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August Army 2016....Gates are open

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    Nutty days Satz:hug:
    Mind yourself.
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Morning Molly,
      Do you think had it been different, that you would have become more secretive? I know that's what I was like.. I was as obsessive about not being caught as I was about getting it into me.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        JC I didn't think of that but, Yes it is the first AF Tax and VAT returns - is it wrong to have found just one thing I preferred doing drunk? Oops, did I actually say that? Maybe I should keep that one to myself... And don't worry, I didn't!

        The dogs are 2 border collies (Megan and Ben) and one Shih-Tzu (Holly) and guess which one rules the house?
        Last edited by tonyniceday; August 11, 2016, 04:59 AM.


          Morning lovelies

          Originally posted by mollyka
          Morning sorry bit MIA myself this week - it's a busy one and with jilly home sorry bout young Satz - not wanting to sound in anyway harsh but important that he truly feels the consequences of his actions and not shielded - that's what worked for me for a long time Joe sort of enabled me by ignoring stuff because dealing with it would have necessitated maybe him looking at his own drinking - it wasn't alcoholic drinking but he did drink a lot
          Satz, love, as usual I agree with Molls. First things first.................look after you and then your Mum. Don't get caught as piggy in the took me a very long time especially with Jenny that if she wanted to tell her Dad something to tell him straight away.............I wasn't her medium. Tell AJ you want to hear anything from his mouth.

          Crikey Molls, that struck a cord with me.........exactly Mr JC and me. Mr JC rarely drinks in the house or even on our hols these days. Perhaps it was a case if I can't beat them join them.

          Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
          JC I didn't think of that but, Yes it is the first AF Tax and VAT returns - is it wrong to have found just one thing I preferred doing drunk? Oops, did I actually say that? Maybe I should keep that one to myself... And don't worry, I didn't!

          The dogs are 2 border collies (Megan and Ben) and one Shi-Tzu (Holly) and guess which one rules the house?

          So tell us how was your first AF tax and VAT forms...................we often talk about firsts, first parties...........first weddings............first night out with friends..............first Chrimbo but never an AF tax return :eek-new:

          Just realised yesterday i saw the 3 most lovely men in my life, my brother popped in, the son and heir showed up and Mr JC. Love 'em to bits.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            I like this :


              I like that Ted talk, too, Satz -- now. I rejected it when I first saw it and didn't like Gabor Mate's take on things, either. Their work threatens the story I'd come to believe and feel comfortable about concerning addiction - that it is a physical illness/disease/problem due to genetics and inherent biochemistry and physiology and that the problem is only the drug (alchohol), not the unfortunate victim/ addict (me). I felt apart from my addiction and liked feeling that it wasn't my "fault" or my parents' fault or really, due to anything about me (my mind) but was simply a physical (body) problem.

              Now that there's been sufficient time since the crisis phase of addiction/quitting, I'm finally ready to look at the more complete picture, stop trying to separate mind from body and individual from community, and accept that there were reasons I was susceptible to addiction and that my experiences and thoughts and feelings about them helped to create the physiology that was susceptible. I no longer feel the need to shift the blame from me to something external in order to accept what happened.

              I can't say that I agree that w/ Hari that drugs aren't addictive. I think there is a chemical 'hook'; but, the fact that is doesn't hook everyone means there must be something about those that it catches. Mate makes compelling arguments for why all clinical problems - addiction, autoimmune disease, cancer, etc. - are due to psycho-social events. I'd add to that other environmental factors such as diet but the point is, we are changed by everything we experience and what affects our bodies affects our minds. It is a little daunting because you realize that everything matters. That felt overwhelming to me so I ran from it until Kuya came by and exposed us to the 3Ps. That understanding has made me not afraid to face the truth.


                When I first started listening to this earlier on I had to stop after 4 minutes when he was talking patients taking gobs of diamorphine after a hip replacement or broken hip.........I know a few with new hips including and at the max its 24 hours usually 12 then onto ibuprofen or codiene if you ask nicely.........and I do know people from NA (Narcotics Anonymous) who would rather do without any pain relief than take diamorphine.

                I did go back and listen to the rest and of course had to get into the mind set that although he was talking about drugs.......... alcohol comes under the same umbrella albeit the legal one.

                I can actually see point about staying connected but in order for our own sanity we have take care of ourselves. Especially if we're addicts ourselves. Making sure all avenues of contact are open but on your terms.

                Is it hereditary, learned behaviour, a new social idea.
                Last edited by JackieClaire; August 11, 2016, 01:10 PM.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  On a lighter note................just written a deliciously snotty e-mail to a company that should have delivered a sofa-bed 2 weeks ago. Luckily Mr JC came in so a nice bit of legalise was added.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Sorry for the downer post, JC. Maybe being curious about something we can never really know is a waste of time anyway.


                      and on a lighter note.....


                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Evening, I came across that clip before, its quite thought provoking. Agree with all above, other factors are at play too, how can they not be, genes, culture, yep lifestyle NS.. but like Molly says, its down to ourselves at the end of the day.
                        How can some people can drink normally for decades, before they cross the line and for others, its almost instant?

                        More pressing thoughts on my mind, how to survive sleeping in the tent for the next 3 days..sigh.
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                          Sorry for the downer post, JC. Maybe being curious about something we can never really know is a waste of time anyway.
                          No need for apologies, love. To quote a certain Albert Einstein
                          Necessity may be the mother of invention, but curiosity is the mother of discovery.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Originally posted by mollyka
                            Morning lovelies - looking forward to my wee trip away - you off today as well Mary?
                            where are you orf too?anywhere nice
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Originally posted by mollyka
                              Morning lovelies - looking forward to my wee trip away - you off today as well Mary?
                              Enjoy, yourself. Forgot Mers was away this weekend. Supposed to be lovely.

                              Originally posted by Mick View Post
                              where are you orf too?anywhere nice
                              She never tells in case we find her
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                A wee smile

                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

