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4 every up there sure is a down!

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    4 every up there sure is a down!

    I feel fine without the booze physically Rachel, but am psychologically dependent, so find the cravings difficult to deal with in the evenings when I would normally have my wine. Drank only(lol) 9 units a night, but was still terrified I would have terrible withdrawal symptoms if I stopped suddenly...........wasn`t so and I just cut my consumption to half my usual for 2 nights, then went AF. Am doing O.K. Think best way is to cut down first, especially if you`ve been drinking real heavy. That way you should only have to cope with the psychological craving, like me, if you have a go at AF.

    Starlight Impress


      4 every up there sure is a down!


      You've been drinking like this for a while, it's a habit..a ritual. It's not going to go away over night. Any progress you make, is very good progress. One can still in the fridge, it better than one empty can in the trash. You have to wean yourself off of this.. I can't go cold turkey. A glass or two every now and then, then once the craving is gone I go to bed. If it's still there, I drink so much milk, OJ and anything else that the feeling for anything else goes's hard. We know.


        4 every up there sure is a down!

        morrison;148943 wrote: Hey. I think I relate. But, you did makes me hungry for some mashed potatoes. Sorry for jokink around. We're here for you. I totally joke around when I'm in my worst way. But really, you know the mashed is the best. I'll be here if you need to chat. Extra buttern and milk Damn. I'm hungry again.
        And you, you are funny as hell.:H


          4 every up there sure is a down!

          Good job cutting back. Yes, your body will give you some trouble for a bit. It is not used to having less. Give it more of those yummy taters! Carbs will help out right now, candy bars would even help replace some of the sugar your body is missing from the alcohol. Just keep at it and let us know how you are doing. Drink lots of water. By the way, what's on the menu tonight?????
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            4 every up there sure is a down!

            Rachel, 2 things. I know you are anxious to make fast progress and I have a HUGE amount of admiration for you and don't want to discourage you and I know I've said it already but it is damn dangerous for someone who has been drinking as much as u have for as long as u have to stop cold turkey cause you risk having seizures and worse. It is also probably not wise to cut down too fast. Just the fact that you can cut down at all is a sign of your incredible will power (I tried and never managed to cut much) but you have to listen to your body and if you feel really really bad, maybe you should slow the pace a bit.

            Or another idea, which I strongly urge, is that you go to your doctor (I know how uncomfortable this is and how you dread it, just like I did) and LIE about how much you are drinking. Actually, to make it easier, you can schedule an appointment for something else, like chronic headaches, and then in your consultation just casually mention that you feel you are drinking more than you should and you want to stop altogether but whenever you try to do it you feel lousy (suggest that maybe that's the cause of the headaches?) and also you heard it could be dangerous to stop when you have been drinking for so long. Say you have friends who have been prescribed medications short term to make it easier and less dangerous (you can name lorazepam-- there are others, too) and wonder if that might be something for you. What doctor could refuse a such a request -- he or she will view you as somebody who recognises a problem and is working to solve it.

            The medication is important for two reasons (I know I'm getting repetetive here!):

            1) It decreases the dangers of alcohol withdrawal
            2) It decreases the withdrawal symptoms, making them easier for you to bear and therefore making it MORE LIKELY YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.

            OK, I know I've gone on too long. But just gotta say again how much I admire you. Now go get a little help-- you deserve it.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              4 every up there sure is a down!

              it tkes me ages 2 find these posts i get carried away readin these posts, i want 2 stay an talk u guys, u make a lot a sense, but ive been AF(argument free!!) 4 a week, bf thinks im chattin 2 randy guys!!id best go bed. i took anti deppressants 4 a good while few yrs ago, i found the side effects terrrible but thinking bk beer an class a drugs prob never helped!! sayin that i had a FRIEND ho used 2 give me valium, i never took it regular. i have 2 admit 2 day i really felt t, i got 2about 12 an the sshakes kicked in, i been droppin crap everywhwere, custurd all in the microwave, !!! luckily no gravy on pensioners!! dr has a clue what i been like various times i have approached them, but gone bk 2 say all was fine, i guess i just chickened out a facing up2 it myself,i think i got 2, i physically cant do it, or mayb just not in my ead, i bought 4 pint cans 2 day drunk 2, after my 1 4 breakfast, then went pub after my 2nd job, i only had 2 pints, got home hid 2 cans then when bf sent me in shop i came out wiv 18 cans as well, i cant b trusted, mayb i need lockin up, bf been good tho, he not had many. think he has realised just what a mess im in, i jus hope he can stand me long enuf to sort thi, i dont want to loose him, but like he says im always runnin , i wish i cud run away from myself sometimes, thanks 4 yr encouragment, it mens so much, i can b honest an hopefully u dont all think im some bitch from hell, and u thought u went on beatle, !!!! i do appologise now if i ramble, only 2 beers left, plus my hidden extras, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                4 every up there sure is a down!

                me again!!!!! i have had a test 4 arthritus as i keep gettin tendonitus that was yr ago, so im sure if i went drs they wud not b supprised, prob me makin excuses AGAIN! no arthritus but they found high enzymes in liver test, that sounded scary enuf 4 me, i know i got 2 go, but dont want anti depresants, im sure they make me loopier, if poss , got 2 appologise 4 bad spellin i keep tryin to do touch typin, then remember im not a typist!! keep hittin wrong keys night to u all an happy thoughts an bit a lovin 2 u all, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

