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One Step at a Time - October 2016
Glassie - you made me laugh. It really is funny when I go to the 'weed' shop. They offer a senior citizen discount. Sometimes I'm the youngest one in line. :eek-new:
I had heard that it could help for fibromyalgia and nerve pain. But, I didn't seem to have any relief."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Oh my gosh - I am still avoiding my pile of papers. What is everyone else up to?
Liz - did you have a fun time? I hope so! How are your men folk? Are they feeling any better?"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
It's legal in WA state without prescription. We are getting winds from a typhoon in Japan - there is no land mass between our coast and Japan and 60 mph winds predicted. I bought 2 led lanterns in case power goes out. The weather produced a magnificent rainbow this afternoon - very wide and I could see both ends of the rainbow!Enlightened by MWO
Wow SK - that weather must be something. My brother is on the coast of Oregon but didn't get hit like you are. It's windy there but they are protected enough that it helps.
How special about the rainbow."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nursie - hope that you are feeling better when you read this in the morning. What are your plans for the day? Do you have some more emergency plans in place? I'll be around off & on most of the day so please come here and talk. So great that you managed to talk yourself out of all the little ways that alcohol monster tried to trick you. You KNEW that you didn't really want to drink even though you might not have realized it. So great job!!"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Good morning! Nora I love that you are chatting away here today! I find the whole weed thing interesting. I have never used it and I don't even know if it's legal here. Glassy is it legal on your side of the world? It sounds like you are planning a nice day for your mom. I know she will enjoy it.
Nursie, good job on not drinking! Going to bed with the book was a perfect solution. I hope you're feeling better today.
Nora, hubby is still not feeling well, actually worse I think. Thanks for asking, he went to the doctor today and got an antibiotic. I get that he doesn't feel well and honestly feel bad for him, but he is just being nasty! He had me close to tears yesterday. Lunch with my sisters was fun. It was a beautiful day and we walked and talked. One of my sisters gave me two Hummels for my birthday. I have started collecting them, like my mom.
We looked at another venue before lunch and before hubby's condition turned south. We really liked it, the price was right and I'll save you the details, but they are looking to get married now on Labor Day. This makes Erin upset as she is a teacher and is contractually obligated to be at work the day after. I was pretty upset about everything last night and just wanted to forget with a drink. I didn't, I excused myself to the bathroom and had a little cry. I have such a knot in my stomach. I feel kinda bad that I always come here and vent about me, thanks for letting me.
I, like you Nora will be around today and checking back in. Guess I'll keep chatting away too. Have a good one guys
Originally posted by NoraC View PostNursie - hope that you are feeling better when you read this in the morning. What are your plans for the day? Do you have some more emergency plans in place? I'll be around off & on most of the day so please come here and talk. So great that you managed to talk yourself out of all the little ways that alcohol monster tried to trick you. You KNEW that you didn't really want to drink even though you might not have realized it. So great job!!
I awoke at 3 am with a sudden dread (like I usually do if I had been drinking). But I realized I hadn't been drinking and I was so happy and relieved.
I definitely need some more emergency plans in place. Like handcuffs or something.Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
Reading back a bit to catch up.
It's so nice to see everyone!
Marijuana helped me through the worst of my chemo days. I only used it then but I was very appreciative that it helped me with my bone pain, vomiting and depression. Helped calm down my nerves from all the steroids.
I'm going to a family AA meeting today in a nearby town. I'm also cleaning my storage room and going grocery shopping for the week. Should be a great day!
Unhung and ready for fun!!
Hugs to all. It feels so good to come in from the cold and still have a family here.Day 1 again 11/5/19
Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
11/27/19: messed up but back on track
12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track
One day at a time.
