could figure out how to deal with our stuff, we wouldn't be here posting. Let us help you:hug:

                              I guess I've just been so wrapped up in my own stuff and I feel like right now I haven't got much to give either. I'm sorry for that. I did like you this morning Mama and just cried and cried. I did feel better after. Confided in hubby that I wanted to drink and he was supportive. Erin came over today and she told me she has been trying to get pregnant with no success, it's been several months now. Yup, one more thing to worry about. Both my sisters went through infertility and I know what a huge deal it is. Praying she doesn't have to go through that.

                              AG, after my crying bout I went to get a mani/pedi. I used the massage chair they have and now my back is killing me, lol! I made super healthy lunch and dinner and drank tons green tea.
                              Still have a huge knot in my stomach,

                              SK good news about the scan. We do need some good news here.

                              Rusty, I miss when you don't post. I was telling hubby today, I could use a week off. I am envious, I feel like all I have done is work this summer.

                              Nora, joes dad arrived here late. The rest of the family arrived together. He shook our hands, everyone else hugged and did the kiss on both cheeks. (I'm not a hugger either, just saying). We were sitting at the dining room table eating, he finished, got up and sat alone in the living room! Everyone else sat at the table and chatted. Mind you the entire thing was quick. He hardly spoke at all. I don't know. Everyone else was getting along. It breaks my heart because I think joe just really wants his approval on things!


                                Hey all. On my phone and I'm not good at it like Pauly.

                                Liz - hugs...big hugs. That's sad that his dad is a jerk. I'm sorry for Erin. I remember that heartbreak.we went thru the tests that were available back then. Never did find out why of couldn't get pregnant. But. It all worked out as it was meant to be because I was blessed with my son. But oh it was hard for years while we were trying. I'm so sorry, Liz.

                                Sorry about the tears mama and liz but maybe it was needed. :heartbeat:
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

