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August Army 2016....Gates are open

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    To me Starty is her own woman and may be back when she's ready.
    The 2 I worry about are Tabbers & Foxy.
    Two old timers from the Army who shared their struggles but disappear when they feel they can't post here - as most of us here are sober.

    This thread is for EVERYONE drinking or not who is trying to make the next quit stick.
    Don't stay away.
    I was drinking for the first 6 months in 2012 when I first posted in the Army.
    Got the courage at last to have a dry day - which led to many more. But the quit really only stuck in June 2013.
    It WILL happen if you stick with it and stick with posting.
    We chit chat about non-alcohol related stuff just because we want to keep the thread alive for the day we are needed as Molls said.

    The End .....


      Had to smile at Tony's..................its mine, its mine .............had visions of evil cackling going on as well.

      And how big is this bottle we're supposed to share................even a Methuselah wouldn't have been big enough. There's not enough alcohol in the world that can satisfy an active alcohol.

      Had a power cut just as I was typing this an hour ago and I've forgotten what I was going to add.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        I did all my floundering before I got started posting on MWO. Floundered on my own, in AA, white knuckled for a while. The doc I had at the time had just read an article about MWO and told me to start using it for support. I'd joined back in Sept 2008 and incredibly remembered my user name and password...............and the rest is history.

        Now I'm about to attempt the cure for glue ear in adults...............which involves sticking a balloon up a nostril while drinking water................should be fun and if I'm successful I'll be seen on Britain's got Talent later in the year.

        See you in the morning.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Missed all the chat today, great to read back.

          That was my first reaction too about Joe offering to 'share' the bottle! which is why I always had my hidden stash - which could be a very complicated task to dispense, depending on the evenings events. I was a serious sneaky drunk. I have probably developed excellent secret agent spy skills.

          Aside form all the other benefits of not drinking, not having the effort and stress of planning the how, where, what, I was drinking each night is an enormous burden gone.

          Interesting about 'how it takes one to know one', I have heard it often-' he/shes not an alcoholic, they just need to cut down'..if only it was that simple!
          I suppose I thought the same before, stop eating, gambling, popping pills..

          Hows the glue girl?
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Morning, Gluey reporting for duty.
            This balloon thing looks blooming easy on the instructions on You-Tube but it must have taken a good half an hour to do it. Don't feel any different...........although me being me I want to be cured.....................NOW!!! ............if not sooner. Its widely used in small children these days and hats off to the parents that first persuade a child to do it and then carry it out.

            And the waiting begins for the sofa bed............
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Morning all,

              I have wonderful images in my mind of balloons up noses and gunk coming from an ear in a projectile manner...Thanks Jackie!

              When I first joined MWO someone said that whatever we told of our story that there was probably going to be nothing that someone here had not done or encountered or got themselves into before. This is becoming more apparent every day that goes by... The hidden stash - OMG how embarrassing.

              You see I thought I'd been really clever and hidden the bottles in places where they'd never be found - and then I was looking for something the other week and found 2 empties behind a box in a cupboard in the kitchen. I took them out and Mrs T was sat there. I said something like "Oops, forgot those" as I put them in the recycling.

              Then Mrs T asked if I'd also forgotten the ones behind the shoes in the wardrobe in the spare bedroom...Oops

              Then when I got those she asked if I'd cleared the ones out of the shed... "Shed?" ... "Yes, the ones in the lawnmower grass box!"... Oops and I thought that was really clever.

              A few days later and Mrs T asked me to put some towels away in a drawer in the bathroom. I called down the stairs that it was full. "Well move the empties from the bottom of the drawer then"... Oops


                mornin all quick jump in...tony your story re empties made me laugh...yep we think we are dead smart ...beginning of this year I was digging the garden,and yep youve guessed 2 voddy bottles ...forgotten about them
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Off to work now, but just to say, Mick, the garden is my "sober project" and I never did anything out there other than cut grass before I got sober so I honestly think that the buried bottles may be unique to you...

                  If I do dig up any they are definitely not mine because I'd have never trusted myself with a spade drunk... I'd probably have taken my foot off!


                    Afternoon all..
                    More sun today, how's the Scottish heatwave Tony and Mick?
                    I really love hearing others peoples stories, none are very different really, bottom line was the need to get plastered without making it obvious to anyone that may want to interrupt the process.

                    My sober project is my bedroom, well, I'm managing the project while mr M 'does' the project Few walls to paint and it's done, clutter free, just like my head.
                    I'd love to do more in the garden, one of the days...
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      JC, did the doc not give you anything to fix the ear??
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Mary the heatwave is sort of continuing, managed to get the Guinea Pigs out in their run today and they've not frozen so all good!


                          Mers, if you look up Otovent..............that's what I've got to use at least 3 times a day.

                          Hiding bottle story...........

                          When the son and heir hit 21 we finally got rid of his cabin know one of those beds with cupboards underneath for toys, lego, general crap and Mammy's empties stuffed at the back. He just used to open the doors and throw stuff in.

                          It was about a month or 2 into getting sober in 2009 when the S&H and I decided to get on with it. Bin bags at the ready.................I took a big gulp and told my lad that errrrrrrrr sometimes at my worst I hid bottles under his bed.............crikey that was hard but he took it in his stride............there were just one or two..........lot fewer than I thought .....................then he pulled out an unopened bottle of vodka...................he looked at me and said ...........this can't be yours............I asked how did he know.................because its never been opened............
                          Last edited by JackieClaire; August 26, 2016, 01:40 PM.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Excitement of the day................the sofabed arrived about 2ish and I had to help carry it in as there was just the driver..........I must have mug written all over my face.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Yippie on the sofa bed Jackie!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Brilliant JC.. I hope you got this one (I WANT it for sons room!!). image.jpeg

                                Guinea pigs Tony!! We've a right army menagerie.
                                hanging out the clothes a few evenings ago (MrM apparently helping but not actually doing anything), the hens started to go mental. Looked up and there was a beautiful fox beside the run, bold as brass, staring at us, still considering his options.. MrM ran him.. Off in your direction Molls!!
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

