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October Army 2016

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    Send him round here.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      And here

      Mines just brought me hot x buns. I love him


        Originally posted by starty View Post
        And here

        Mines just brought me hot x buns. I love him
        Now Starts - love is a strong word - be careful :haha:


          Originally posted by starty View Post
          And here

          Mines just brought me hot x buns. I love him
          Where do you get hot cross buns in October............tell me now before I get the Iron Maiden out.

          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
            Send him round here.
            will you pay Ryanair flight - including baggage for hoover ?


              10.45 and no Mers - hope she's recovered from her tummy bug :hug:


                Think I heard Molly parking her broomstick .......

                (runs away)

                Last edited by satz123; October 23, 2016, 04:50 AM.


                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  Now Starts - love is a strong word - be careful :haha:
                  Ya dead right Satz. I must be careful and not too free with my affections.....
                  He is now taking me shopping and has offered to buy me a I will hold fire till the cash is handed over :thumbsup:


                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    Where do you get hot cross buns in October............tell me now before I get the Iron Maiden out.



                      Originally posted by mollyka
                      Morning -- welcome back old new people!
                      Morning Ms Molly


                        Just got lost in the world of Iron Maiden and it left me wondering how on earth did they ever father children with trousers that tight.

                        Good golly, its Miss Molly.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Happy Sunday Troopers!!

                          Well I never. I drop by the Army to say hello! and what do I see but Oney-bum and K-tabbers both posting. How wonderful to see old friends on this fine Sunday. :yay:

                          Oney, I remember you saying years ago that you only drank on the weekends but all week long your mind was on how long before Friday evening til you could have your first glass of wine and that the reason you stopped was to free your mind from those constant AL thoughts. Looks like you're doing it again. Well done! So very good to see you. Please give hugs to those darling kids of yours. I still remember them making me a Christmas card - addressed to Auntie Stirly. :heartbeat: Your son must be quite the young man by now and I bet your girlies will be breaking hearts soon with those big expressive eyes of theirs. :love:

                          Ktab - we've all been here for years and years and we all know what it takes. How about you start hanging out in the barracks for a while. You know the routine, you know what you need to do, maybe hanging out with the ladies (and Mick) will give you a bit of the inspiration you need to get that monkey off your back. I can truly say that at the tender age of 64, having booted Al's butt to the curb just over a year ago, that I haven't had this much energy and stamina since I was 50. Getting and staying sober is absolutely the best thing I have ever done for myself. You've done it before, you can do it again. Keep in mind how much better you felt both physically and mentally. Let that be your goal. We have all had our weak moments, or months, for whatever reasons but we truly can turn things around. Stick close to MWO as you did before and I know you can do it.

                          Hello!!! to everyone!
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Yo there, Stirls.
                            Should be watching that from behind the settee, Molls.
                            I'd better get moving. Got the locks to bleach and mince and dumplings to make.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Mornin' again. Hope all who weren't feeling quite up to par are feeling much better!!

                              Molls, that Trump is a, well, words fail me. But frankly, that Hillary isn't much better, IMVHO. After all, she was already President for 8 years. No doubt who wore the trousers in that family. Specially seein' as her husband couldn't keep his on....
                              Edited to add: Personally, I think this is definitely a no-win situation all round. There must be SOME other people in the whole of the United States who are capable of running the country. It is just unfathomable to me that in the presidential race in the US that one of the candidates is counting on fanatics to elect him and the other is probably going to get elected more because she is a woman rather than for her capabilities. Very sad. Lord help us all. I don't usually spout my political beliefs on here but when we're talking about the president of the US who, in reality is the head of ALL the nations in the world, it is something that will affect us all, no matter what continent we live on or what country we live in. Stepping down off my soapbox....

                              Now where are Oney and Tabbers??

                              Starty, I would LOVE some hot-cross buns. Oh my. You can't buy them here in Greece. Only way to get them is to make them yourself and I am defo not talented in that kind of cooking/baking.

                              Off to buy a couple of things I forgot at the supermarket yesterday. Maybees catch up with youz laterz. We've got a birthday party later for Peter who will be 6 on Tuesday. So looking forward to it.
                              Last edited by stirly-girly; October 23, 2016, 06:31 AM.
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                                yeah Mers. Happened to me a few times. No vomiting just sick stomach.
                                Ginger nut bickies .....
                                Im better thanks Satz!! slightly annoyed that not a pound down:furious:
                                Up since the crack of dawn, kids off this way and that - I opted for the football match, still defrosting.
                                This full time work is making my weekends very 'intense man'.. ah well, could be worse, I could have a hangover!

                                Sounds like your on the mend a bit Molly?? Stirly you are spot on with your rant there, interesting times ahead.

                                Great to see you Tabbers.. With everyone coming back, its proof that we have to keep the Army alive for ever and ever!

                                Jacks - hope you make good use of MrS!
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

