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One Step at a Time - August 2016

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    Now its my turn to talk to myself :cuss:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      I'm so glad that all the blueberries are ok:yay:
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        I'm here.....I am too damn busy at work to log on.
        All is well in my world.
        Nora - I am glad you didn't hurt yourself.
        Gonna eat and pass out
        Love you all!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Oh....and I got to fire a drunk employee yesterday! Fun....not!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            I here too. Had a fun day at work. One of the girls in out unit is getting married Sunday, so we threw her a little bridal shower. Boy did I eat! Wish every work day was like today, a lot of laughs.

            Pauly, I am glad you are feeling better. Amazing what some rain can do. My coworker, the one getting married Sunday, actually just relocated from Las Vegas. Small world. She said she was so tired of the heat. Should've moved here years ago. I happen to like Tiny Houses too. I love house hunters too, especially the vacation ones. I refuse to watch the bachelor.

            Nora, I get that way when I get back from vacation too. It's a bummer though. Sorry to hear your mom is declining. That must be hard to watch. She is lucky to have you.

            Mama thanks for checking in. How are your sons doing?

            AG, Rusty TMH, Glassy, hope you're all ok. Check in when you can? Hope I didn't miss anyone.


              Hey all - I really don't have anything to say but wanted to check in again.

              Eloise - I hope that you're not a stranger. So happy that you say hello.

              Today is my son & dil's 6 month anniversary. Wow. Hard to believe.

              Mama - does this mean that you are working for a completely different company now? So, different properties/employees? How about your home office, etc. I've been thinking of you.

              TMH - Congrats to you. You are really doing great.

              AG - how are things going with you? How are you doing with the Nal?

              Glassie - did I tell you that you are sounding good? Well, you are!

              Rusty - try not to work too hard. Hope you get some rest this weekend.

              Sure haven't heard from Red in ages. Does anyone know how she's doing?

              SK - how are things going with you? Are things thru with the house, etc? How are you feeling?
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Doing fine here. Got up a little after 7:30a and heard mowers out back. Little early. But if that is the worse thing about today, I'll take it! Now it's the garbage trucks. But slept last night. Yay! What a difference from roaming around in wee hours.
                Pauly, I love most of the shows on TLC. My Big Fat Fabulous Life, season just ended. 90 Day Fiance. Before this year I had never gotten into America's Got Talent but have really enjoyed it. I like Ray Donovan. My all time favorite is The Affair on Showtime. I have watched both seasons 3X, new season starts in November. It's pretty racy, but enjoy the characters. The main male character starts his day with either a run or a swim. Love that discipline. Glad to hear you are feeling better!

                Nora, when I was in the corporate world, general consensus was a person should take at least a 2 week vacation. Many of my friends took an entire month off. Being in MN they would spend the month in either FL or TX. We got 4 weeks after working there for 5 years so that wasn't unusual at all.

                Liz, nice you had a fun day at work! I'm off to play golf. Again. One of my friends I'm playing with today says she gets asked all the time from people back home (Pittsburgh), why do you play so much golf? Her answer: because I can! It is so true. Any given day things happen to take away or diminish your health so do stuff while you can. We have lived here full time since 2011, and I continue to be amazed at how most people are in pretty good shape.

                So Mama do you think we are going to get hit with this tropical storm brewing? I haven't been following it closely but saw on our community FB page that someone is coming down for a long weekend, is concerned about the storm, and offered to take furniture in off peoples' lanais. Most people have Home Watch, and think they monitor that type of thing pretty closely.

                Ok, better get ready. Have a great Thursday everyone!
                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  TMH. Enjoy your day of golf. When we visited my inlaws who retired to Florida, I too was amazed at how active and busy these retired people were. They were thoroughly enjoying their retirement. I only hope that will be the case for me. Right now we don't have any plans of moving away for retirement but the idea of staying here and not being involved and active scares me. I so want to enjoy my retirement.

