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October Army 2016

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    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    Nope. Not cravings but anxiety was very much part of my drinking. Its all to do with low blood sugar,anxiety, hunger and add little sleep might lead to one.
    Ah ok.. yes lack of sleep is the root of a lot of things. My first memory of hiding bottles of wine 20 years ago, was down to not sleeping.
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Originally posted by IamMary View Post
      I don't envy you Starty. Have you considered another job? That environment would damage anyone.

      I absolutely miss part time, mostly being with the kids. Every evening is slightly bonkers (except tonight cos we are not running!) and the youngest hates me not being there every morning and has been very clingy. On the upside, MrM is enduring the morning stress now!
      I'm close to work though and we are getting there after a few hiccups (day 2 my mother forgot to mind them, lunches too small/too big/too something else etc etc).
      The problem for me is it is a really good co to work for, lots of benefits but I am not sure how long I can take the stress. I am thinking of reducing hours in 2 years and that is keeping me going.

      There is a girl here who has 2 young ones and she is a single mother. She is not coping well with full time and is racked with guilt about working and then being knackered. I really feel for her. Another one often in tears......God it is just a mass flood in at work

      Do you run every night???


        Originally posted by starty View Post
        The problem for me is it is a really good co to work for, lots of benefits but I am not sure how long I can take the stress. I am thinking of reducing hours in 2 years and that is keeping me going.

        There is a girl here who has 2 young ones and she is a single mother. She is not coping well with full time and is racked with guilt about working and then being knackered. I really feel for her. Another one often in tears......God it is just a mass flood in at work

        Do you run every night???
        No, 3 times a week usually. Not giving that up, its my sanity and its quick.

        Any chance the company will offer redundancies at some stage?

        Are the company not addressing some of these issues??
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Originally posted by IamMary View Post
          No, 3 times a week usually. Not giving that up, its my sanity and its quick.

          Any chance the company will offer redundancies at some stage?

          Are the company not addressing some of these issues??
          Good on you for the running. I am only going out once a week just now. Also I have hurt my hip. But its the dark evenings that are putting me off.

          No, way too busy, its a growing company and has doubled in size since I got there. I am a complaints manager and have a team so managing them is always going to be stressful. Yes they are trying, we have just spent an absolute fortune on employing a head of dept who will be my boss. I have not really had a boss for ages (except co director) and that means no support. She starts end of Jan,. Things SHOULD improve a bit then.


            Fingers crossed for you Starty. Hopefully in the new year it'll get easier.
            Saying night night, lovelies.
            And a ................

            for all threads not just the Army.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Hang in there Starty. V hard when theres stress in the air - whether your stressed or laid back, the work will still be the same, if you can get your head agree to the latter behavior :happy2:.

              Lovey hug Jacks, enjoy your pampering, you might make your man with the arse forget lyrics his at this rate!
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Morning all,

                Yep stress needs to be managed carefully. I treated myself to a lie in this morn. No dogging, nowt.

                How you feeling Molls?


                  I feel your pain molls. My hip is giving me gyp to the point of giving out every so often. Old I tell ya Old


                    Yep I think it is to do with that. I will not succumb either. Take me to the vets


                      Good morning Army!

                      Having a quiet day at work and have my one grandson to help me - Master Peter who just turned six on Tuesday. Delightful child and thankfully well-behaved.

                      Now ladies, speaking as an old-timer as far as back conditions go, here's a bit of advice. Get yourself some x-rays done to see where the problem starts from. I have two herniated discs in the lumbar part of my spine. Got so bad some years ago that I was limping. Several things contributed to the condition and there are several things you can do to improve/ease your condition if that's what it is but you need to get the x-rays done to see what the problem is and where it starts. Mine started with stiffness and giving out a bit in my left hip then I literally could not put weight on my left leg and was limping a lot so decided to finally go to the doc. The x-rays showed the herniated discs. Now I do not like doctors - dislike all of the shaggers, never go unless I absolutely have to. Their advice was taken as far as how to move and sit and stand but other advice was tossed out the window. No, I will not have physio and end up flat on my back in bed for a month, then walking with a P for another month as my neighbour did after physio, neither will I opt for surgery where the nitwit holding the scalpel nicks a nerve and I'm paralyzed from the waist down. Bugger me. Anyway, if it has to do with discs, you need to get some kind of anti-inflammatory med and it will help greatly within a few days. Also - be careful how you bend over to pick up things, make the bed, take the clothes or dishes out of a front-loading washer, etc., etc., In other words, avoid anything that puts stress and strain on your spine. That's where it all starts. It doesn't always start where the pain is - eg., hip, thigh, etc. Also, the way we sit - not cross-legged or slouched. Sit up straight with a good support behind your back. And no reaching for things on high shelves and no sitting or standing in one place for a long time - both put strain on the spine. I've had this for years and years but it is very manageable if you are careful. That is, if it has to do with your discs. I am a firm believer in the fact that many times we know a lot more about what ails us and what can help us by listening to our bodies instead of a doctor. The orthopedic surgeon I went to to authorize my x-rays had the most uncomfortable sofas I've ever sat on in his waiting area. If you didn't have a back problem when you went there, you'd have one before you left. Shagger...

