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One Step at a Time - October 2016
Seriously though - I hope that everyone is doing ok and having a good weekend.
Pauly - your family has been in my thoughts. How is Kell doing? I want you to know that even though we are here talking about other things, we love you. Anytime that you need to talk - we are all here for you.
It's been quieter lately. Not as many regulars posting as much. :uncomfortableness: It seems like so many of us are going thru some type of issue. I know the blankie fort has been in constant use all year. Anyway, I hope that I will be a more regular, helpful poster. I have to admit that the depression has been getting bad. I am so unhappy at my job that it is affecting my health. So, I am considering different options. I realize that I will not be able to stay there another 5 years. I'm even looking at Upwork to see if I can find some online/at home jobs. Maybe if I can get my foot in the door somewhere, it could lead to a real job. Oh well. Just wanted to explain what was going on with me. I know I haven't been around enough and I'm sorry. :heartbeat:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Liz - were you in a 5k today?
Mama - how did the next interview go?
Rusty - are you still in Detroit?
SK - what's new on your move?
Red, AG, TMH, Techie, MR G, Pav, NS, and everyone else - :huggers:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora,sorry about the depression, I have noticed you not being your chirpy self for a bit but you've got a lot on your plate and I think you worry about your mom and that probably adds to the melancholyhi Mr.G,work was ok today except one of my elderly regulars needed a cab so I called him one and he kept bitching about it taking forever, when we tried to explain they were on their way he just shooed us off saying"I can't hear you" drove us crazy so finally a customer went out and flagged one down thank goodness! I said he deserves free haircuts for life for saving our sanity haha,Kell didn't come over today, she said she was laying down I just hope she's not isolating herself, maybe she just needs time alone,hope everyone is having a nice day
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
I imagine that Kell is physically as well as emotionally hurting. How are things going for her at home? I know you said they don't get along sometimes. I hope that he is supportive."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Thanks Kuya. I will definitely check it out. I have been doing so much better. I was shocked to realize that I was slipping down into it again."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Pauly - I wouldn't worry just yet about Kelly isolating herself - maybe that's just what she needs to do at the moment. She'll obviously be grieving for quite a while and that's understandable. As long as she'll talk to you (even if just on the phone) and she's looking after herself and Louie everything should be OK.
Nora - I'm so sorry you're feeling down. Although I'm not quite as P***d off with my job as you are, I'm really not happy and would love to find something more rewarding, but I'm 55 and I've pretty much accepted that ship has sailed!
Hugs for you both
:hug::hug::hug::hug:There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues
I didn't come this far to only come this far.
Hi All,
I got home from Detroit last night and I was in condo association meetings all morning and into the afternoon. I am now watching "Presumed Innocent" for about the 15th time. LOL.
Nora-I am so sorry to hear that your depression is rearing its ugly head. I feel so badly for you. Nothing like being in a job where you're miserable all day long. I so feel for you. I had many jobs like that. It is just such a bummer to go to work every day. Are you on any medication for your depression? I was wondering if you might be deficient in B12. I take two B12 capsules every day and not only does it help my energy but it also helps my mood, too. I would definitely check out opportunities to work from home. I wouldn't have it any other way. I've been working out of my house since I was 38 years old and I don't know what I would do if I had to go back into an office every day and work with people I couldn't stand.
Pauly- I admire your strength and your positive mode and dealing with Kelly situation. It sounds like the elderly man you're dealing with today must have some kind of a mental disorder or maybe he's just cranky because he's old. You certainly deal was an odd cast of characters on a regular basis.
Great to see you Mr. G!! Thanks for popping in to say "Hello!"
Liz-Joe's Mom sounds like she is controlling and likes to meddle. I don't think you were being unreasonable at all.
Mama-when do you find out about the job?
Glassy-I am guessing you are glued to your lovely new granddaughter. :-)
Skendall-what are you up to this weekend?
Big hellos to anyone I missed. I hope we are all having a peaceful evening.
Ah - nice to see the posts.I have missed being here and connecting.
Rusty - I do take an anti-depressant (I stupidly stopped taking it several months ago but have been back on it for a couple months?) And, I have just had a battery of blood tests. Everything is perfect. The doctors were shocked. :rotlf: But, I do take B12 anyway. LOL
I've been lazy today. Working on something and then taking a break. I could have finished the dishes half an hour ago but I keep taking breaks. Ha, ha
Happy Saturday friends."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Hello guys. Nora. I did notice you weren't around as much and I was concerned. Glad you're addressing the issues and I hope something pans out for you. I can't even imagine looking for another job at our age. You just kind of get so far with benefits and salary, it's hard to start over again. I'm with rusty, I have taken B12 and have noticed it helps with my mood.
Pauly, you guys sound like you're doing ok. I think Kelly needs some time to mourn and isolate. I'm sure it's a way to cope. She knows you're there for her whatever and whenever she needs.
Glassy, you are so insightful. You always seem to know just the right thing to say!
Rusty are your autumn decorations up yet?
Yes, we ran a 5k today. It was for breast cancer, hence the pink hair! The sponsors were going around spraying everyone's hair pink. There was a little white poodle there who was sprayed pink too. So cute. It was cold and drizzling, but exhilarating to run in. I felt so good afterwards. We went wedding dress shopping this afternoon with CJ. That was exhausting. Every dress she tried on looked absolutely stunning on her. She did find one she really loved but she's going to hold off and look some more. Next week we will try and look at some venues and try and settle on a date.
Mama, Skendall, AG Aihfl and everyone else hope you're all doing well.
Glassie - that is my problem. I am going to be 58 next month. I'm not kidding myself that I'm going to find something at my age.
But, I also realize that continuing on like this is directly affecting my health. The doctors think that the pain I have been having all over is from stress. I used to love working there - the best boss in the world. But, with his daughter taking over, there have been so many issues. And, it goes back to the way she treats people."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15