                  I did see the weather and all those storms out there. Looks like at least one is headed out to sea. Hoping for a mild hurricane season and also hoping none of them head up this way.

                  Nora, how much vacation do you get? Is it possible for you and hubby to just do a day trip once in awhile? Just for your sanity and relaxation. I know how much you love Disney. Can your mom get out at all? Maybe even a day spent at the park for a picnic or something would seem like a vacation.

                  Pauly, hope your still feeling better today. I have a doctors appt in a bit and I have decided to up the dose on my AD and will discuss with my dr. I thought I was ok lowering the dose, but maybe now is not the time. Anyway, then to shop for a new washing machine, again! Anyone have any input as to what I should buy? The sales person suggested a front loader, but anyone I know who has one does not like them. I just want a simple machine with an agitator. Don't want these new fangled high energy efficient machines that need special detergent. Hoping to get in some pool time too.
                  Have a great Thursday!


                    Hey all, sheesh I spoke too soon, I'm sick I swear if I post that one more time!!!!! I went to bed at 8 pm last night I feel so spacey this morning, pray I get through work, TMH,I love My fat fabulous life haha,I got stuck watching an episode when there was nothing else on and got hooked have a great day everyone, I shall try
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      X-post Liz,every person I know with a front loader HATES them! They break down too easy,get stinky and don't wash very well I justhave the old fashioned kind,well not like my gramma used to have, she had one of those ones that's a huge tub and a wringer on it when I was a kid, gosh that makes me giggle thinking about it haha
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        I do NOT like my front loader HE. Never again
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Hi Friends,

                          I have been busy with work tasks, and I spent the day with my closest friend...visiting my mom and my sister. It was relaxing!

                          Mama-sorry you had to fire the drunken employee. Did you actually have to take a $20K pay cut to keep your job?

                          Pauly-Bummer that you are sick...AGAIN!!

                          Liz-I have a new, simple Whirlpool with an agitator that I love! It is SO fast, too, and really gets my clothes clean. I HATE front end washers and dryers. For one thing, they are UGLY!! Secondly, if you want to soak towels with bleach, or soak clothes that have deep can't do that in a FE loader. They make NO sense to me.

                          TMH-you are sounding great! I just wanted to mention are a big golfer and so is my sister's husband. He has been the club champion at their country club several times and it's one of his passions. The US Open Golf Tournament next year is going to be held at a golf course that is next to my sister and BIL's 76 acres of land. NBC is parking the blimp on my sister's property. Hahahahaha!!! Thought you would get a chuckle out of that.

                          Nora-sorry to hear about your little mishap but SO glad you weren't hurt.

                          More work to do then off to the gym. Big hellos to all!!


                            Hey all - thanks for checking in Rusty!

                            Liz - I'm glad that you're talking to your doctor about the depression.

                            TMH - I wonder if part of your depression was the lack of sleep? I am so down today but I was up with mom during the night. So, I'm extremely tired.

                            Pauly - feel better :hug:

                            AG - where are you?

                            Mama - sending hugs

                            Where is everybody?????
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Nora, darling, we ARE all here, but in different time zones. :hug: I am so sorry you were up with your Mom all night but just know that WE know, and YOUR family knows, that we all appreciate and love you with all of our might.

                     are you? When is your granddaughter due?

                              Techie-what is the latest news on your diagnosis??

                              AG...Aihfl...Guitarista...Samstone...NS....ARMY folks....please stop by! AND THAT'S AN ORDER, NOT A REQUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahah...only half kidding. ;-)


                                Back After a Long Absence

                                Hi everyone! I haven't been around for a few years but hoping to join in any discussions that happen. I'm on USA East Coast time. I'm been seriously pursuing sobriety since 5/1/16 and currently have "13 days back" - as they say in AA. Just getting over a relapse but determined to put 90 days (and more!) together. Any encouragement is welcome!! Cheers all!
                                "Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Green

