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One Step at a Time - August 2016

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    Thank you guys for thinking of me! I always read but am always too tired, too busy or just too lazy to check in;(

    So, the ex roommate has not tried to contact me at all since the day he moved out (on June 3rd). I am both relieved and a little sad about that. Only sad because after 24 yrs of doing everything for him, I feel like I wasted my life on him. I still do see his daughter every other weekend (and he does not have any contact with her) so I am overjoyed to still maintain my bond with her.

    I have been very depressed otherwise over the major life changes (I am also turning 50 next year so maybe I am going thru a mid life crisis?). No drinking at all though, and no temptations to at all. One thing I do know to my core is that drinking will only make this worse.

    I guess I am just lost as to what to do with my life. I don't have any friends or a boyfriend (I have great people I work with but they all have husbands and kids so we don't really do anything outside of work). I have my puppy, who I just love to pieces and my cat, who is 17 years old and still acts like a kitten. Sometimes I feel guilty about being so depressed because I do have a good life (nice house, great family and make good money). But I am empty inside alot of times and it just sucks.

    This is why I really haven't posted lately, it's just hard sometimes to fake being happy. But I am truly grateful to see how well you all are doing. You ladies (and guys) always manage to put a smile on my face at least once a day.

    Techie, you are in my thoughts, you are a strong healthy person and I know you will beat this!

    Nora, I am so glad you were able to get away for a weekend. I saw your pics on FB and you two were sooo cute!

    Pauly, are you excited about being a gramma again? I know it was a shock but you are a great mom and a wonderful gramma. And babies are just so darn cute! I know that you have had struggles (and I have said this multiple times) but I just think the world of you and I know you are such a strong woman. You will beat this!

    Rusty, are you going to be remodeling the bathroom soon? I just finished my screened in deck and I think I am done with all the big projects now (hopefully). Are you a Packer fan? One thing I am looking forward to is football season. I just love fall in Wisconsin and football is part of the reason.

    Mama, I am so excited you got a new van! Did your job make you take a new position? I just wish we were all rich so we never had to deal with crap at work again.

    Liz, how is the family doing? I think you are a big football fan too right?

    OK, I need to get back to work -Hi to everyone I missed but I do have all of you in my thoughts everyday!
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


      Welcome Missme!

      Hey Nora, I will check this thread more often.
      Feeling rather isolated these days, it will be good to return to work.
      Honestly I cannot wait. I promise myself to make to time to paint at least 3x per week. I think it is a matter of scheduling it. I hope my husband and I survive all this.
      Out of my hands & am confident I am doing what is best.
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        Hello everyone. I am guilty regarding being a regular poster lately, I'm just in a weird head space.

        I went to the house yesterday to unpack a couple of dressers, but I will need to rent a storage unit before I can bring it all home, and not having a car doesn't help. In one month and 2 days, the closing of the house will take place allowing me to buy one, :yay:

        2 things struck me yesterday at the house yesterday; the deterioration of a once-vital an athletic husband is now in a wheel chair minus a foot and due to lose the leg above the knee in a couple of weeks. He is moving to western Michigan next week and I'll never see him again. Before his affair and the breakdown of our marriage we were best friends and raised 2 successful chilfren together and I am so darned sad about this. He was my rock for so many years and now the anger of his betrayal is gone, I have nothing but compassion for him.

        The second thing is my missing heirloom sterling silver. I know she stole them, along with other things, and I'm mad as hell. My friend told me to file a police report anyway. Sheesh, she is a bad piece of work.

        I want to say hi to everyone. Lizz, glad your pancakes are okay, Mama, without being intrusive, would like to know about the job status.

        Rusty, always glad to hear of your news, and Nora glad you had a getaway, but sorry your mom is in decline.

        MissMe and Eloise, delighted to see you here, just find a chair and and stay awhile.

        Glassie, that was great to hear about your dad and I think working the brain helps in staving off dementia, n'est pas?

        TMH, good job on your A.F., and Pauly, sorry you are sick again. Are you under dr's care for your allergies? They sound severe.

        I'm sorry if I've missed anyone.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Liz, do you mind telling where in FL your inlaws live? As far as enjoying retirement, that is why I think it is important to retire as early as you can so that you hopefully are in good health. Our new house has new washer/dryer. Both front loading. I leave the washer door slightly ajar, or it does start to smell. I do not use special detergent. Maybe I am supposed to? Use Quick Wash a lot.
          Pauly, sorry to hear you are sick. Get better soon!
          Rusty, what a cool story about your sister. & BIL. What fun they will have next year! i had never picked up a club b4 the age of 60. I used to ask my bosses how long it took to play a game. When they responded 4 hrs, I said oh for crying out loud I can run a marathon in 4 hrs. I'll play golf when I'm too old to run. Did not know how true that would be.

          Nora, you may be right. You get so tired you feel sick. Hope tonight is better for you!