Hello everyone, finally got my 2015 taxes off in the mail yesterday. I got a threatening notice from either the IRS or about my subsidy being discontinued if I don't file by Oct. 15 (I filed a 6 month extension). It has already been yanked once this year so these people don't play around. When it was reinstated, it was not reinstated retroactively. All I can say about Obamacare is it was better than the way things were, but as a mentor of mine used to say, "better than shitty is still bad."
I also got my absentee ballot off in the mail at the same time. Florida elections are chaotic even without candidates encouraging threatening and disruptive behavior at polling places, so I'm glad my vote is already banked. We don't even have to pay for postage anymore.
Nursie, medical mj is back on the ballot again in Florida. It only failed by a margin of 3% last time and that was without any advertising from the pro-MM camp. It also doesn't help that the main mouthpiece for MM in Florida is an unlikeable, alcoholic, ambulance chasing trial attorney. I think it will sail through this time, especially given that the wording is much, much more restrictive than it was in 2014. I used to bake brownies for my father while he was undergoing chemo for his Non-Hodgkins lymphoma because the Zofran he was prescribed made him even sicker and more out-of-it.
I had a brush with drinking memories Friday on my drive to the movie theater. I drove past this business hotel I used to hole up in while drinking to get away from the ex-wife. It was so visceral, I could even taste the cheap wine and feel the gag reflex. The nice thing is that with the passing of time, these incidents don't stick.
I hope everyone had a good weekend.Last edited by aihfl; October 16, 2016, 11:29 AM.First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb
Morning, and good job Nursie. Unless it's later today, the storm never happened! It was windy, but not 50-60 mph winds and it rained but didn't flood. Don't know that I'll need the 2 lanterns, but will hang on to them.
Re the marijuana, I think I got the wrong kind, because after it wore off, I was despondent. It makes me glad that it helped you, Nursie.
I mentioned on the daily thread about my son who is a professional sommelier and his recent achievement. I sometimes wonder if he will develop an addiction and if that's the case he would have to leave his career. He is the one they call to decant wine when VIP's come to town. No point in worrying about what hasn't happened yet.
Does anyone watch CBS Sunday Morning? Jane Pauley has replaced Charles Osgood and I think she is doing well.
It is dark and rainy so today will be a couch day with the fireplace on.Enlightened by MWO
Hello everyone - well, the paperwork fairy didn't show up during the night to finish this. So, guess what I am doing this morning. :egad:
SK - glad you didn't get hit with a big storm.I don't watch the CBS Sunday Morning show. I got a few drips on my windshield this morning but that was it. We would love a good rain down here.
aihfl - glad you got your taxes mailed. I have my absentee ballot here to fill out but I have to read up on a few of the measures first."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Liz - absolutely come here to vent. You know that I do ALL the time. I'm sorry that Erin was upset about the date.
But, I'm really sorry that you are/were so upset. You want to take care of everyone and make everything perfect. :hug: But, you need to put you at the top.
I am a work in progress but I have been so much happier once I let go of some things. I was in tears a little bit ago just because I was letting hubby's mood get to me.So, I understand what you are saying. But, I am getting better at setting boundaries in some areas. We are giving Casey my Dad's old car. It's 20 years old but not a lot of mileage and he needs something to insure while his car insurance is going to be so high. My brother's friend has volunteered to drive it down from Oregon to California. I think they're crazy - the car has only been driven around town for the past 10 years. And only driven a couple of times in the past year. But, I said that's great if Dale wants to risk his life. And then was told repeatedly how safe it was. So, I let it go. But, yesterday my brother started talking to me about the registration, etc. I said that I wasn't involved in that & I would have Casey call him. Period. The end.
Oh - look how I turned this all about me.But, seriously, I can see how much if affects you when the people around you are not happy. I see, GREAT JOB on not drinking - crying is better than drinking. :heartbeat:
"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nursie - I know what you mean about waking up and that panicked feeling. Wasn't it wonderful to realize you hadn't had a drink?!? Some days were so hard that all I could do was go to bed. But, those days really do go away.
So, congratulations!! :hug:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15