                      Waving to all who will drop by later and hope you all have a lovely day. Cloudy and rainy here in Athens but there's a 3-day weekend coming up so I don't think many are complaining. Better to rain today and get it over with. Have a ripper as Mr. G would say!!
                      Last edited by stirly-girly; October 27, 2016, 05:13 AM. Reason: spelling
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Morning lovelies,

                        If it was me a big fat, tubby YES.............not raw alcohol in fact I don't like cooked off ( is that the right word) alcohol . I've actually asked in restaurants if the alcohol is cooked off. I was determined to go AF..............would it set off a craving I'm not sure but tbh I wouldn't take a chance.

                        Years ago there was a discussion about AF beer and wine and I happened to have a de-alcoholised wine in the garage. Thought I'd have a go ............dunno if it was the combination of taking the cork out, getting a glass down, the taste but it set off the biggest craving.........had the most horrible hour. That was about 5/6 years ago and I still remember it.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Originally posted by mollyka
                          yesterday -- was up in the kitchen at work on my teabreak -- one of my colleagues arrived in with a chocolate biscuit cake she'd made -- slathering and dribbling couldn't wait for her to slice it up -- one of the other staff took a great big bite out of it - says she 'omg it's gorgeous -- it's so moist' --- dunno WHAT made me pick up on that - but I asked her what made a chocolate biscuit cake moist.. a cup and a half of bailey's poured over at the last minute apparently -- obviously not safely cooked into it or anything -- just raw bailey's --- had a funny sort of feeling -- I was within an inch of putting it in my mouth -- now I don't suppose for one SECOND it would put me back hiding bottles of gin in the garage nor nothing -- but it would have felt so WRONG.... opinions?
                          Mmm, yes, I think it's fine if it's cooked out. We make a number of sauces in the Restaurant, 3 of which contain alcohol (a Whisky based one, a Brandy base, and another with a lot of red wine). These are all "cooked out" and the spirit ones are flamed so I have no issue with tasting them to ensure they're right if I'm cooking.

                          Also I'm on Antabuse and any alcohol is gonna make me sick and that doesn't happen with these.

                          I question whether the Baileys is just poured over as it would smell strongly of it and would be very obvious as it is clearly creamy etc.

                          Would it have put you back to day 1? I don't think so unless the cake had had Baileys literally poured over it after serving as a sauce... Also if it is less than 0.5% alcohol as a whole (the cake) then it is not Alcohol within the legal definition but that's just being "technical" and ignoring the risk.

                          Bottom line - If in doubt, don't do it!


                            Originally posted by mollyka
                            yesterday -- was up in the kitchen at work on my teabreak -- one of my colleagues arrived in with a chocolate biscuit cake she'd made -- slathering and dribbling couldn't wait for her to slice it up -- one of the other staff took a great big bite out of it - says she 'omg it's gorgeous -- it's so moist' --- dunno WHAT made me pick up on that - but I asked her what made a chocolate biscuit cake moist.. a cup and a half of bailey's poured over at the last minute apparently -- obviously not safely cooked into it or anything -- just raw bailey's --- had a funny sort of feeling -- I was within an inch of putting it in my mouth -- now I don't suppose for one SECOND it would put me back hiding bottles of gin in the garage nor nothing -- but it would have felt so WRONG.... opinions?
                            Well, Molls, IMVHO, eating something containing AL and having a drink are two different things. Some things with AL - white wine, for example, will improve the taste of a sauce or some food that it is marinated in. Brandy in Christmas cake gives it a richer flavour and the AL is cooked out of it. So, in my book, it's not ingesting AL if you eat some. However, if you'd eaten a piece of the cake knowing it had un-cooked AL in it or if you ate three or four pieces to get a buzz, then that's a different thing. It would be the same as having a drink, IMVHO. Of course, that is just my opinion and others may disagree entirely, as is their right.
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              I've got to dash off.........but I remember when I was much younger me and my brother biting into liquor chocolates to get the liquid inside. Although I can't remember if we ever got merry but I do remember my great-grandma getting the blame .
                              Orff to the nail salon.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009



                                I agree with Molly. This is a site, and thread within it, for people seeking help and friendship from others who have the same issue, ie alcohol addiction, and it is not an appropriate place for bickering and picking an argument.

                                The thing between you and molly dates back a number of weeks and your initial post today was clearly intended to be antagonistic.

                                Please don't do that on here!