          Hi Miss Me! Welcome back. I'm not much ahead of you. Day 19 for me. I am abstaining using the 30 Day Sobriety Solution book. It promotes quitting, of course, and also cutting back and says you will know by Day 30 what you should do. I like being sober for the most part. I miss end of day sitting over a drink talking about our day and I definitely miss a full night's sleep. We bought O'Douls and substitute that. You attend AA?

          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


            Welcome Missme great to see you Red,you're a beautiful woman go find a man hahaha, I'm glad you still have contact with your ex roommates daughter, getting throughwork took a miracle, I'm not sure if it's allergies or a cold, I felt totally spaced out all day,nauseous,came home,tossed my cookiesand fell right asleep, I'm glad I haven't had Louie or Kell around these past few days I don't want them getting this if it is a sickness, SK,what you wrote about your hubsmade me sad,I think I'd feel the same way if something were to happen in my marriage, at least you get to go see your granddaughter! Have Brady go get me a soda,the fizz will feel good on my throat, I might post again later....or die haha
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Geez Pauly, I feel so bad for you! Chicken soup and a soda, I'll send it right over. Loved the picture of your tortoise. That is unbelievable.

              Red, Miss Me and Eloise, so glad to have you here. Please come back regularly and talk with us. Sharing is therapeutic. Perhaps we can help with the depression? I know, I just upped the dose of my AD today. Dr. readily agreed it's a good idea albeit temporary. Yes Red, I am big football fan. Can't wait for the season to start. You enjoy it as well, if I recall.

              So we bought a new washer today. The saleswoman even said she didn't recommend a front loader. We bought a GE, no bells and whistles with an agitator! I can't wait. My current one didn't have the agitator and I never liked it.

              TMH, my inlaws lived in Venice on the gulf coast. They have since passed. FIL just about three years ago and we sold the house. They lived there for 20 years so it was our home away from home! We visited often. Hubby's aunt and grandmother lived in a 55 and over community close by and it was great to see how active these seniors were. My kids made us promise to never move that far away. While they enjoyed visiting Florida and their grandparents, they missed having them close by.

              Rusty, I thought you were off this week? Sounds lime you had a nice day with your mom and sister.

              Busy here today and I'm glad. Hope everyone has a good night!
              Last edited by Lizann; August 25, 2016, 07:12 PM.


                SK, I am impressed with your attitude toward your husband. I am not so sure that I could ever get beyond the anger and I hope to never find out. I know that I would be sad though cleaning out the house. Do you know what or where you might settle? I am so glad that finally something is going your way!


                  Hello everyone. I'm at work so can't stick around.
                  Mom hasn't been doing the greatest this week. She went to bed before I got home from work yesterday and hubby just asked her to get up. I woke her up several times to check on her but she fell right back asleep.

                  I'm so sorry that I didn't get back to comment on everyone.

                  Red - :hug: :hug:
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    MissMe - Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. :bigwave::bigwave:
                    I'll be back later to properly introduce myself.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Well, here's one for the books. As I mentioned I was at the house packing and husband gave me 3 plastic jars of change. I took all the quarters out and gave the jar to 4 kids (8-10) and told them if they counted all the pennies, they could keep the dimes and nickels (very few). It's the last few days of vacay and they are very bored.

                      Later, the mother of one of them who lives upstairs came banging on my door accusing me of trying to bribe her kid so he will tell stories about them to me. Whaaat? I could care less about these dope smoking people. Later, the husband came down to warn me to stay away from his son and that I need to know his brother is a police officer. Whaaat? I asked him if he were threatening me and he said I take notes on all my neighbors to use against them. I think I'm dealing with deranged people or it's the classic paranoia of weed.

                      I don't seek the kids out, but Peggy is the draw. One little 4 yr. old always runs out and calls me Peggy, he thinks that is my name, lol. Can't say I've ever dealt with people like this before. She is putting a cast of mistrust about me to the kids.

                      Last edited by SKendall; August 26, 2016, 01:44 PM. Reason: spelling
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Sheesh SK,couple of loons! Nora,I hope your mom's ok,maybe she's not feeling well
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Really Skendall? You need to get on outta there.

                          Nora, that is concerning about your mom. Is she maybe fighting something? Is she eating?

                          Hey Pauly, hiw are you feeling?

                          Getting ready to leave work. For a quiet day here it was crazy. Just some really weird cases today. So much for taking lunch or leaving early.

                          Be back later


                            Thinking of you all struggling with life or not. Sending love and hugs!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Same to you techie. I certainly need a hug tonight! Just got off the phone with sissy. Looks like another job my BIL didn't get. She is absolutely sobbing and beyond consolable. He is upset as well. She's afraid they will loss the house. I just don't know what to say anymore. I was honest and supportive, but boy did it suck the life outta me. Thanks for letting me vent here, I needed to. Anymore hugs would be appreciated too. Love you all:hug:


                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

