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4 every up there sure is a down!

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    4 every up there sure is a down!

    i hope every1s day has been ok, an if its been horrid i hope 2morr is better,2nd day of more than halving my intake,not a drop of brandy,i have reduced the morning drink, only 2 cans , still bad i know but better,right? by time i got to my cleaning job, after 2mornings an 1 nite of cuttin bk MAN did i feel it, is it normal to feel this bad, i havent even been AF, my arms an legs felt like lead, cleaning windows, i had 2 keep stopping, the hills nearly killed me an i was more clumsy than usual, if possible, my excuse 4 havin morning drink has always been that my body isant used to not trying to walk straight so if i havent had a drink my co ordination is all shot! i do a good impersination of a sober person, !! i bought 8 cans panickin as there wasnt a drop in house, myy head was in that grey fog again so i went pub, its a desicison id been dreading all day, i give in, had 2 pints an went bk to bar, i resisted ,turned an went an caught the bus home, i cracked a can an another, stashed 1 an, then went to open another, i mannaged to not an even saved some 4 my bf, well 3!! now i cant get 2 sleep again! im thinking oh no only 1 can 4 morning, wed is roast at the cafe i work, gravy and the shakes!!! c what i mean about up an down x
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    4 every up there sure is a down!

    Hey. I think I relate. But, you did makes me hungry for some mashed potatoes. Sorry for jokink around. We're here for you. I totally joke around when I'm in my worst way. But really, you know the mashed is the best. I'll be here if you need to chat. Extra buttern and milk Damn. I'm hungry again.
    where does this go?


      4 every up there sure is a down!

      Morrison you are so funny. I love the mashed taters too but can't eat them coz the doc's put me on a reduced carb diet for 90 days.

      Good work Rachel on reducing the cans, girl, just keep it up you CAN do it. And great job on the NO Brandy.
      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


        4 every up there sure is a down!

        Rachel, you're getting there with those baby steps, just keep on reducing the drink slowly every few days.. Hopefully you will start to feel better soon, but please don't give up..

        Oh, and I'll be in the queue right behind morrison, roast, mash, peas and gravy for me please, thank you very much..

        Louise xxx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          4 every up there sure is a down!

          You are doing so great on cutting down Rachel. It will get better. Have you been able to get a dr. appt for something to help with detox? It does seem ridiculous that our body feels worse at first but this seems to be common.


            4 every up there sure is a down!

            I just want to say that I love all of you. What do you have to say bout that?
            where does this go?


              4 every up there sure is a down!

              hey thanks u lot i no i CAN do it,, its beef 2morr!!!!
              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                4 every up there sure is a down!

                Well I love you right back morrrison and I'm glad you're still here with us..

                Louise xx :h

                PS.. You can buy me dinner tomorrow at Rachels cafe..
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  4 every up there sure is a down!

                  oh an morrison ur right about mash loads of butter an milk, bangers an mash , tell u whats lovely im mash , grated cheese mixed in, sprinkle on top an stik it oven to go crispy yum, im quite proud a my self, despite feeling like a 90 yr old that cant sleep, i done ok 2 day , im still scared about dr, i kno i should BUT
                  :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                    4 every up there sure is a down!

                    ill give u all a coffee on the house!!! not sure what me boss wud say!!
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      4 every up there sure is a down!

                      Hi rachel28,
                      Be proud of yourself for cutting down. Fortunately, I never drank until around 8/9 pm, although I did drink every night.Am 3 nights off the booze.
                      Seems like you know what you want and you`ve made a good start. We just have to believe in ourselves, because we are all bigger and better than alcohol.

                      Good luck,
                      Starlight Impress


                        4 every up there sure is a down!

                        well done u, how do u feel physically, i really do feel terrible every muscle, an bone in my body aches, my brains mushed an i not even stopped? i have had terrible tendonitis in my hands an feet , any 1 have any ideas on this, some1 joked that i had gout, im unsure what gout is an y u get it, i hope u carry on beliving in yourself , i think u will make it xx
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                          4 every up there sure is a down!

                          Keep working at it Rachel and you are doing so great at cutting down. We'll be here for you.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            4 every up there sure is a down!


                            Hey, I know what you mean about cutting down. Its not easy. Matter of fact, it can be pretty darn hard. I wan't to get there too. Somewere, along the line, we all go a bit crazy. I wish I had answers for you.
                            where does this go?


                              4 every up there sure is a down!

                              r u still drinking the same amount,or cut down, i dont think there is an answer is there, i have only realised 2day just how much of my life is focused on when i can have a drink, most of it, i even thought about gettin one of those caps,, u remember the novelty 1s wiv 2 can holders an straws on !!! i would get much more done, its hard doin anything wiv can in your hand ey!
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

